Dr. Carl Fagerstrom writes: “No smoking… less harmful”

Together – The Swedish experience in using alternative nicotine products to combat the dangers of traditional smoking revealed a strange paradox. Although the Swedes consume nicotine at the same rates as the rest of the European countries, the Swedes have become significantly less susceptible to health problems associated with tobacco.

It’s not a coincidence

I have partnered with international public health experts to produce a study or report titled ‘No Smoking… Less Harmful,’ which explains that the way tobacco or nicotine is consumed is the basis for exposure to the risks of smoking or not, not the consumption of nicotine itself.

In short, smoking traditional cigarettes leads to many health problems, but using chewing tobacco or nicotine pouches does not have the same effect.

After many scientific studies and research that confirmed the benefits of alternative tobacco and nicotine products, Sweden began to rely on these products as less dangerous alternatives to nicotine consumption, which led to much
better health outcomes. The death rate from tobacco among Swedish men became 38% lower than the European average, and the incidence of lung cancer decreased by about 41%. This is despite the fact that the rate of nicotine consumption may be equal among EU countries, including Sweden. One in four people consume nicotine in Sweden, which is almost the same rate as in neighboring countries.

‘We haven’t avoided nicotine,’ the Swedes say, ‘we’ve simply become dependent on safer forms.’ The historical narrative that ‘nicotine is the enemy’ was proven wrong. We discovered that this was a big mistake, and we were able to change the public’s perception and the rules for nicotine use in Sweden, which improved public health and reduced the health risks to society and smokers, without the need to impose a total ban on nicotine, which had long been a socially acceptable habit.

Nicotine, like caffeine, has long been a familiar companion to many, a stimulant for some and an outlet for others. But our approach shows that w
e need to focus on how we use nicotine. By offering and regulating safer alternatives, we can address health issues without stopping nicotine use.

Smokers who want to quit should be helped.

The revision of the findings on nicotine has changed the world’s perceptions and beliefs. The popular belief that nicotine is a major cause of cancer has been scientifically proven wrong, and everyone knows that nicotine gum and patches do not cause cancer. Why should tobacco-free nicotine pouches or chewing tobacco be any different? But if we fail to differentiate between the products and provide accurate information, we risk the lives of those who need help dealing with the dangers of traditional cigarettes.

As the world continues to struggle against smoking, Sweden is offering a model that cleans the air in a scientific and practical way at the same time.

The report, ‘No Smoke, Less Harmful,’ is a call for the world to rethink its war on nicotine. A shift in favor of tobacco harm reduction that could save millions o
f lives. It is a call for policymakers, practitioners and society as a whole to stop demonizing nicotine and recognize that the real enemy is smoke, not nicotine.

Written by: Dr. Carl Fagerstrom, Associate Professor and Tobacco and Nicotine Researcher.

Source: Maan News Agency

Governments of many countries are taking measures to reduce the harms of smoking.

Bangladesh, India and Thailand are examples of increasing smoking rates. Sweden, Norway, the United Kingdom, New Zealand and Japan are achieving positive results using alternative tobacco products.

Together – In the context of combating diseases resulting from smoking, governments of countries take many measures that aim to reduce these health damages and protect societies and citizens. Despite this, smoking rates are increasing in many countries of the world, as a result of adopting unscientific policies.

Bangladesh, India and Thailand are examples of increasing smoking rates. Sweden, Norway, the United Kingdom, New Zealand and Japan are achieving positive results using alternative tobacco products.

Bangladesh, one of the most densely populated countries, is a model for what many countries in the world are witnessing, as it witnesses a continuous increase in the number of smokers, which results in an increase in the rates of diseases associated with smoking, most notably cancer, in addition to the high ra
tes of death resulting from smoking.

Statistics and reports indicate that about 126,000 people die annually due to diseases related to traditional smoking in Bangladesh, which represents about 13.5% of the total deaths in the country. In addition to the huge economic burden resulting from health care costs related to tobacco-related diseases, which represent about 1.4% of the country’s gross domestic product. More than 7 million adults in Bangladesh suffer from smoking-related diseases, in addition to 61,000 children being exposed to diseases resulting from passive smoking, according to the results of research conducted by the Bangladesh Cancer Society in 2019.

Dr Fazliye Kibera Chowdhury, Consultant Pulmonologist and Respiratory Medicine at Evercare Hospital, Chittagong, said that combating smoking requires a comprehensive, science-based approach to control the health damage and deaths caused by it. He stressed the need for a precise strategy that goes beyond the traditional strategy to address the complex
ities of addiction that tobacco consumption can cause.

In the same context, a recent report published by the world-leading medical journal The Lancet, prepared by Robert Beaglehole and Ruth Bonita, both former officials at the World Health Organization, on the effectiveness of alternative products in achieving positive results in combating smoking, called for the need to adopt a ‘harm reduction’ strategy as a central focus within the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control, alongside measures to reduce supply and demand, stressing that these modern ‘low-risk’ products have brought about a major shift in the current battle to reduce smoking-related death rates, and have helped to quit consuming traditional tobacco products.

The strategy of ‘reducing risks’ using alternative tobacco products has achieved positive results in many countries around the world, including Sweden, Norway, the United Kingdom, New Zealand, and Japan, where each of them witnessed a record decline in the number of smokers, thanks to
the ability of adult smokers to access alternatives that may be lower in risk to traditional cigarettes.

In a related context, tobacco products are not similar in their characteristics, features or consequences of consumption, which emphasizes the need to distinguish between the various types of alternative smoking products at the level of legislators and consumers alike, in order to be able to enact appropriate legislative, regulatory and supervisory policies, in line with the risk rates associated with each of them, noting that the confusion between these products is one of the reasons for the slowness in introducing appropriate and effective monitoring mechanisms, as traditional cigarettes are classified as the ‘most toxic’ due to their reliance on combustion, which produces many harmful chemical compounds that cause many diseases, while products that heat tobacco instead of burning it, and electronic cigarettes, belong to the group of smoke-free alternative products with lower levels of harmful substance
s compared to traditional products.

The biggest difference between these two categories lies in the components of each; e-cigarettes rely on a liquid containing nicotine, while heated tobacco products rely on heating the tobacco instead of burning it, which makes them less harmful because the burning process is eliminated.

According to the World Health Organization, e-cigarettes and heated tobacco products contain nicotine, which has not been proven to cause smoking-related diseases, although it can lead to addiction. However, they differ from each other in composition; heated tobacco products consist of short-length tobacco sticks and produce an aerosol containing less nicotine than traditional cigarettes, while e-cigarettes consist of solutions of aromatic oils with about 15,500 flavors used, many of which are toxic and cause health effects, and can cause fires and explosions, in addition to the possibility of mixing with other substances within the solutions. Although they are not completely risk-free, e
xtensive scientific research indicates that they are 90% less risky than traditional tobacco products.

Experts stressed that quitting is always the best option, and despite the differences between alternative products and traditional cigarettes, it is still necessary to combat tobacco among young people. They called for adherence to regulations regarding alternative products, which is of utmost importance, which also requires ensuring that no products are marketed to non-smokers, especially young people, and that strict safety measures and tobacco control policies remain comprehensive. They stressed that by relying on the scientific approach, adopting innovative harm reduction policies, along with adhering to traditional tobacco control measures, Bangladesh can join the global fight against smoking-related non-communicable diseases and cancer.

In their report, the experts noted that statistics for the year 2019 revealed that 4.7 million deaths in the Asia-Pacific region were due to smoking, calling for the
need to take immediate measures to reduce these risks, in addition to the need to continuously update strategies to fill current knowledge gaps.

It is also worth noting that while some countries have made significant progress in combating smoking, many others are still suffering from a worsening crisis despite joining the World Health Organization, such as Thailand and India, where the core of the problem lies in recognizing and understanding the real challenge of traditional cigarette consumption, which requires focusing on changing this behavior, rather than adopting a comprehensive approach to all forms of tobacco consumption. It also requires policymakers to be careful in this regard, so as not to inadvertently contribute to the increase and escalation of the smoking scourge.

‘We must advocate for a science-based approach, not conventional policies,’ concludes Dr Fazliye Kibera Chowdhury. ‘Eliminating combustible cigarette consumption by 2035 is an achievable goal, provided policymakers show the courage
to adopt innovative solutions, while immediate cessation for smokers and never engaging in smoking for non-smokers remains the best option.’

If they do not want to quit smoking, low-risk alternative products can give them the opportunity to live a healthier life.

Source: Maan News Agency

Thousands of cholera cases recorded worldwide

Geneva – Ma’an – The World Health Organization announced that thousands of cholera cases were recorded during the month of June, and that at least 160 people died due to the disease.

According to the organization’s statement, infections and deaths were recorded in 18 countries, and it turned out that the number of infections in June was 14 percent lower than in May. 32,467 new infections were recorded in the Eastern Mediterranean region, about 18,700 in Afghanistan, more than 6,600 in Yemen, and more than 5,200 in Pakistan. Overall, the number of infections recorded during the period from January 1 to June 30, 2024 in 25 countries amounted to 249,793 infections.

It is worth noting that in January 2023, the World Health Organization considered the cholera outbreak a ‘level 3 emergency,’ which corresponds to the highest level of complexity. The organization’s statement read: ‘Given the number and geographical distribution of outbreaks worldwide, and the shortage of vaccines and other resources, WHO continues
to assess (according to June’s findings) the global risk as very high.’

What is striking is that the world is facing a ‘critical shortage’ of oral cholera vaccine, as 17 countries have requested 102 million doses since January 2023, while only 51 million doses have been produced during this period. As of July 8, 2024, the global stockpile of cholera vaccines stood at just 7.5 million doses.

Cholera is a serious disease caused by the infectious bacterium Vibrio cholerae, which is transmitted through food or water.

Source: Maan News Agency

US declares deadly disease outbreak in 12 states

Washington – Ma’an – The US Centers for Disease Control announced the spread of listeriosis, or what is known as Listeria, in 12 states at the same time.

The center stated in its statement that two people died due to the disease, and 28 others were transferred to the hospital.

The statement indicated that the actual number of infections with the disease may be higher. According to it, most of those infected had eaten meat products, including mortadella and sausages, but so far there is no confirmation that this is actually the cause.

Earlier in Canada, two people died and nine others were hospitalized. It was noted that all of the infected people had consumed plant-based soft drinks.

The infection that causes this disease is usually transmitted to the human body by eating foods contaminated with the Listeria monocytogenes bacteria (vegetables and animal products), which causes severe intestinal disorders. It affects the nervous system and can cause meningitis, encephalitis and death.

At risk are people o
ver 60 years of age, pregnant women, newborns, and people with weak immunity.

Source: Maan News Agency

‫تعاون إنفيجن إنرجي مع صندوق الاستثمارات العامة (PIF) وفيجن إندستريز لإنشاء مشروع جديد في مجال الطاقة المتجددة

الرياض، المملكة العربية السعودية – EQS Newswire – 19 يوليو 2024 – شركة إنفيجن إنرجي، المعروفة باسم “العملاق الأخضر” في “قائمة تايم 100 للشركات الأكثر تأثيرًا في عام 2024″، كشفت النقاب عن إنشاء مشروع استراتيجي مشترك مع صندوق الاستثمارات العامة في المملكة العربية السعودية وشركة فيجن إندستريز، ويهدف هذا المشروع إلى تسريع تطوير استخدام  طاقة الرياح في جميع أنحاء الشرق الأوسط، والالتزام بقيادة مسيرة المنطقة نحو مستقبل أنظف وأكثر استدامة.

سيركز المشروع المشترك على تصنيع وتجميع توربينات الرياح ومكوناتها، بما في ذلك الشفرات والكنات والمحاور. بموجب الاتفاقية، تمتلك إنفيجن إنرجي حصة الأغلبية في المشروع المشترك، في حين يمتلك صندوق الاستثمارات العامة وفيجن إندستريز الحصص المتبقية، وسيدعم هذا التعاون هدف المملكة العربية السعودية لتوطين 75% من مكونات الطاقة المتجددة بحلول عام 2030، بما يتماشى مع البرنامج الوطني للطاقة المتجددة التابع لوزارة الطاقة السعودية.

صندوق الاستثمارات العامة هو صندوق الثروة السيادي السعودي وأحد المستثمرين الأكثر تأثيرًا في العالم، وهو يتبنى مهمة تحول الطاقة في المملكة من خلال إطلاق مبادرات مقبلة تتعلق بالطاقة المتجددة، بما في ذلك طاقة الرياح، والطاقة الكهروضوئية، والهيدروجين، وتخزين الطاقة، وما إلى ذلك. أما شركة فيجن إندستريز فهي تُعد مستثمرًا ومؤسسًا رائدًا للمشاريع الصناعية للطاقة النظيفة وسلاسل التوريد المحلية. على الصعيد العالمي، اختار صندوق الاستثمارات العامة شركة إنفيجن شريكًا له في المشروع المشترك نظرًا لمكانتها الرائدة في مجال الطاقة النظيفة، والتي تشمل طاقة الرياح الذكية، وأنظمة تخزين الطاقة، وحلول الهيدروجين الأخضر التي تتصدى للتحديات المتعلقة بتغير المناخ، وقد تصدرت الشركة طلبات طاقة الرياح لمدة عامين متتاليين، مما يدل على دورها الرئيسي في مجال تحول الطاقة على مستوى العالم.

يجمع المشروع المشترك لشركة إنفيجن مع كلا الطرفين بين القدرات الاستثمارية القوية لصندوق الاستثمارات العامة وتقنية طاقة الرياح المتطورة من شركة إنفيجن إنرجي، وهو ما يبرز التعاون الدولي العميق والرؤية المشتركة للتحول إلى الطاقة النظيفة. تمثل هذه الشراكة خطوة مهمة نحو تحقيق أهداف رؤية المملكة العربية السعودية 2030 وتعزيز الجهود العالمية في مجال التحول إلى الطاقة النظيفة والاستدامة في المستقبل.

حضر الحفل معالي السيد ياسر عثمان الرميان، محافظ صندوق الاستثمارات العامة، ولي تشانج، رئيس مجلس إدارة شركة إنفيجن، وأعضاء مجلس إدارة شركة فيجن إندستريز، وغيرهم.

تحميل الصورة: https://apo-opa.co/3xXBSrW

للتواصل الإعلامي:


Mubarak Al-Kabeer Hospital conducts first-ever vascular surgery in Mideast

KUWAIT, Mubarak Al-Kabeer Hospital’s vascular surgery and catheterization team conducted a surgery for the Aortic Thoracicin Aneurysm Arch, the first of its kind in the Middle East.

In a statement on Thursday, the hospital said the surgery involves fixing a stint to fit the size of arteries of the patient, and later implanting it through catheterization, adding that the surgery was led by Dr. Abdullah Al-Fawwaz.

This technique is a safer substitute for traditional stints, which is desinged according to the case and have a high cost, it noted.

Studies showed that this technique also reduces the risk of stroke that sometimes follow traditional stint implanting, said the hospital. The surgery is done through one large incision for perfusion in the Brachiocephalic artery and the left common carotid artery, as well as a small incision for the left subclavian artery.

The surgery was done through local anesthesia, and the patient was discharged from the hospital the next day without any side effects, the stateme
nt said.

Source: Kuwait News Agency

PTT Oil and Retail Business Public Company Limited Secures AA+ TRIS Rating; Sets Stage for Global Expansion and Reinforces Market Leadership with PTT Lubricants Brand

BANGKOK, THAILAND – Media OutReach Newswire – 10 July 2024 – PTT Oil and Retail Business Public Company Limited (OR), a key player within the PTT Group and a leader in Thailand’s oil retail sector, proudly announces the reaffirmation of its “AA+” credit rating by TRIS Rating Co., Ltd., Thailand’s premier credit rating agency. This marks the second consecutive year OR has achieved this high rating, which comes with a “Stable” outlook. This recognition underscores the company’s exceptional operational performance and strong financial health, both critical as it continues to expand its market presence globally.

Continued Excellence in the Thai Oil Retail Market

Mr. Disathat Panyarachun, Chief Executive Officer of OR, expressed his pride in the company’s ongoing leadership in distributing both retail oil and commercial petroleum products across Thailand. “This sustained top-tier rating from TRIS not only highlights our robust financial policies but also reinforces our pivotal role within the PTT Group in efficiently distributing petroleum products,” said Mr. Disathat.

Strengthening Market Leadership with PTT Lubricants

As the manufacturer and distributor of PTT Lubricants for over three decades, OR has secured the leading market share in Thailand. The company is dedicated to innovation under the guiding principle of “The Moving Innovation,” focusing on creating advanced product formulas for automotive and industrial applications and forming OEM partnerships with various car manufacturers.

“Our commitment to continuous improvement in product quality and innovation is designed to meet the changing needs of our customers,” Mr. Panyarachun added. OR’s state-of-the-art Automated Lubricants Distribution Center, with a yearly capacity of 260 million liters, supports efficient market expansion both in Thailand and internationally. The company also enhances its competitive edge by offering extensive product knowledge training and after-sales services to both consumers and distributors.

Global Expansion and Recognition

PTT Lubricants has successfully extended its reach beyond domestic markets, exporting to over 40 countries across the AEC, Asia, Africa, and Europe. This international presence underscores the brand’s quality and reliability, affirming its status as a trusted global brand. “Our international success is a testament to the global competitiveness of PTT Lubricants. We continue to focus on expanding our market presence and meeting the sophisticated needs of consumers worldwide,” stated Mr. Panyarachun. The expansion strategy includes leveraging brands like Café Amazon and PTT Station alongside PTT Lubricants to enhance its market presence globally.

PTT Lubricants Accelerates Market Influence Across Southeast Asia and Taiwan

Indonesia emerges as a pivotal market for PTT Lubricants, fueled by its fast-growing automotive sector, economic progress, and demographic expansion. PTT Lubricants has partnered with PT Sumber Suwarna Unisindo, a seasoned distributor renowned for its deep expertise in the lubricant industry, covering both automotive and industrial applications. This collaboration ensures the delivery of superior quality products complemented by exceptional after-sales services to Indonesian consumers.More details can be found at pttlubricants.co.id.

In the Philippines, the consistent upward trajectory in the demand for automotive and industrial lubricants solidifies the country’s importance to PTT Lubricants. Distribution is expertly handled by PTT Philippines Corporation (PTTPC), a direct subsidiary of OR, which also diversifies its portfolio with ventures like PTT Station fuel stations and Café Amazon coffee shops. Further information is available at pttphilippines.com.

Malaysia‘s strategic position as a trade and investment nucleus in ASEAN, coupled with booming automotive and transportation sectors, makes it a key market for PTT Lubricants. Distribution channels are robust, with four main agents including TS Oil Pro Plt. and Big Essential Sdn. Bhd. in West Malaysia, and Efuel Service Sdn. and Golden Automotive Trading Sdn. Bhd. in East Malaysia, ensuring comprehensive market coverage.More details are available on the Facebook Fan page: PTT Lubricants Malaysia.

Taiwan has seen over 14 years of PTT Lubricants’ presence, where it has solidified its market position through its distributor, Dynamax Petrochemical Ltd. The focus on high-quality motorcycle and gasoline products, along with strategic marketing efforts, has built a reputable image among high-end clients, including European luxury car owners and racing enthusiasts. Discover more at pttortw.com.

Each of these markets plays a crucial role in PTT Lubricants’ strategy to deepen its international footprint, emphasizing the brand’s commitment to quality, innovation, and customer satisfaction.

About PTT Oil and Retail Business Public Company Limited (OR)

PTT Oil and Retail Business Public Company Limited (OR), a cornerstone of the PTT Group, champions a dynamic fusion of energy and retail to drive inclusive growth. OR is ardently committed to its revolutionary SDG framework—Small, Diversified, and Green. Embracing this ethos, OR uplifts communities, cultivates expansive business opportunities, and spearheads sustainability efforts with ambitious goals of achieving carbon neutrality by 2030 and net zero emissions by 2050. Through this dynamic framework, OR is setting new standards for sustainability and inclusivity in the industry.

 Website: www.pttor.com

Kuwait Health Min. OKs price cuts of over 200 drugs

KUWAIT, Kuwaiti Minister of Health Ahmad Al-Awadhi has approved the price cuts of 209 drugs and products in the private health sector only as part of the ministry’s periodical medicine price review.

The move, which involves the price reduction of diabetes and blood pressure drugs, antibiotics and cholesterol-lowering drugs and other vital products, is based on the ministry’s medicine quotation committee, the ministry said in a press release.

It is chiefly meant to ensure equilibrium between making drugs at reasonable prices and buttressing the national medicine industry, it said, adding that some drugs have been reduced by 60 percent.

The fresh decision will be effective three months after being published in the country’s Official Gazette, thus giving the private health sector enough time to implement the decided price cuts, according to the release.

Source: Kuwait News Agency