‫منصة التحقق من الهوية الأفريقية الرائدة، Smile Identity، تجمع 20 مليون دولار في جولة التمويل من الفئة B لتتوسع في عموم إفريقيا

لندن، 15 فبراير 2023 / PRNewswire / — أعلنت Smile Identity ،  المنصة الرائدة في مجال التعرف على العملاء والتحقق من الهوية في أفريقيا، عن الانتهاء بنجاح من جولة تمويل من الفئة B ، حيث جمعت 20 مليون دولار. بقيادة  Costanoa  و Norrsken22 ، وبمشاركة من Commerce Ventures و Courtside Ventures و Two Culture Capital و Valuestream Ventures و Intercept Ventures و Latitude و Future Africa و500 Fintech . Lexi Novitske  من Norrsken22 ستنضم أيضًا إلى مجلس إدارة Smile Identity كجزء من السلسلة B . وبذلك يصل إجمالي تمويل Smile Identity إلى 31 مليون دولار، بما في ذلك 7 ملايين دولار تم جمعها في جولتهم التمويلية من الفئة A في عام 2021.

ستستخدم Smile Identity التمويل من جولة السلسلة B لتوسع منتجاتها وفريقها الهندسي، ولتسريع تطوير وتخصص القياسات البيوميترية التي تعمل بالذكاء الاصطناعي، والتحقق من الوثائق، ومكافحة الاحتيال وحلول الامتثال المصممة خصيصًا للأسواق الأفريقية. وتعمل الشركة على تطوير فرقها الحالية في شرق وغرب وجنوب أفريقيا واستكمال وصولها إلى عموم أفريقيا مع خطط لدخول الأسواق الناطقة بالفرنسية والعربية من خلال المبيعات والدعم المحلي. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، ستواصل الشركة العمل عن كثب مع المنظمين وسلطات الهوية لبناء معايير موافقة المستهلك في البرامج، وإنفاذ قوانين حماية البيانات الأفريقية، وتبادل البيانات حول اتجاهات الاحتيال والشمول المالي.

وقال  Mark Straub ، المدير التنفيذي والمؤسس المشارك لـ Smile Identity : “نعتقد أن غالبية الناس أمناء. التحدي في العصر الرقمي هو إثبات ذلك، بغض النظر عن الكيفية التي يتقدم بها المستخدم – سواء عبر الوكلاء أو التطبيقات أو الأجهزة اللوحية أو الويب أو البلوكشين أو النماذج الورقية”.

 ويسعدنا أن نحصل على دعم شركائنا ومستثمرينا ونحن نحل هذه المشكلة عبر بطاقات الهوية والأجهزة وأنظمة الامتثال لنضمن أن يكون الأفارقة من بين المستهلكين الأكثر ثقة في العالم”.

منذ جولتهم التمويلية من الفئة A ، أكملت Smile Identity 50 مليون عملية فحص لهوية العملاء لمئات الشركاء في جميع أنحاء القارة الأفريقية، مما ساعدهم على توسيع نطاق أعمالهم من خلال التقليل من الاحتيال وضم عملاء جدد بسلاسة. تقدم الشركة تغطية عالمية بمنتجها الذي يتحقق من المستندات وقد أضافت حل التحقق من الأعمال أو “اعرف عملك” ( KYB ) إلى عروضها. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، توسعت Smile Identity في جنوب إفريقيا وأوغندا وافتتحت مكاتب في لندن وكيب تاون، مما يدل على التزامها بربط الأفارقة بالفرص العالمية.

تقود Smile Identity الطريق في التحول الرقمي في إفريقيا، حيث توفر هويات آمنة ويمكن التحقق منها للملايين. تحت قيادة المدير التنفيذي Mark Straub ، وفريق رفيع المستوى، وحضور فعلي في جميع أنحاء القارة، فإن شركة Smile في وضع يمكّنها من الحصول على حصة كبيرة من هوية أفريقيا المتنامية البالغة 1.5 مليار دولار وفرصة سوق التعرف على العملاء ( KYC ). من خلال تمكين القارة بأساس للمعاملات الآمنة، تقود Smile تبني الخدمات المالية وتشكيل مستقبل الاقتصاد الرقمي. –  Lexi Novitske”.

يتوسع الاقتصاد الرقمي بسرعة في أفريقيا، حيث يوجد بالفعل ما يقرب من 600 مليون مستخدم للإنترنت وهدف من الاتحاد الأفريقي للوصول الرقمي الشامل بحلول عام 2030. هذا يمثل فرصة هائلة لنمو الخدمات الرقمية والمالية التي تعمل بالإنترنت، ولكنه يجلب التحدي المتمثل في منع الجهات السيئة من التسلل إلى الأنظمة وتعريض بيانات المستخدمين والمال للخطر. ولمواجهة هذه التحديات، يجب على الشركات والمؤسسات ضم العملاء بسرعة وأمان مع الحفاظ على الامتثال للمتطلبات التنظيمية المعقدة والمتغيرة.

تُعتبر Smile Identity في طليعة الشركات التي تقدم حلولًا مبتكرة للتحقق من الهوية في العصر الرقمي. من خلال الاستفادة من خوارزميات التعلم الآلي الخاصة المصممة خصيصًا للأجهزة والوجوه ومصادر البيانات الأفريقية، تساعد Smile Identity الشركات والمؤسسات على التقليل من الاحتيال وضمان الامتثال مع متطلبات التعرف على العملاء ( KYC ). مع التكنولوجيا التي اعتمدتها بالفعل الشركات الرائدة في مجال الخدمات المصرفية، والتكنولوجيا المالية، والتعليم، والزراعة، والتجارة الإلكترونية، تلعب Smile Identity دورًا حاسمًا في مساعدة هذه المؤسسات على التحقق من الهويات الحقيقية لعملائها بثقة.

نبذة عن Smile Identity

Smile Identity هي الشركة الرائدة في مجال التحقق من الهوية في إفريقيا، والمزودة للخدمة الرقمية اعرف عميلك ( KYC ). نحن نساعد الشركات على التوسع بسرعة في جميع أنحاء أفريقيا من خلال توفير حلول رقمية لضم العملاء مع الامتثال لـ KYC مما تجعل من السهل التحقق من الهوية القانونية الحقيقية لعملائها. يتم تشغيل تقنيتنا بواسطة خوارزميات التعلم الآلي الخاصة المصممة خصيصًا للأجهزة والوجوه ومصادر البيانات الأفريقية.

لقد قمنا بتطوير حلول للتحقق من الهوية، والتعرف الرقمي على العميل ( (KYC ، وضم المستخدم، والمصادقة البيومترية، وإزالة البيانات المكررة، وفحوصات مكافحة الاحتيال. بدعم من كبار المستثمرين في جميع أنحاء العالم، تمكّن Smile Identity نمو النظم البيئية التكنولوجية في جميع أنحاء القارة الأفريقية مع توفير البنية التحتية لبناء الثقة عبر الإنترنت.

إذا كنت مهتمًا بمعرفة المزيد عن Smile ID ، فيرجى زيارة موقعنا على الويب  www.smileidentity.com . يمكنك أيضًا متابعتنا على  LinkedIn  و Twitter.

‫ تقدم شركة Virtuzone أول منشئ لخطط الأعمال في المنطقة مدعوم بـ ChatGPT من شركة OpenAI

·  أطلقت شركة Virtuzone خطة SWYFT ، وهو أول برنامج لإنشاء خطط الأعمال في المنطقة مدعوم من شركة OpenAI .

·  تسمح خطة SWYFT لأصحاب المشاريع بوضع خطة عمل “أفضل الممارسات” في أقل من 10 دقائق.

·  ينشئ منشئ خطط الأعمال المدعوم بالذكاء الاصطناعي خطط أعمال تتوافق مع المتطلبات التي وضعتها سلطات المنطقة الحرة والبنوك في الإمارات العربية المتحدة.

·  خطة SWYFT هي حاليًا في مرحلة الاختبار التجريبي وهي مجانية للاستخدام. يمكن للمستخدمين المهتمين الآن التسجيل في swyftplan.com  .

  دبي، الإمارات العربية المتحدة، 15 فبراير 2023 / PRNewswire / — أطلقت شركة Virtuzone المختصة في إنشاء الشركات الرائدة في دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة ومزودة خدمات الشركات الحائزة على جوائز، خطة SWYFT ، وهو منشئ خطط أعمال مؤتمت مدعوم بـ ChatGPT من شركة OpenAI للسماح للمستخدمين بإنشاء خطة عمل كاملة في أقل من 10 دقائق.

The AI-assisted business plan builder generates business plans that satisfy the documentation requirements for setting up a business or opening a bank account in the UAE.

صُممت خطة الأعمال المدعومة بالذكاء الاصطناعي لدعم وتعزيز ريادة الأعمال في دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة، وهي تضع خطط عمل تتوافق مع المعايير والمتطلبات التي وضعتها سلطات المنطقة الحرة والبنوك في الإمارات العربية المتحدة.

اعتبارًا من الآن، تعد خطة SWYFT من Virtuzone أداة إنشاء خطط الأعمال الوحيدة في العالم الذي يحركها الذكاء الاصطناعي.

تمت برمجتها لتسهيل الأمر على رواد الأعمال، وخاصة أولئك الذين لا يتحدثون اللغة الإنجليزية كلغة أولى، لإنشاء خطط أعمال مصممة بشكل احترافي وصحيحة نحويًا ومفصلة تلبي متطلبات التوثيق لإنشاء شركة أو فتح حساب مصرفي في الإمارات العربية المتحدة.

تدمج خطة SWYFT من Virtuzone محولات الدردشة التفاعلية والمبتكرة ( ChatGPT) ، والتي تطرح على المستخدمين بعض الأسئلة وتنتج خطة عمل مفصلة بناءً على الإجابات المقدمة.

من خلال إدخال كمية صغيرة من البيانات في خطة SWYFT و ChatGPT ، مثل اسم النشاط التجاري والأنشطة والمعلومات الأساسية للجمهور المستهدف، سيقوم منشئ خطط العمل المدفوع بالذكاء الاصطناعي بإنشاء ملخصات تنفيذية وتحليلات السوق واستراتيجيات التسويق والخطط المالية والميزانيات والأوصاف من المنتجات والخدمات، من بين الأقسام الأساسية الأخرى.

قال جيف راب، الشريك المؤسس لشركة Virtuzone : “نشأت فكرة خطة SWYFT من التزامنا بالاستجابة للاحتياجات الفريدة لعملائنا ورواد الأعمال الذين يرغبون في القيام بأعمال تجارية في البلاد. من خلال تقديم خطة SWYFT لعملائنا وجمهور أكبر، نأمل في إزالة عقبة أخرى يواجهها الأشخاص في رحلتهم الريادية وجعل العملية سهلة وسلسة قدر الإمكان”.

 قال داميان برينان، رئيس التسويق في Virtuzone : “يعد إطلاق خطة SWYFT جزءًا من استراتيجيتنا الشاملة للتنويع في إنشاء برامج وأدوات لرواد الأعمال الذين يستغلون قوة الذكاء الاصطناعي. نحن نرى إمكانات كبيرة في دمج ChatGPT مع خطة SWYFT ، لأنها تمكننا من تلبية احتياجات جمهور عالمي، وتقديم حلول فورية وفعالة من حيث التكلفة، وزيادة القيمة التي نضيفها إلى خدماتنا”.

وأضاف داميان: “تقوم الشركة التي تتخذ من دبي مقراً لها بالفعل باستخدام الذكاء الاصطناعي في LiveChat وغيرها من المنصات الداخلية لتحسين تجربة العملاء بشكل كبير، وتعزيز كفاءة موظفيها وتقصير الوقت الذي يستغرقه تقديم الإجابات والحلول.

بعد النجاح والأداء الممتاز الذي حققته حاسبتنا التي تحسب تكلفة إعداد الأعمال، فإننا نسعى إلى تقديم المزيد من الإجابات والأدوات التي يحتاجها رواد الأعمال والشركات للمضي قدمًا في تحقيق أهدافهم”.

خطة SWYFT هي حاليًا في مرحلة الاختبار التجريبي وهي مجانية للاستخدام. يمكن للمستخدمين المهتمين الآن التسجيل في  swyftplan.com .

 نُبذة عن Virtuzone

مجموعة Virtugroup هي شركة قابضة مقرها دبي وتتألف من Virtuzone ، التي تقدم خدمات تشكيل المنطقة الحرة والبر الرئيسي للشركة ؛ و Next Generation Equity ، التي تقدم مجموعة من برامج المواطنة والإقامة حسب الاستثمار. مع وجود أكثر من 150 موظف يتحدثون 40 لغة، تقدم Virtuzone مشورة محايدة حول إعداد شركة الإمارات العربية المتحدة مع كونها مزود حلول من البداية إلى النهاية لمجموعة من خدمات الأعمال، بما في ذلك كل شيء من التأشيرات والرخص التجارية إلى المحاسبة والعلامات التجارية.

بصفتها المتخصصين الرائدين في تكوين الشركات في دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة، تزيل Virtuzone تعقيدات إنشاء الأعمال حتى يتمكن رواد الأعمال من التركيز على ما يهم حقًا لنجاح شركتهم. لمزيد من المعلومات، تفضل بزيارة  www.vz.ae .

صورة –  https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/2002107/SWYFT_Plan_Virtuzone_ChatGPT.jpg

Arab Palestinian Investment Company achieves net profits of $30.5m in 2022, a decline of 19.6% year-on-year

In announcing its consolidated preliminary (unaudited) financial results for 2022, Arab Palestinian Investment Company (APIC) Chairman and CEO Tarek Aggad said the company’s total revenues in 2022 amounted to $1.16 billion, a growth of 4.8% year on year.

Net profits amounted to $30.5 million, a decline of 19.6% year on year, while net profits attributed to APIC shareholders amounted to $27.6 million, a decline of 17.8%. Earnings per share amounted to $0.25, a decline of 22.9% year on year.

Aggad stated that this decline in the group’s results was caused by a number of different reasons, including the fact that 2021’s results included one-time non-operational profits of $4.67 million resulting from the sale of APIC’s entire stake in Arab Palestinian Shopping Centers Company (Bravo), in addition to regional and global economic challenges, which included a significant increase in supply chain costs worldwide involving the price of raw materials, production, shipping, transportation, and storages due to the war in Ukraine.

There has also been a rise in the group’s financing costs by 62%, partly due to inflation and the hike in global interest rates, and the increase in the cost of financing associated with expansions and working capital.

Additionally, the company has been impacted by the presentation of the results of Siniora’s Turkish subsidiary Polonez due to the application of the International Accounting Standard No. 29 because of Turkey’s classification as a hyperinflation country.

Total assets amounted to $741.5 million, an increase of 19.98% over last year. Net equity attributed to APIC shareholders amounted to $184.9 million, an increase of 13.3% over last year.

Aggad added that in 2022, APIC and its subsidiaries invested $2 million in corporate social responsibility, which represented 6.5% of the group’s net profit by providing financial, moral, and in-kind support for more than 85 charitable and humanitarian institutions that work with orphans and people with special needs, in addition to institutions in the fields of education, youth, leadership and entrepreneurship, health and medical care, culture, heritage, among others.

Source: Palestine News and Information and Agency

Palestinian students suffocated in Israeli raid near Nablus

A number of Palestinian citizens and students Thursday suffered from suffocation during an Israeli forces’ raid in the village of Burqa, northwest of the occupied West Bank city of Nablus.

Ghassan Daghlas, who monitors colonial settlement activities in the northern West Bank, said that confrontations broke out between Palestinians and Israeli forces in the vicinity of the village’s schools after fanatic Israeli settlers attempted sneaking to it.

He added that the soldiers fired bullets, sound and gas bombs, which resulted in some citizens and students suffocating due to inhaling the toxic gas fired at them.

Daghlas noted that in order to guarantee the safety of the students, schools had to be evaccuted.

Source: Palestine News and Information and Agency

Israeli forces demolish shack, barn near Bethlehem

Israeli forces Thursday demolished a shack and a barn in the village of al-Walaja, northwest of the occupied West Bank city of Bethlehem.

Khader al-‘Araj, head of al-Walaja village council, told WAFA that the two demolished structures belong to local resident Hasan Odeh.

He noted that they were located to the west of the village.

Source: Palestine News and Information and Agency

Israeli settlers graze livestock among Palestinian Bedouin homes

Israeli settlers Thursday grazed their livestock near homes of Palestinian Bedouins in the area of al-Mu’arjat, west of the occupied West Bank city of Jericho.

Hasan Malheiat, head of the Al-Baidar Organization for Bedouin Rights, told WAFA that three fanatic settlers from nearby outposts built illegally on lands belonging to the aforementioned area, grazed their livestock near Palestinian homes in the Bedouin community, west of Jericho.

He noted that the settlers aim by doing such behaviors to seize more Palestinian-owned lands in favor of settlement expansion and preventing people from making use of their lands.

Source: Palestine News and Information and Agency

Switzerland calls on Israel to renounce unilateral measures, legalizing outposts, building new settlements

Switzerland today called on Israel to renounce unilateral measures in the occupied Palestinian territories, including legalizing outposts and building new settlements/

“Switzerland is concerned about the Israeli government’s announcement on 12 February to build almost 10,000 new housing units in settlements and to retroactively legalize nine outposts in the Occupied Palestinian Territory. These projects are illegal under international law,” said the Swiss Foreign Ministry in a tweet.

“Switzerland calls on Israel to renounce these unilateral measures, which risk further exacerbating tensions and endanger a negotiated two-State solution. There is an urgent need to restore a political horizon towards a lasting peace based on international law,” said the Foreign Ministry.

Source: Palestine News and Information and Agency

Japan expresses serious concern about Israeli plans to legalize outposts and build new settlements

The Government of Japan yesterday expressed its serious concern about the announcement by the Government of Israel on February 12 regarding the authorization of nine settlement outposts and the plan to approve new settlement construction, according to a statement by the government Press Secretary Ono Hikariko.

“Settlement activities are in violation of international law and undermine the viability of a two-state solution. Japan strongly urges the Government of Israel not to implement the measures and to totally freeze its settlement activities,” said the Press Secretary.

Japan also called to refrain from actions that exacerbate tensions.

“As the situation surrounding Israel and Palestine witnesses continued clashes and violence resulting in a number of casualties, Japan once again calls for refraining from actions that exacerbate tensions,” concluded the statement.

Source: Palestine News and Information and Agency

Racist Israeli cabinet minister, Ben-Gvir, doing his best to make Palestinian life even more miserable

Ever since Israeli Jewish supremacist Minister of National Security, Itamar Ben-Gvir, became officially a part of the new Israeli far-right government, he made it a mission as holy as a promise to impose new sanctions on Palestinians to make their lives even more miserable than it already is due to the Israeli occupation.

Ben-Gvir was sworn in as Israeli Minister of National Security at the end of 2022, becoming a key member of Israel’s most racist, far-right government coalition ever led by long-running Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

The new racist minister is known for publicly advocating for dividing the holy site of al-Aqsa Mosque – which is the third holiest Muslim place of worship – between Muslims and Jews, a move that is likely to inflame an already tense situation in the Israeli-occupied territories.

On January 3rd, only a few days after Ben-Gvir took his new position, as a first provocative move, he stormed the compounds of the holy mosque in the occupied city of Jerusalem under heavy protection from the Israeli forces.

Moreover, Ben-Gvir’s malice has gone far, negatively affecting and dangerously impacting the living conditions of the Palestinian freedom fighters incarcerated in Israel for their resistance of the occupation, whom he calls “terrorists”.

One of Ben-Gvir’s publicly stated goals is to make sure that “murderers of Jews don’t get better conditions,” referring to the 4500 Palestinian freedom fighters serving time in Israeli jails for their resistance of the occupation.

To begin with, he announced that he is planning to cancel regulations that allow any lawmaker to meet with the imprisoned Palestinian freedom fighters.

In a statement, Ben-Gvir said he had informed the Speaker of the Israeli parliament, the Knesset, Amir Ohana, that he intends to return to an older protocol, according to which only one lawmaker from each faction will be allowed to visit the Palestinian prisoners, provided that visits be held under strict supervision.

Earlier to the announcement, Ben Gvir visited the recently renovated high-security Nafha Prison to review the imprisonment conditions of the Palestinian political prisoners and to ensure these conditions never improve.

To begin with, Israeli media said that he “went crazy” after learning that prisoners run their own bakeries inside Israeli prisons to make their own bread and ordered the immediate closure of all Palestinian prisoners-run bakeries in jails in Israel.

“Prisoners cannot get such a privilege. How can they get fresh bread every day?” Ben-Gvir was quoted.

The controversial move was reported to be aimed at denying “benefits to terrorists”, according to an official statement issued by his office. The statement said that such benefits were denied to regular prisoners in Israel and thus Palestinian prisoners should be no different.

Last but not least, Ben-Gvir’s dedication to increase the pressure on Palestinian prisoners has taken him to order the reduction of shower time the prisoners are allowed to have.

According to several Israeli media reports, the racist minister ordered that the prisoners shall only be allowed four minutes to shower and that running hot water for showers shall only be allowed one hour a day.

A few days ago, Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant issued an order imposing financial penalties on 87 Palestinian prisoners from occupied Jerusalem, under the pretext of receiving money from the Palestinian Authority.

The Israeli Ministerial Committee also ordered at the time offsetting the welfare payments made by the Palestinian government to the Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails and the families of those killed by Israeli occupation forces in 2022.

Ben-Gvir’s hateful measures have caused the prisoners to revolt and plan a hunger strike to preserve what they have achieved through years of battles against the Israeli Prison Services (IPS).

The Palestinian Commission for Detainees and Ex-Detainees Affairs and the Palestinian Prisoner’s Society said in a joint statement that Palestinian prisoners in Nafha Prison declared mutiny against the new repressive measures by disrupting the so-called security checks as well as the requirement to wear the brown uniforms given to them by the IPS.

The prisoners are also planning to go on an open-ended hunger strike set to start the first day of Ramadan, which will start around March 24, in protest against Ben-Gvir’s extreme measures against them.

Additionally, the prisoners began to return their breakfast in response to the arbitrary measures taken by the prison administrations against the female and male freedom fighters in the Naqab, Ofer, and Megiddo prisons.

A state of tension appeared to have prevailed in all the prisons after female prisoners in Damon prison were attacked by the guards, spraying them with tear and pepper gas, abused prisoners in several prisons, and continued to isolate some of them.

The rise in tension in the prisons was caused by raids by the repression units against several departments in Ofer, Naqab, Megiddo, and Damon prisons, assaulting prisoners, isolating dozens, and confiscating their belongings.

Israeli security officials have actually warned that Ben Gvir’s tactics against the Palestinian freedom fighters are going to start serious trouble, not only in the prisons but also in the entire occupied territories, where for them the prisoners are a red line.

Source: Palestine News and Information and Agency

When a handful of armed and protected settlers threaten the safety and life of thousands of Palestinians

For Hosni Abdo, 62, from the town of Beit Imrin, west of the northern West Bank city of Nablus, visiting his friend in the village of Burqa, northwest of Nablus, last Tuesday had almost cost him his life.

“After visiting my friend in Burqa and I was heading back home, a group of five settlers attacked me and started to beat me before I could even utter a word,” Abdo told WAFA.

“The settlers sprayed pepper gas on my face and when I started screaming hysterically, they fled but not before slashing the four wheels of my vehicle and injuring my leg as a result of hitting me with sticks.”

The attack on Abdo is not an isolated incident. It is one of many daily attacks by settlers from the evacuated settlement of Homesh targeting Palestinians living in that area and their properties.

Palestinian taxi drivers who travel the road Abdo used, the Nablus-Jenin road, regularly talk to each other to check on the situation on the road in fear of a sudden attack by the Homesh settlers.

Yasser Rawajbeh, one of the drivers who was also attacked by settlers, told WAFA that drivers of public transportation and many citizens who use the same road daily are in constant contact with each other, and in the event of any settler attack on that road, they change their route and take a much longer detour.

“Yesterday, the settlers attacked vehicles on the same road, so I had to go back and take another road because a number of vehicles had been damaged by the stones thrown at them,” said Rawajbeh.

“They are most likely armed, and therefore we can expect them to shoot at us at any moment. So we must always be careful, especially since we take this road all the time driving people back and forth between the villages, towns and cities,” he said.

Yesterday, dozens of settlers attacked two schools and a number of houses in Burqa, and then they headed to the Nablus-Jenin road and attacked vehicles there. Even though the Israeli army, deployed in large numbers in the West Bank, knows what they do, the army would intervene only to protect the settlers and attack the Palestinians who try to defend themselves and confront the settlers.

Ziyad Abu Omar, head of Burqa village council, said settlers regularly attack village residents and their property, the latest of which was yesterday when dozens of settlers attacked two schools in the village and a number of homes, describing it as the most violent attack in a while.

The official in charge of the settlement file in the northern West Bank, Ghassan Daghlas, told WAFA that dozens of settlers attacked two schools and houses in the village, and threw stones at them, smashing the windows of more than 15 houses and that the army did nothing to stop them or arrest any of them.

Just today, settlers attacked the Burqa school and when students and residents confronted them, the soldiers attacked the residents firing tear gas and rubber bullets at them to protect the settlers.

Daghlas said that the residents of the villages of Burqa, Silat al-Dahr, Bazariya, and the neighboring villages are subjected almost daily to attacks by Homesh settlers, in addition to attacks on the Nablus-Jenin road.

There are now, according to Daghlas, about 40 to 50 settlers staying in the settlement in a large metal structure and tents. They are the ones most likely carrying out these attacks that turn the lives of thousands upside down, disrupt their security, and threaten their safety.

Although there are four Israeli Supreme Court decisions stating that the lands belong to the people of Burqa, Douglas fears the re-establishment of the settlement over a large area of Burqa lands and the nearby Silat al-Harithiya village.

The settlers established Homesh settlement in 1982 on the lands of Burqa village, and in 2005, the Israeli occupation authorities dismantled it as part of the unilateral withdrawal plan, which included four settlements in the northern West Bank.

It is noteworthy that the law prohibits Israelis from entering the land on which Homesh was built after the Israeli Supreme Court recognized that the land belongs to Palestinians from Burqa. But the settlers returned to that land repeatedly, erected tents on it, and held events and parties.

Despite the passage of about 18 years since its evacuation, the owners of the lands were unable to return to them or benefit from them. Rather, Homesh turned into a hotbed of terror for settlers who returned to it and used it as a launching point for their attacks against farmers and residents of Burqa, in addition to attacking vehicles on the Nablus–Jenin road.

The Israeli parliament, the Knesset, recently approved, in an initial reading, a bill to cancel the withdrawal from the northern West Bank, which would allow settlers to return to the four settlements evacuated by the Israeli government in 2005 and include the former settlements of Ghanim, Kadim, Homesh, and Sanur.

Source: Palestine News and Information and Agency

Israeli occupation forces raid homes of Palestinian prisoners in Jerusalem, seize large sums of money and goods

The Israeli occupation forces today raided homes in occupied East Jerusalem of several Palestinian former or current prisoners in Israel and seized large sums of money and private good, including jewelry while ransacking the homes.

WAFA correspondent said the Israeli forces broke into homes in Ras al-Amoud and Beit Hanina neighborhoods of occupied East Jerusalem, taking away money and jewelry, as well as other goods, including cars owned by any member of the family or seizing bank accounts for the parents of the prisoner claiming the prisoners were receiving allowance money from the Palestinian Authority during their imprisonment.

The far-right Israeli government decided to seize the money from all Palestinian prisoners as a punishment for receiving allowances from the Palestinian government.

At least 80 former or current Palestinian prisoners from Jerusalem or inside Israel who served time in Israeli jails for their resistance of the occupation are going to be part of this vicious Israeli government campaign.

The Israeli parliament also approved yesterday a law that would strip Palestinian prisoners from occupied East Jerusalem or inside Israel of their residency rights in the occupied city or citizenship in Israel and expel them and their families to territories outside Israel or Jerusalem.

Source: Palestine News and Information and Agency

Six Palestinian homeowners told their buildings are going to be demolished for construction without permit

The Israeli municipality of West Jerusalem today informed six Palestinian homeowners in the East Jerusalem neighborhood of Isawiyya of its intention to demolish their buildings under the pretext they were built without a permit.

Activist Mohammad Abu al-Humus said Israeli forces broke into the neighborhood and posted the demolition orders on the buildings, some of them built 25 years ago.

The Israeli occupation authorities started a campaign against Palestinian residents in the occupied section of the city including home demolition, confiscation of funds for prisoners and their families, arrests, raids at their homes, and lately a decision to strip them of their rights to live in their city if they were involved in the Palestinian resistance movement.

Source: Palestine News and Information and Agency