توتر في أقسام الأسرى بسجن “النقب” بعد اقتحام قوات القمع قسم 22

قال نادي الأسير الفلسطيني: إنّ حالة من التوتر تسود أقسام الأسرى في سجن “النقب”، منذ صباح الثلاثاء، بعد أن اقتحمت قوات القمع “المتسادة” التابعة لإدارة السجون، قسم (22)، والذي يقبع فيه (60) أسيرًا.

وأضاف “نادي الأسير”: “إن إدارة السّجن وفي خطوة تنكيلية، أخرجت الأسرى من قسم (22)، لنقلهم إلى بقية أقسام السجن، إلا أن الأسرى ولمواجهة هذا الإجراء قاموا بإغلاق الأقسام، ورفضوا استلام وجبات الطعام”.

ولفت النادي، إلى أن إدارة سجن “النقب” صعّدت مؤخرًا من إجراءاتها التنكيلية بحقّ الأسرى وعلى عدة مستويات تتعلق بالحياة الاعتقالية، وذلك في محاولة لسلب المزيد من حقوق الأسرى.

يُشار إلى أن عمليات الاقتحام تُشكل جزءًا من السياسات الممنهجة التي تستخدمها إدارة سجون الاحتلال بحق الأسرى، بما يرافقها من عمليات قمع وعنف، ومنذ عام 2019، استعادة إدارة السجون استخدام الاقتحامات والتي وصفت على أنها الأكثر عنفًا منذ عدة سنوات.

الجدير ذكره، أن “المتسادة” قوات قمع يتم اختيارها من بين أفراد الوحدات الخاصة في جيش الاحتلال الإسرائيلي، ومن أبرز مهامها اقتحام غرف الأسرى وهم نيام لإرهابهم والاستيلاء على مقتنياتهم الشخصية، والاعتداء عليهم برشهم بالغاز المسيل للدموع، وضربهم بالهراوات وأعقاب البنادق.


“الصحافة اللبنانية” تستنكر فصل الوكالة الفرنسية نقيب الصحفيين الفلسطيني من عمله

استنكرت نقابة الصحافة اللبنانية، اليوم الثلاثاء، فصل وكالة الصحافة الفرنسية نقيب الصحفيين الفلسطينيين ناصر أبو بكر من عمله.

وانتقدت “الصحافة اللبنانية، ما “أقدمت عليه وكالة الصحافة الفرنسية من صرف تعسفي لنقيب الصحفيين الفلسطينيين الأستاذ ناصر ابو بكر بعد سنين طويلة من الخدمة بكل صدق وأمانة وإخلاص”.

وطالبت النقابة، وكالة الصحافة الفرنسي، “بعدم الخضوع للضغوط والابتزاز السياسي واتخاذ مثل هذا القرار المجحف بحق زميل كبير، ينقل بكل امانة للمحافل الاعلامية الدولية جرائم الاحتلال الاسرائيلي ضد الشعب الفلسطيني وضد الصحفيين الفلسطينيين”.

وختم البيان: “إن نقابة الصحافة اللبنانية تدين بشدة الفصل التعسفي للزميل ابو بكر من عمله، وتتضامن مع اتحاد الصحفيين العرب والاتحادات والنقابات كافة، بشجب هذا التصرف المشين الذي يتناقض مع حرية الاعلام وحقوق الإنسان”.

وكانت نقابة الصحفيين الفلسطينيين، أعلنت الإثنين، أن وكالة الأنباء الفرنسية، فصلت أبو بكر الذي يعمل مراسلًا لها، بعد خضوعها “لإملاءات الاحتلال الإسرائيلي”.

وعدّت النقابة، الفصل تعسفيّا، خاصة أنه يأتي “بعد أكثر من 20 عاما من عمل أبو بكر في الوكالة”.

وقالت: إن “هذا القرار جاء بعد حملات التحريض المتتابعة ضده، على خلفية مواقفه وعمله النقابي كنقيب للصحفيين، خاصة في ملف ملاحقة قادة الاحتلال وتقديمهم للمحاكم الدولية بسبب الجرائم والاعتداءات على الصحفيين الفلسطينيين”.

ودعت النقابة، وزارة الإعلام الفلسطينية، إلى “سحب اعتماد مكتب الوكالة في رام الله”.


“الاتحاد الأوروبي”: نبذل جهدنا لضمان وصول المساعدات العاجلة إلى غزة

أكد ممثل الاتحاد الأوروبي في فلسطين سفين كون فون بورغسدورف، إن الاتحاد الأوروبي والبنك الدولي والمؤسسات الدولية ننخرط في تقييم الأضرار في قطاع غزة.

وأضاف خلال مؤتمر صحفي عقده أمام برج الجلاء المدمر في حي الرمال (غرب غزة)، سنعمل أقصى جهدنا لضمان المساعدات العاجلة فيما يتعلق بالمأكل والمشرب والكهرباء والملجأ، وأعلنا عن منحة بحوالي 34مليون يورو لدعم قطاع غزة، هذه هي الخطوة الأولى”.

وشدد بورغسدوف على أن عملية إعادة إعمار قطاع غزة تتطلب رفع الحصار الإسرائيلي وتحرك الناس والبضائع بكل حرية من وإلى القطاع.

وتابع: “إذا أردنا إعادة إعمار غزة فيجب أن نتأكد ونضمن أنه يجب رفع الحصار عن القطاع، ويجب أن يتحرك الناس بحرية، ويجب أن تدخل البضائع إلى قطاع غزة بحرية مع إمكانية استيرادها وتصديرها، ويجب أن تدخل الاستثمارات من أجل إنعاش الاقتصاد”.

وأضاف بورغسدورف، “هناك مئات الأشخاص فقدوا مصدر رزقهم، وأكثر من 250 مواطناً فقدوا حياتهم هنا في غزة، من ضمنهم 66 طفلا و33 سيدة، حوالي 50% من الذين استشهدوا هم من المدنيين”.

وأضاف: “نفكر في آلية وكيفية دعم إعادة الإعمار ودعم جميع القطاعات الاقتصادية والأعمال، ودعم الأونروا، كما أن العمل مستمر في محطة تحلية المياه لتوفير مياه صالحة للشرب، وكل ذلك لا يساوي شيئا طالما كل عناصر الصراع لم يتم معالجتها”.


مرّة: مطالبات بتحقيق دولي في جرائم الاحتلال تسهم بوقف إرهابه ضد الفلسطينيين

قال رئيس الدائرة الاعلامية في حركة المقاومة الإسلامية “حماس” بمنطقة الخارج، رأفت مرة، إن المطالبات بفتح تحقيقات دولية بالجرائم التي ارتكبها الاحتلال الإسرائيلي في الأراضي الفلسطينية المحتلة، ستسهم في وقف الارهاب الإسرائيلي بحق الفلسطينيين.

جاء ذلك في بيان له، اليوم الثلاثاء، تعليقا على رسالة وقعها رؤوساء حكومات ووزراء أوروبيون سابقون للتحقيق بجرائم الحرب الإسرائيلية، تلقت “قدس برس” نسخة عنه.

وأضاف: “رسالة المسؤولين الاوروبيين هذه تتكامل مع جهود ومواقف أخرى لمحاكمة الاحتلال”.

وأكد أن محاكمة عاجلة للاحتلال “تساهم في أدنى شك في وقف إرهابه بحق الفلسطينيين خاصة في غزة والقدس”.

واعتبر مرّة، أن الرسالة خطوة ايجابية في إطار تحقيق العدالة للشعب الفلسطيني وللضحايا الأبرياء ولتطبيق القانون الدولي بحق المجرمين.

وأشاد المسؤول في “حماس”، بأي تحرك قانوني يؤدي إلى سوق مجرمي الحرب من قادة الاحتلال إلى المحاكمة العادلة .

وكان رؤساء حكومات ووزراء أوروبيون سابقون، وقّعوا رسالة تدعو للتحقيق في جرائم الحرب التي ارتكبتها قوات الاحتلال الإسرائيلي، بالأراضي الفلسطينية المحتلة، وفق ما نشرته صحيفة “الغارديان” البريطانية.

وعبّر رؤساء الحكومات والوزراء الأوروبيون السابقون عن رفضهم اتهام الجنائية الدولية بمعاداة السامية لتحقيقها في جرائم “إسرائيل”، وأكدوا رفضهم تقويض تحقيق الجنائية الدولية في الجرائم بالأراضي الفلسطينية، وفق ما أوردته الصحيفة على موقعها.

وثمن الموقعون على الرسالة، دعم الاتحاد الأوروبي لمحكمة الجنايات الدولية، كما رحبوا بقرار إدارة بايدن التراجع عن الأمر التنفيذي ورفع العقوبات التي فرضها سلفه دونالد ترمب على المحكمة الجنائية الدولية، واعتبروا الخطوة بمثابة تعزيز لمؤسسات العدالة الدولية ومعاييرها.

وفي 13 نيسان/أبريل الماضي، تفجرت الأوضاع في الأراضي الفلسطينية جراء اعتداءات “وحشية” ترتكبها شرطة الاحتلال ومستوطنون في القدس، وخاصة المسجد الأقصى ومحيطه وحي الشيخ جراح حيث يسعى الاحتلال لإخلاء 12 منزلا من عائلات فلسطينية وتسليمها لمستوطنين.

وردا على انتهاكات واسعة للمسجد الأقصى واعتداءات على المصلين داخله في 28 رمضان، الموافق 13 أيار/مايو الجاري، أطلقت فصائل فلسطينية في غزة عشرات الصواريخ على المستوطنات الإسرائيلية القريبة من القطاع.

وفي اليوم ذاته، شن الاحتلال عدوانا وحشيا على غزة، برا وجوا وبحرا، أسفر عن استشهاد 256 فلسطينيا، بينهم 66 طفلا و39 سيدة 17 مسنا، قبل أن ينتهي بالتوصل إلى وقف لإطلاق النار في 21 مايو.

وردت فصائل المقاومة بإطلاق آلاف الصواريخ على مدن إسرائيلية، ما أدى إلى مقتل 13 إسرائيليا وإصابة المئات.


Arctech Remained World’s 4th Largest Solar Tracker Supplier in 2020

SHANGHAI, June 1, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — Arctech, a leading manufacturer and supplier of solar trackers, fixed-tilt structures and BIPV systems, remained the fourth place in the global PV tracker market share rankings in 2020 with a market share of 8%, according to new data from Wood Mackenzie. The ranking is the recognition of Arctech’s industry-leading 1P and 2P trackers, as well as its quality services.

Source: Wood Mackenzie Power& Renewables

Wood Mackenzie’s new report shows that Arctech maintained strong momentum in China, India, the Asian Pacific region and the Middle East in 2020, and expansion in Latin America and North America also started to bear fruit.

According to the report, Arctech topped the ranking in the Asian Pacific region with a 35% market share, aided by the unparalleled leadership in the Indian solar market. The company maintained the number 1 tracker supplier in the region for three consecutive years.

Despite the pandemic disruption in India, Arctech struck a deal with one leading Indian developer to supply 1.7 GW of 1P SkyLine trackers to two projects in Rajasthan. In particular, the 860MW AEML solar power plant is the largest bifacial+tracker power generation project in India.

In the Middle East, Arctech rose to the second largest tracker supplier with a 33% market share, up a whopping 25% from 2019, according to Wood Mackenzie. The firm supplied 575 MW of SkyLine to the largest bifacial+tracker solar park in Oman last year.

Arctech ranked as the top tracker supplier in LATAM for the third year, and it continued to take the third spot in the Mexican market ranking in 2020. The sales momentum for Arctech’s signature 2P tracker, SkySmart II, remains strong in the region, especially in Chile, Colombia and Argentina.

The report notes that Arctech was still the unchallenged leader in China’s solar tracker sector, claiming a dominant market share of 46% in 2020.  The company delivered SkyLine to a 3.2GW solar park, the world’s largest solar PV plant in Qinghai province. Compared with some rivals who outsource manufacturing, Arctech boasts the combination of in-house product design, development and manufacturing, enabling it to have an edge in the cost-controllable production, quality control and delivery process.

“While the global solar market kept growing in 2020, we could still feel the impact of the pandemic. The fact that Arctech remained as the world’s fourth-largest tracker vendor justifies our global initiatives and highlights the competitiveness of Arctech’s trackers in the global market. The ranking speaks to our culture of innovation and technical leadership, and is also the result of our valued customer-first approach,” said Guy Rong, President of Global Business. “But we still have a long way to go. We will unwaveringly push ahead with the global strategy and continue to establish competitive strengths in the talent pool, supply chain, branding, service networks, among others. By pushing boundaries, Arctech is looking forward to building further on this success in 2021.”

Photo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1520070/1.jpg

Hikvision announces its Webcam debut

HANGZHOU, China, June 1, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — Hikvision, an IoT solution provider with video as its core competence, today announced the launch of its brand-new webcam products to the global market. The product family currently comprises four different series – Ultra, Pro, Live, and Value – designed for various scenarios and user groups, and with bespoke feature sets.

Hikvision webcams

According to industry analyst firms, the global live streaming market is expected to continue growing significantly the coming years. The increase in video streaming among citizens and businesses in all verticals is reported as the main driver for market growth, with content creators diversifying their material and activities, and connecting with audiences in new ways. In addition, complete and partial lockdowns during the COVID-19 crisis also positively impacted the live streaming industry.

To provide immersive video conferencing and streaming experiences, users need webcams that deliver high-resolution imaging and excellent-quality sound in a range of scenarios. Hikvision has designed and developed its new webcam range to meet this need.

Webcams for a range of applications and scenarios

Hikvision Ultra and Pro webcams for remote conferencing

The Hikvision Ultra series of webcams are specifically designed for remote conferencing. The highlight of this series is its PTZ control capability, which offers 5x optical zoom capabilities. This means that users can see meeting presentations or discussions without straining their eyes. Additionally, PTZ control allows users to pan across 330°, helping them adjust their viewing angle easily, without missing a thing.

Hikvision’s new webcam range also includes Pro webcams for remote conferencing. These are ideal for business professionals, offering an outstanding, immersive sound and video experience, with a sleek design and an elegant, anodized finish. Pro webcams offer an Auto Focus feature and built-in dual-microphone, ensuring that audio and video is always crystal clear during presentations, conferences, or group discussions.

Hikvision Live webcams for live streaming

The cube-shaped Hikvision Live series of webcams is designed for live streaming, eCommerce, and gaming applications. If a product is being presented in a live program, for example, the webcam view can be changed – both horizontally and vertically – thanks to magnetic mountings on all four sides of the casing.

These webcams also offer Sharp Auto Focus, which ensures that images of people and objects are sharp and clear at all times. Importantly, the webcams’ ‘touchable supplemental LED light’ feature enables users to adjust brightness in accordance with the surrounding environment.

Hikvision Value webcams for online education

The Hikvision Value series is our range of entry level webcams. These have a compact design, making them perfect for online education applications that connect school teachers and students.

The webcam comes with a built-in microphone, which incorporates advanced algorithms to reduce noise and improve sound quality. Its wide-angle lens provides maximum coverage, with no image distortion. This is particularly useful for teachers giving lessons in a classroom, where both the teacher and the blackboard, or wall-mounted screen, can be viewed clearly in a single frame.

Easy and flexible installation

All Hikvision webcams are driver-free, offering ‘plug-and-play’ installation via a standard USB interface. This allows users to begin conferencing or streaming in seconds.

All Hikvision webcams can also be flexibly mounted on users’ equipment, on tables, laptops, monitors, or tripods.

Importantly, Hikvision webcams are equipped with a dedicated PC-based client software, called HIKIN. Users can use this software for video previews, and to configure image and sound parameters. Notably, the webcams can be used with all the leading third-party conferencing platforms with video parameter configured using a simple drop-down menu.

Contact Hikvision for more details

All Hikvision webcams are delivered with a standard 2-year warranty, giving end users reliability and peace of mind.

To find out more about Hikvision webcams, and how they can meet your specific application needs, visit our product page, or contact us today!

About Hikvision

Hikvision is an IoT solution provider with video as its core competency. Featuring an extensive and highly skilled R&D workforce, Hikvision manufactures a full suite of comprehensive products and solutions for a broad range of vertical markets. In addition to the security industry, Hikvision extends its reach to smart home tech, industrial automation, and automotive electronics industries to achieve its long-term vision. Hikvision products also provide powerful business intelligence for end users, which can enable more efficient operations and greater commercial success. Committed to the utmost quality and safety of its products, Hikvision encourages partners to take advantage of the many cybersecurity resources Hikvision offers, including the Hikvision Cybersecurity Centre. For more information, please visit us at www.hikvision.com.

Photo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1521767/Webcam_news_banner.jpg


Former European officials condemn obstruction of ICC investigation into Israeli war crimes in Palestine

In an open letter, 55 former European officials, including prime ministers and foreign ministers, condemned obstruction of the International Criminal Court’s (ICC) investigation of Israeli war crimes in Palestine.

“We regret to see increasing attacks on the ICC, its staff and cooperating civil society groups. We witnessed with serious concern the executive order issued in the United States by former president Donald Trump and the sanctions designated against the court’s staff and their family members. Deeply worrying is now the unwarranted public criticism of the court regarding its investigation of alleged crimes committed in the occupied Palestinian territory, including unfounded accusations of antisemitism” said the former European leaders.

“It is well established and recognised that accountability for serious rights violations by all sides to a conflict is essential for achieving sustainable and lasting peace,” they added. “Where there is no accountability for grave human rights violations, it is the victims seeking justice and people longing for lasting peace who are paying the price.”

They added: “Attempts to discredit the court and obstruct its work cannot be tolerated if we are serious about promoting and upholding justice globally. We understand fears of politically motivated complaints and investigations. Yet we strongly believe that the Rome Statute guarantees the highest criteria of justice and provides a crucial avenue to address impunity for the world’s most serious crimes. Failure to act would have grave consequences.

“In this context, we stress the importance of all European governments firmly supporting the independence of the ICC and shielding the institution and its staff from any external pressures or threats. That includes refraining from public criticism of the ICC’s decisions, which could contribute to undermining the independence of the court and public trust in its authority.”

The former leaders concluded their letter by stressing that the ICC is a vital part of the rules-based international order. “Now more than ever, Europe must lead by example in protecting the court’s independence.”

Source: Palestinian News & Info Agency

Premier meets Kuwaiti counterpart as part of official visit to Kuwait

Prime Minister Mohammed Shtayyeh met today with his Kuwaiti counterpart, Sabah Al-Khalid Al-Sabah on an official visit to Kuwait during which they discussed the latest political developments and the ongoing Israeli violations against the Palestinian people.

They also discussed ways to promote joint cooperation in the best interests of both countries and the reconstruction of the devastated Gaza Strip.

Shtayyeh reaffirmed the need to find a political path conducive to the realization of the legitimate national rights of the Palestinian people, amid the growing international momentum towards the Palestinian cause, which returned to be one of the world’s top priorities.

Shtayyeh briefed the Kuwaiti minister on the financial and political situation and leadership’s efforts on the international level for the reconstruction of Gaza and to ensure the non-recurrence of another Israeli aggression on the strip.

For his part, the Kuwaiti minister stressed the need to promote joint cooperation between the two countries and to hold a joint committee meeting, affirming Kuwait’s continued support to the Palestinian people.

Source: Palestinian News & Info Agency

Shtayyeh discusses political developments with Emir of Kuwait

Prime Minister Mohammed Shtayyeh met today with the Emir of Kuwait, Sheikh Nawaf Ahmed Al-Jaber Al-Sabah, at Bayan Palace in the Kuwaiti capital, as part of his official visit to Kuwait.

Shtayyeh convened the Palestinian people and President Abbas’ greetings to Kuwait, its people, and leadership, praising Kuwait’s unwavering support to the Palestinian people and their cause, and emphasizing the depth of brotherly relations between the two countries.

Shtayyeh briefed the Emir on the latest political developments, particularly the ongoing Israeli violations against the Palestinian people, especially in Jerusalem.

He further briefed him on the efforts exerted towards achieving the national unity, mobilizing international support for reconstruction efforts in the Gaza Strip, creating a political track amid the gained-international momentum to end the occupation and establish an independent Palestinian state.

For his part, the Emir of Kuwait affirmed that the Palestinian cause was and will always be on the top of Kuwait’s priorities, stating that Kuwait will remain on the side of the Palestinian people until realizing their national aspirations and obtaining their independent Palestinian state.

Source: Palestinian News & Info Agency

President extends corona-related state of emergency for another 30 days

President Mahmoud Abbas today signed an order extending the state of emergency imposed in Palestine to combat the coronavirus outbreak for another 30 days, starting tomorrow, Wednesday.

The 30-day state of emergency was first imposed in March of last year and has been extended every month since then.

It gives the government powers to act to prevent the spread of the deadly disease, including imposing full lockdown and other strict measures.

Source: Palestinian News & Info Agency

Six people die of coronavirus in Palestine, 382 new cases recorded, and 143 patients recovered

Six people have died of the coronavirus disease in Palestine in the last 24 hours, 382 new cases were recorded, and 143 patients have recovered, today said Minister of Health Mai Alkaila.

She said in her daily report on coronavirus in Palestine that four people died in the West Bank where 31 new cases were recorded and 131 patients have recovered.

In the Gaza Strip, two people died, 351 new cases were recorded, and 12 patients have recovered.

Alkaila said 25 people are getting treatment in intensive care units, including four who are on ventilators.

She said that 97.7 percent of the people who contracted the disease since its outbreak in Palestine in March of last year have recovered, as 1.2 percent remain active, and 1.1 percent have died.

So far 290,790 people have been vaccinated against coronavirus in the West Bank and 39,364 people in the Gaza Strip, said the Health Minister.

Source: Palestinian News & Info Agency

Israeli forces demolish tents, seize solar cells near Hebron

Israeli forces today demolished a residential tent, two tents used for livestock and seized solar cells in the village of al-Samu, south of the occupied West Bank city of Hebron.

Rateb al-Jabour, coordinator of the Wall and Settlements Resistance Commission, told WAFA that the Israeli forces demolished the structures as well as seized solar cells under the pretext that they are located in an area that is classified Area C, which is under full Israeli military rule.

Palestinians are not allow to develop Area C without a permit from the Israeli Civil Administration, the name Israel gives to the body administering its military occupation of the West Bank, which is never granted.

Source: Palestinian News & Info Agency