مخطط لتهويد “حائط البراق” والمصادقة على حي استيطاني شمال القدس

طرحت شركة هندسية استيطانية مخططاً لتغيير شكل الجدار الغربي للمسجد الأقصى المبارك “حائط البراق”، على حكومة الاحتلال للموافقة عليه.

وأفادت مصادر مقدسية أن ‎شركة “هندل” الهندسية التي تتخذ من الولايات المتحدة مقراً لها، كشفت عن مخططات لتهويد الحائط الجنوبي الغربي للمسجد الأقصى.

وأوضحت أن هذه المنطقة تقع بين تلة باب المغاربة والزاوية الجنوبية الغربية للمسجد الأقصى المبارك.

وأشارت المصادر إلى أن عمليات التغيير في هذه المنطقة الواسعة جداً سيتم تخصيصها حسب المخطط لطقوس جماعة “نساء الحائط الغربي”.

ويتضح من التصميم الذي تم تسليمه للجنة الوزارية في حكومة الاحتلال أنه يتضمن ثلاث طبقات بمساحة 900 متر مربع، بتكلفة 40 مليون شيكل (نحو 13 مليون دولار).

ويمثل حائط البراق الجزء الجنوبي من السور الغربي للمسجد الأقصى، ويمتد من جهة الجنوب من باب المغاربة باتجاه الشمال إلى المدرسة التنكزية التي حولها الاحتلال الإسرائيلي إلى كنيس ومقرات أمنية، ويبلغ طوله نحو خمسين متراً وارتفاعه نحو عشرين متراً.

وتواصل سلطات الاحتلال مخططاتها في القدس المحتلة، في محاولة منها لبسط السيطرة الكاملة على المدينة المقدسة، وتنفيذ مشاريعها الاستيطانية الرامية لتهويد القدس وتوسيع المستوطنات وربطها ككتلة واحدة.

وفي السياق ذاته، صادقت ما تسمى “لجنة التخطيط والبناء” التابعة لبلدية الاحتلال في القدس، اليوم الأربعاء، على خطة لبناء حي استيطاني جديد في منطقة “عطروت” شمال القدس المحتلة.

وقالت القناة السابعة العبرية، إن “الحي الجديد يشمل بناء ما يزيد على ألف وحدة سكنية، إضافة لفنادق ومبان عامة”.

ولفتت القناة إلى أن الخطة تشمل أيضاً بناء مواقع تجارية، وسيكون البناء على نحو 1200 دونم.

وأضافت أن وزارة الاستيطان، قد بادرت لهذا المشروع واليوم صادقت لجنة التخطيط في بلدية القدس التابعة للاحتلال على المشروع.

ومنذ احتلال المدينة عام 1967، هدم الاحتلال أكثر من 2000 منزل في القدس، كما اتبع سياسة عدوانية عنصرية ممنهجة تجاه المقدسيين؛ بهدف إحكام السيطرة على القدس وتهويدها وتضييق الخناق على سكانها الأصليين؛ وذلك من خلال سلسلة من القرارات والإجراءات التعسفية والتي طالت جميع جوانب حياة المقدسيين اليومية.

Source: Quds Press International News Agency

السنوار يستقبل العمادي في غزة ويبحثان إعادة الإعمار

استقبل رئيس حركـة المقاومة الإسلامية “حماس” في قطاع غزة، يحيى السنوار في مكتبه اليوم الأربعاء، السفير القطري محمد العمادي ونائبه، وناقش الجانبان سبل التخفيف عن قطاع غزة وإعادة الإعمار.

وثمّن السنوار الجهود القطرية المبذولة لتحسين الأوضاع المعيشية في قطاع غزة، وأعرب عن شكره وتقديره لقطر أميراً وحكومة وشعباً.

من جانبه، السفير القطري أكد أن بلاده باقية على مواقفها عبر مواصلة تقديم المنحة الأميرية لقطاع غزة، وأن قطر ما زالت عند وعدها بإعادة الإعمار في قطاع غزة، وتعمل على تسهيل وصول منحة إعادة الإعمار.

وكان العمادي وصل في ساعات المساء المتأخرة من يوم الثلاثاء إلى قطاع غزة عبر حاجز بيت حانون في زيارة تستغرق عدة أيام.

وسيلتقي العمادي مع مسؤولين من السلطة الفلسطينية وكذلك الجانب الإسرائيلي، للعمل على حل قضية تحويلات أموال المتضررين من العدوان الإسرائيلي الأخير لتسلمها بشكل مباشر من خلال البنوك، وهو أمر يواجه صعوبات بسبب خلافات بين الأطراف المختلفة.

ومن المفترض أن يكون قد تم تحويل تلك الأموال منذ نحو أسبوعين، على أن يتسلمها المتضررون بشكل مباشر عبر البنوك الفلسطينية، إلا أنه بسبب الخلافات القائمة لم يتم صرفها حتى الآن.

وكانت قطر ومصر وقعتا منذ أيام اتفاقيات لتوريد الوقود ومواد البناء الأساسية لصالح قطاع غزة.

Source: Quds Press International News Agency

“حماس” تنعى وزير الأوقاف الأردني الأسبق رائف نجم

نعت حركة المقاومة الإسلامية “حماس”، وزير الأوقاف الأردني الأسبق رائف نجم، الذي توفي اليوم الأربعاء، في العاصمة الأردنية عمّان، واصفة إياه بـ”المجاهد”.

ولفتت الحركة في تصريح صحفي تلقته “قدس برس” إلى أن “نجم” قضى “بعد حياة حافلة بالجهد والبذل والعطاء، نافح خلالها باللسان والبيان والعمل عن قضية فلسطين، وعاصمتها القدس، التي ولد وترعرع فيها، وبقيت حاضرة في سويداء قلبه، شاغلة عقله وهمّه وتفكيره”.

وأضافت أن الفقيد “لم يهن، ولم يلن، وبقي متمسكا بحق الشعب الفلسطيني والأمة العربيّة والإسلاميّة في الأرض المباركة والمقدسات، حتى بلغه الأجل، وصعدت روحه إلى بارئها”.

وتابعت: بالمقدار الذي أحب فيه رائف نجم فلسطين والقدس، وعمل لها، وتفانى في خدمتها؛ فإن حبه للأردن الذي هاجر إليه، وعاش فيه أكثر من نصف حياته؛ لم يكن يقل عن حبه له، وكان دوره في عملية البناء والتطوير والتحديث فيه مشهودا ومعروفا، وهو ما أهّله لتولي مواقع رسمية وشعبية فيها، كان منها مواقع وزارية متعددة، بذل فيها كل جهد ممكن”.

و”نجم” هو أحد أبرز العاملين في مجال إعمار المسجد الأقصى، والمدافعين عنه من اعتداءات الاحتلال الإسرائيلي المتواصلة، وهو من أشرف على وضع مخططات ترميم قبة الصخرة المشرفة، ومخططات إعادة تأهيل البنية التحتية للمسجد الأقصى.

وشغل الفقيد منصب وزير الأشغال العامة في الحكومة الأردنية عام 1984، بالإضافة إلى توليه حقيبة الأوقاف والشؤون والمقدسات الدينية عام 1991.

وألّف الراحل نجم، عدة كتب وأبحاث، منها: كتاب “كنوز القدس”، و”نحو خطة عملية لإعمار المقدسات”، و”القدس خلال مرحلة الاحتلال الإسرائيلي”، “الإعمار الهاشمي في القدس”، وغيرها من الكتب والأبحاث التي تعنى بشؤون القدس والمسجد الأقصى، وعددا من المؤلفات الدعوية.

Source: Quds Press International News Agency

Wrapping up its worst year, Facebook escalates discrimination against Palestinian content

Sada Social Center, which specializes in protecting Palestinian narratives on social media platforms, monitored a major escalation against Palestinian content by the Facebook administration, which specifically targeted media pages and journalists’ accounts for covering the events in occupied Jerusalem.

In a new campaign against the Palestinian content, Facebook administration has closed and removed dozens of Palestinian pages and accounts belonging to media organizations and journalists. This campaign constitutes a flagrant violation of the principles of freedom of expression and journalistic work, and the right of the Palestinian public to access information based on sources and platforms they trust and doesn’t adopt the Israeli narrative hostile to its rights, which seeks to cover up the war crimes committed by the occupation.

The systematic violations by Facebook, which amount to an attempt to block Palestinian content, came at the end of a year considered the worst in terms of Facebook policies related to Palestine. Since the beginning of the year, there have been more than 600 violations against the Palestinian content by Facebook and Instagram, accounts, and pages, including more than 200 violations against media pages and journalists’ accounts.

In addition to the continued threats directed by Facebook against Palestinian users to close and delete their accounts, under the pretext of the necessity to comply with its biased standards against the Palestinians and their rights.

Despite the Facebook administration’s admission that it committed unjustified violations of Palestinian content, especially with regard to occupied Jerusalem and its events last May, its policy still adopts the same unfair and biased standards of the Israeli occupation on the matter.

What reinforces the concerns about the orientations of the Facebook administration regarding Palestine is the approval of platform’s representatives in several meetings with institutions concerned with digital rights in Palestine. Also, their adoption of an American list accusing most Palestinian parties and forces of terrorism. Besides, entering that list as a basic component in building the terminological lists and algorithms that constitute the basis for banning Palestinian content.

In addition to the data that Facebook accepts 90% of requests by the occupation authorities and the Israeli entities about Palestinian content, and the leaked lists of Palestinian terms and accounts banned on Facebook, which deserves an independent investigation, as it is related to the process of erasing information and facts about Israeli violations and crimes against the Palestinians, and preventing them from being documented or published.

Facebook administration’s continued availability of its platforms in the face of uncontrolled incitement by various Israeli parties against the Palestinians, and the adoption of standards against Palestinian content that satisfy this incitement, isn’t just a violation of the right of freedom of expression, and terms of use, but it’s considered to be a violation of the Palestinians’ rights in general. It’s also insulting to many users of this platform, especially in light of the increasing reports about the pattern of cooperation between Facebook and the Israeli occupation.

The review of policies, standards, and terminologies lists are no longer a sufficient measure to amend the damages caused and inflicted by Facebook policies on the Palestinians. It has become necessary to conduct an independent investigation into the file of violations and the policies of the Facebook administration, to reveal the arrangements it was involved in against the Palestinians, as a necessary introduction to subjecting Facebook and other policies from social networking sites and digital service platforms to human rights monitoring that ensures commitment to human rights.

Source: Palestinian News & Info Agency

Israeli municipality approves building of new settlement neighborhood north of Jerusalem

The Israeli West Jerusalem municipality’s Planning and Building Committee approved today a plan for the construction of a new settlement neighborhood in the Atarot area to the north of occupied Jerusalem.

The new settlement will spread over 1،243 dunums, and according to Israeli media outlets, the plan includes the construction of a commercial area.

Source: Palestinian News & Info Agency

Premier, foreign ministry condemn settlers’ attack against Palestinians

Prime Minister Mohammed Shtayyeh condemned the Israeli settlers’ attack that took place today in Ramallah and resulted in the injury of three Palestinians, including one seriously.

The premier called for the provision of international protection to the Palestinian people.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates also condemned the heinous crime committed by settlers today in Ramallah, holding the Israeli government fully and directly responsible for these crimes that mount to war crimes and crimes against humanity punishable by international law.

It denounced today’s attack as a direct consequence of the illegal settlement crime that expands and spreads in the occupied Palestinian territories with the planning, support, supervision, and protection of the political level of the occupation’s state.

The ministry called on the international community to declare settlements, settler organizations and their armed militias as a terrorist organization, and to place settlements on the list of terrorism, and to be treated as part of the systematic terrorism of the racist occupation state.

Source: Palestinian News & Info Agency

Israeli settlers open fire on Palestinian homes, attack cars near Nablus

Israeli settlers attacked today evening with live fire and stones Palestinian residents and their homes near the entrance to the village of Burqa, northwest of Nablus, in the northern occupied West Bank, according to a local activist.

Ghassan Daghlas, who monitors Israeli settlement activities in the north of the West Bank, said dozens of settlers sneaked their way into the village of Burqa, and opened fire on Palestinian homes.

Settlers reportedly opened fire at residents’ homes, spurring clashes with residents attempting to defend their homes.

Settlers further attacked Palestinian vehicles driving on Nablus-Jenin with stones, causing damages to several cars.

Source: Palestinian News & Info Agency

PM Shtayyeh hails Belgium’s decision to label Israel settlements’ products

Prime Minister Mohammed Shtayyeh praised today the Belgian government’s decision to label products manufactured in Israeli settlements in the occupied territories.

In a statement, Shtayyeh expressed his thanks and appreciation to the Belgian government for this step, “which expresses its alignment with the values of truth, justice and freedom, and its rejection of settlements in the occupied territories, as it is contrary to international laws and resolutions.”

Shtayyeh called on friendly countries to follow the example of Belgium in labeling settlement products, announce their condemnation of settlement expansion, and adopt policies that would curb the settlers’ increasing attacks on citizens.

Earlier in the day, the Belgian government decided to mark the goods of the Israeli settlements, by placing clear labels on the products, clearly indicating that they were produced in Israeli settlements that are built on the occupied Palestinian territories.

Source: Palestinian News & Info Agency

Indian Cultural Week in Palestine

As part of Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav, 25 years of India-Palestine Relations and Bethlehem of Capital of Arab Culture, Representative Office of India and Ministry of Culture, Government of Palestine in association with Indian Council for Cultural Relations-ICCR are organizing “Indian Culture Week in Palestine” from 24th to 29th November 2021.

The Cultural week includes photo exhibitions on Indian freedom fighters, workshops, yoga sessions, and dance performances by the renowned Indian Dance Troupe Anveshana with their performances that create images through movement arising from introspection. The aesthetic vision of members has given the company a unique personality characterized by fluency, physicality, and poetry contained in each one of their works.

The Indian Cultural Week events will be organized in the cities of Bethlehem, Jericho, Nablus and Ramallah, said a press release issued by the Representative Office of India.

Indo-Palestinian relations are historic and deep-rooted. In addition to the India’s strong and unwavering political support to Palestine, India continues to support Palestine in various fields including fields of education and culture. Under the Government of India Programs of ITEC and ICCR, hundreds of Palestinians have received their education and short-term training in various Indian academic establishments. Due to diversity of Indian culture, arts, yoga, dance, music, and cinema, enjoy immense popularity in Palestine.

As we celebrate India’s 75 years of Independence, and as part of Azadi ka Amrit Mahostav, several cultural activities, including film screenings and photo exhibitions have been organized by the Representative Office of India in various Palestinian cities and received immense popular support and participation.

Source: Palestinian News & Info Agency

Three Palestinians injured, one critical, in Israeli settler attacks in the occupied West Bank

Three Palestinians were today injured, one of them reported in critical condition, in Israeli settler attacks on their vehicles in the occupied West Bank, according to local sources.

They told WAFA that settlers threw rocks and smashed the windshield of a car driven by a Palestinian from Nablus on a road north of Ramallah causing the car to overturn.

The driver was critically injured and had to be flown to hospital while his son, who was in the car, received moderate injuries.

Another Palestinian was injured in a separate incident when settlers attacked his car near the village of Duma, south of Nablus, shattering the car windows.

Yesterday, a 15-year-old girl was also moderately injured when settlers attacked a car she was in on a northern West Bank road.

Israeli settlers have intensified their attacks against Palestinian commuters on West Bank roads, causing damage to many cars and threatening the life of the commuters.

The attacks occur under the eye of the Israeli soldiers, who are present in large numbers throughout the occupied West Bank. Settlers have also attacked Palestinian villages.

Source: Palestinian News & Info Agency

Palestine’s trade deficit down by 5% in September compared to August and reaches $400m – PCBS

The Palestinian trade balance, which represents the difference between exports and imports, showed a decrease in trade deficit by 5% in September compared to August, while it increased by 22% compared to September 2020, and reached $400.2 million, today said the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics (PCBS).

Exports decreased in September by 19% compared to August, while they increased by 16% compared to September 2020 and reached $111.9 million, said the PCBS.

Exports to Israel decreased in September by 21% compared to August representing 91% of total exports in September.

On the other hand, exports to other countries increased by 10% during the same period compared to August.

Imports decreased in September by 9% compared to August, while it increased by 21% compared to September 2020 and reached $512.1 million, added PCBS.

Imports from Israel decreased by 1% in September compared to August, representing 60% of total September imports.

At the same time, imports from other countries decreased by 18% compared to August.

Source: Palestinian News & Info Agency

A delegation of 20 European diplomats arrives in Gaza to inspect the situation in the besieged enclave

delegation of 20 European diplomats arrived this morning in the besieged Gaza Strip to inspect the situation there, reported WAFA correspondent.

Shadi Othman, the spokesman for the European Union office in Jerusalem, told WAFA that this is the largest European diplomatic delegation to visit the Gaza Strip at one time.

The purpose of this two-day visit, he said, is to see firsthand the developments in Gaza and to send a political message that it is important to lift the blockade imposed by Israel since 2005, end the intra-Palestinian division and achieve unity in a way that would allow the Palestinian government to fully carry out its duties in the Gaza Strip.

The delegation is going to meet with representatives of various sectors to hear from them about the latest developments in the Gaza Strip and the current situation and will include a visit to strawberry farms in Beit Lahiya and Sudaniyeh neighborhoods in the north of the Gaza Strip and a meeting with the producers, a visit to the water desalination plant in Deir al-Balah in the central Gaza Strip, and a visit to Rafah crossing with Egypt and Karm Abu Salem (Kerem Shalom) commercial crossing with Israel, as well as the fishermen port, said Othman.

Source: Palestinian News & Info Agency