عباس يقرر تأجيل الانتخابات الفلسطينية

قرر رئيس السلطة الفلسطينية، محمود عباس، مساء الخميس، تأجيل الانتخابات التشريعية، “إلى حين ضمان سماح السلطات الإسرائيلية مشاركة مدينة القدس المحتلة”.

وقال عباس في ختام اجتماع القيادة الفلسطينية في مقر الرئاسة، بمدينة رام الله في الضفة الغربية، إن القرار “يأتي بعد فشل كافة الجهود الدولية بإقناع إسرائيل بمشاركة القدس في الانتخابات”.

وأعلن الرئيس عباس، في وقت سابق اليوم، أن السلطة لن تجري الانتخابات دون مدينة القدس المحتلة، مشيرا إلى أن “هناك رسائل وصلت من إسرائيل، بأنهم لا يستطيعون إعطاء جواب (بشأن إجراء الانتخابات في القدس) لعدم وجود حكومة إسرائيلية تتخذ قرارا بهذا الشأن”.

ووفق مرسوم رئاسي، كان من المقرر أن تجرى الانتخابات الفلسطينية على 3 مراحل خلال العام الجاري: تشريعية (برلمانية) في 22 مايو/ أيار، ورئاسية في 31 يوليو/ تموز، وانتخابات المجلس الوطني في 31 أغسطس/ آب.

Source: Quds Press International News Agency

بدران لـ”قدس برس”: تأجيل الانتخابات حرمان للفلسطينيين من اختيار قيادتهم

قال عضو المكتب السياسي لحركة المقاومة الإسلامية “حماس”، حسام بدران، تعقيبا على إعلان رئيس السلطة الفلسطينة محمود عباس، تأجيل الانتخابات، إن: “هذا القرار ليس تأجيلا، بل إلغاء وتعطيل وحرمان للشعب الفلسطيني من حقه الطبيعي في اختيار قيادته”.

وكشف “بدران”، في حديث لـ”قدس برس”، أن “قرار التأجيل لم يتخذ في اجتماع اليوم، بل تم منذ فترة، في اجتماع مركزية فتح”، مضيفا: “لدينا معلومات مؤكدة بهذا الصدد”.

وبين أن “حماس” رفضت المشاركة في لقاء رام الله، اليوم الخميس، “لأن الاجتماع لا يملك اتخاذ أي قرار”.

ومساء اليوم، قرر، عباس، تأجيل الانتخابات التشريعية، “إلى حين ضمان سماح السلطات الإسرائيلية مشاركة مدينة القدس المحتلة”، وفق قوله.

وقال عباس في ختام اجتماع القيادة الفلسطينية في مقر الرئاسة، بمدينة رام الله في الضفة الغربية، إن القرار “يأتي بعد فشل كافة الجهود الدولية بإقناع إسرائيل بمشاركة القدس في الانتخابات”.

ووفق مرسوم رئاسي، كان من المقرر أن تجرى الانتخابات الفلسطينية على 3 مراحل خلال العام الجاري: تشريعية (برلمانية) في 22 مايو/ أيار، ورئاسية في 31 يوليو/ تموز، وانتخابات المجلس الوطني في 31 أغسطس/ آب.

Source: Quds Press International News Agency

القدس.. قوات الاحتلال الإسرائيلي تعتدي على الفلسطينيين في “باب العامود”

اعتدت قوات إسرائيلية، مساء الخميس، على المواطنين الفلسطينيين العُزّل المتواجدين في منطقة “باب العامود” وسط القدس المحتلة.

وقالت مصادر مقدسية، إن “قوات الاحتلال (الإسرائيلي) أطلقت الغاز المسيل للدموع وقنابل الصوت تجاه النساء والشبان بالقرب من باب العامود بالقدس المحتلة”.

وأضافت أن “قوات الاحتلال اعتقلت شابين على الأقل بعد الاعتداء عليهما بالضرب المبرح”.

وأشارت إلى أن عددا من الفلسطينيين المتواجدين “أصيبوا بالاختناق جراء إطلاق قنابل الغاز المسيل للدموع”.

ومنذ بداية شهر رمضان يحتج الشبان الفلسطينيون على منعهم من الجلوس على مدرج باب العامود، ما فجّر مواجهات عنيفة مع الشرطة الإسرائيلية.

Source: Quds Press International News Agency

ارفع قصص التواصل الاجتماعي الخاصة بك إلى شبكة الويب المفتوحة باستخدام تجربة إعلانات بروجكت أجورا الجديدة المتنوعة والقابلة للتسوق

أثينا، اليونان, 29 أبريل / نيسان 2021 /PRNewswire/ — أنشأتبروجكت أجورا، وهي إحدى الشركات الرائدة في مجال تكنولوجيا الإعلام في أوروبا والشرق الأوسط وإفريقيا، لتقديم تجربتها الإعلانية المبتكرة والقابلة للتسوق “ماجيك ستوري”(Magic Story)، والتي تهدف إلى إحضار صيغة القصص “ستوري” المألوفة من التواصل الاجتماعي ورفعها إلى شبكة الويب المفتوحة في بيئة آمنة للعلامة التجارية.

توفر التجربة الإعلانية التفاعلية خاصية وضع علامات على العناصر القابلة للتسوق وعبارات الحث على اتخاذ إجراء من خلال النقر على الأصول المرئية المختلفة، بما في ذلك الفيديو والصور المتحركة، مما يمنح المستهلكين تجربة مستخدم مذهلة ويؤدي إلى تفاعل أعمق مع المنتج. يمكن لشركات الإعلان إعادة توظيف أصولهم الحالية بسلاسة وببساطة من قصصهم الاجتماعية إلى صيغة “ماجيك ستوري” مع سرد بصري جذاب بملء الشاشة ورسوم متحركة ممتعة وتفاعلات قابلة للنقر – وكلها مصممة خصيصًا لإعلانات الجوال. يتم توزيع ماجيك ستوري عبر شبكة الناشرين المحليين المتميزين في بروجكت أجورا ويتم دعمها بخيارات الاستهداف الحادة لزيادة الانجذاب للحملة.

تحسن “ماجيك ستوريز” القابلة للنقر تجربة التسوق بأكملها من خلال اختصار مسار الشراء للمستهلكين النهائيين. أفادت دراسة من أوبن إكس (OpenX) أنه من المرجح أن يشتري 63٪ من المستهلكين من خلال الإعلانات على المواقع الإلكترونية الموثوقة على شبكة الويب المفتوحة أكثر من على منصات التواصل الاجتماعي – ويمثل هذا فرصة فريدة لشركات الإعلان والعلامات التجارية لتسويق منتجاتهم.

صرح محمد الكردي، مدير مبيعات بروجكت أجورا، بشأن إطلاق المشروع قائلًا: “تعد العلامات التجارية والمستهلكون على حدٍ سواء من كبار المعجبين بصيغة القصص (ستوري)” – ولسبب وجيه وهو إنها تضع علامة على جميع المربعات من حيث الصراحة والإبداع والتفاعل. نعلم من بحثنا أن 70٪ من اهتمام المستهلكين وثقتهم تتجه نحو المواقع الإلكترونية على شبكة الويب المفتوحة، مقارنةً بوسائل التواصل الاجتماعي. تأخذ ماجيك ستوري أحد أكثر أشكال الإعلانات تأثيرًا اليوم وتجعلها محور اهتمام المستهلك، ضمن محتوى الناشرين المحليين، و تعزز بهذه الطريقة الوصول والمشاركة والتحويلات”. 

يعد ماجيك ستوري أحدث إضافة إلى مجموعة التجارب الإعلانية الإبداعية المتوفرة في وسط شرق أوروبا والشرق الأوسط وأفريقيا لبروجكت أجورا. تواصل لمزيد من المعلومات:

 نبذة عن بروجكت أجورا:

تعدبروجكت أجوراشركة متخصصة في تكنولوجيا الإعلام والإعلانات الأصلية والبرمجية توفر بدائل نمو فعالة وقابلة للتطوير لشركات الإعلان المحلية وأصحاب وسائل الإعلام.

 تبني بروجكت أجورا تقنية تمكّن كبار الناشرين المحليين وتجار التجزئة من الحصول على أقصى قيمة من زوارهم. بالنسبة لشركات الإعلان، تقدم بروجكت أجورا نتائج أعمال بطريقة قابلة للقياس وللتطوير ونتائج مضمونة وحلول إبداعية وممتعة للغاية.

صورة – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1491649/ProjectAgora.jpg

President Xi says CPC honors its commitments, leaving no one behind in poverty reduction

BEIJING, April 29, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — A report from CCTV+:

Chinese President Xi Jinping on Tuesday said the Chinese people, the Communist Party of China (CPC), and the CPC leadership have honored and will continue to honor their commitment, leaving no one or no minority people behind in the battle against poverty, and that will remain true as China has embarked on its new journey toward socialist modernization.

Xi, also general secretary of the CPC Central Committee, started an inspection tour in south China’s Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region from Sunday, and visited the Anthropology Museum of Guangxi in the city of Nanning Tuesday morning.

“Guangxi has made remarkable progress in recent years, with more than 6.3 million people lifted out of poverty. I once said this: ‘There should be no one left behind on the path of the nation’s battle against poverty’. What the Chinese people, the Communist Party of China (CPC) and the CPC leadership say counts. ‘There would be no one or no ethnic minority group left behind throughout the nation’s battle against poverty. Now people of all 56 ethnic groups in China have got rid of poverty. This is our solemn commitments. We can’t stop. Next, we will go on to embark on the new journey of accomplishing the second centenary goal. Come on, work hard, and let’s start a new journey,” said President Xi to the crowd outside the museum.

The “two centenary goals” are: to finish the building of a country of initial prosperity in all respects when the CPC celebrates its centenary in 2021 and turn China into a modern socialist country that is prosperous, strong, democratic, culturally advanced and harmonious when the People’s Republic of China celebrates its centenary in 2049.

Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fjyWaaWaJmo

Video – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fjyWaaWaJmo

GWM Designers decode design secrets of New Models Unveiled at Auto Shanghai 2021

SHANGHAI, April 29, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — On April 19, Great Wall Motors (GWM) unveiled several new models and concept cars at Auto Shanghai 2021. Specifically, HAVAL family introduced HAVAL JOLION and 3rd Gen HAVAL H6. GWM PICKUP upgraded full-size pickup. TANK officially announced the fifth brand of GWM. On the spot, we had the honor to hear Raul Pires Junior, SVP of Design for GWM and Andrew Collinson, Head of Design In GWM, sharing their insights on global automotive design trend and decoding design philosophy of GWM vehicles.

GWM Designers decode design secrets of New Models Unveiled at Auto Shanghai 2021

User experience oriented and differentiated design language

At this exhibition, GWM launched a new brand-TANK. Together with the existing brands, GWM becomes the automaker that owns five brands. In view of how to stand out from rivals while maintaining its own brand identity, as well as how to defederate design among the five major brands, the master of design will have to indicate the direction for future designing. To answering this question, Raul Pires Junior noted that each brand needed to establish its own system based on its values, segment market and target consumer group. To achieve these goals, each brand needs to establish a specific system. GWM’s secret is pursuing ultimate user experience, listening to consumer feedback, leveraging professional styling language, carefully shaping customer personalities and increasing quality perception of each band through ingenious design. Different bands are born to cater for the needs of different consumer groups. In this sense, each brand will have to differentiate design language. For HAVAL, we want it to be more youthful. Besides, we also wish it being able to reflect the direction in the mind of the customers via a unique styling language.

Global aesthetics to meet diversified consumer needs

As a global enterprise, GWM faces different customers from the global market. The key lies in how to meet diversified user needs from various countries. Regarding to this subject, Raul Piers Junior said, “what is very good inside GWM is we have several teams and groups representing each project that we work, and they feed the design with their requirements and their wishes from each local customer. Other than that, GWM has a special team to gather automotive design trends to enable the brand to keep up with the latest trend and always stay in the front of design concept. ”

Innovative pickup design DNA and lifts products to a premium level

At Auto Shanghai 2021, GWM released the first full-size pickup, which attracted wide attention from all walks of society. How to enhance the luxury feeling in pickup design and upgrade its value perception are the key to boost the consumption of pickup. The design concept is to make pickup popular. “We are picking up some of the luxury and sculpture and add such elements into the design of pickup. The beautiful design also transfers from the exterior to the interior, where we are offering an unsurpassed level of luxury materials. From the wheel to the front bumper, we have clean design and nice sculpture that bring life and three dimensionalities,” said Andrew, GWM PICKUP Design Director of GWM, “The all-new pickup features a more luxury design style and it will be the DNA of future GWM PICKUP design direction.” Meanwhile, as technology develops, market shifts and more users start to accept the series, GWM PICKUP will present a more enriched design language.

GWM has been kept abreast with the times, taken user experience as the core, and maintained an international team. Thanks to these efforts, it starts to create its own unique design language and style step by step. At the same time, GWM has diversified users demands of different markets into the brand’s overall design consideration. This has become a pillar of GWM’s global strategy in various global markets.

Photo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1495277/Image1.jpg

Loyalty Juggernaut Announces Issuance of US Patent for its Loyalty Visual Rules Engine

– An innovative method of implementing loyalty rules with visual language using visual blocks 

SAN JOSE, Calif., April 29, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — Loyalty Juggernaut, Inc. (LJI), the provider of GRAVTY, a next-gen, digital transformation platform for the ecosystem-centric loyalty programs in airline, hospitality, retail, financial services, telco and multi-brand, diversified business groups, announced that the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) has issued Patent (# 10713016) for its visual, plug and play rules engine (“GRAVTY Visual Rules”), designed to empower loyalty marketers to implement innovative program strategies with consummate ease, driving transformational business results and competitive advantage.

GRAVTY Visual Rules combines extreme sophistication with exceptional simplicity, enabling loyalty marketers to create granular and intensified personalization throughout the customer lifecycle, from acquisition to advocacy in order to maximize customer value, revenue and profitability.

“GRAVTY Visual Rules provides an easy-to-use interface to implement highly innovative and differentiated strategies that not only drive engagement and profitable customer behaviors but also intrigue, excitement and anticipation that our customers truly value,” Nida Unas, Head of MUSE Rewards, Group Loyalty Program of Chalhoub Group, the largest retail operator and the leading partner for luxury, fashion and cosmetics in the Middle East.

Innovation and speed to market are mission critical for the airline frequent flyer programs to overcome the “one-size-fits-all” limitations. With GRAVTY Visual Rules, airlines can launch new offers and promotions within minutes, operationalize new partnerships within hours to deliver value-propositions that resonate with their customers’ lifestyles and maximize brand salience and recall.

‘GRAVTY Visual Rules’  delivers ‘fun’ with functionality while hiding the complexity under-the-hoods, and eliminates the ‘fear factor’ inherent to traditional enterprise applications.

“We are grateful to our esteemed clients, who continuously encourage us to explore the “art of the possible” with technology,” Shyam Shah, CEO of Loyalty Juggernaut.

Watch GRAVTY Visual Rules in action

#ecosystem #loyaltymarketing #loyaltyprograms #customerengagement #loyaltyrewards #ffp.

About Loyalty Juggernaut

Headquartered in Silicon Valley, Loyalty Juggernaut, Inc. (LJI) is the next-gen loyalty and customer engagement solutions enterprise, helping brands reimagine their customer loyalty initiatives in #theageofdigitalcustomer.

GRAVTY®, LJI’s digital transformation platform is specifically designed for the ecosystem-centric loyalty programs. GRAVTY® client base includes leading global brands, running industry-defining and award-winning, ecosystem-centric loyalty programs in airline, hospitality, retail, food & beverages, financial services, telco and multi-brand, diversified business groups.

Follow us on LinkedIn. More at www.lji.io

Logo: https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1499608/Loyalty_Juggernaut_Inc_Logo.jpg

GSB Group doubts in gold reserves of Karatbars and the V999 Coin as well as the existence of the Osint Group

GSB Group doubts in gold reserves of Karatbars and the V999 Coin as well as the existence of the Osint Group

GSB Group doubts in gold reserves of Karatbars and the V999 Coin as well as the existence of the Osint Group

HAMBURG, Germany, April 28, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The following is a GSB statement, on the non-existent Osint Group and the doubts about Karatbars’ existing gold and the V999 fraud in connection with Rainer von Holst.

If fraud and abuse of title (also called imposture) knows no bounds due to a lack of awareness of injustice, then one can call oneself a US lawyer and US notary public in hiding and living illegally in the United States of America (USA), as Rainer von Holst alias Jan Faber or Dr. Peter Klein, among others, demonstrably did recently in an e-mail to a news agency in the Federal Republic of Germany.

It is a fact that the allegedly gold-backed V999 Coin cannot have an “auditor” with the name “Osint Group”, as Harald Seiz and E-Karat International claim in their white paper (https://v999.gold//documents/v999-platform-white-paper.pdf) and to various investors, since this company does not even exist, but the Osint Group has merely sprung from the questionable imagination of Rainer von Holst, who put an “Osint Group” logo and a https://osint.group construction kit website on the internet for this purpose.

In this context, the affiliates who deal with the allegedly gold-backed V999 Coin and actively advertise for it have to face the question of complicity, here in relation to the responsibility towards the gold investors, with regard to demonstrably ongoing investigations by the public prosecutor’s office against Rainer von Holst and his network.

That the Karatbars boss Harald Seiz has lured his investors directly to the V999 platform of the allegedly gold-backed V999 Coin with the BUV, UNV and QR gold codes, whereby the non-existence of gold auditors (Osint Group) has been proven, are facts. The reality is also that Karatbars investor gold accounts have been linked to those of the V999 Coin, as can be seen on YouTube and various affiliates advertise how to link Karatbars accounts to the V999 platform with just one click.
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=iYOK1L2CSj0

Moreover, investors have been waiting for 2 (two) years for the gold invested as well as purchased and already saved by investors, which is why there are countless complaints to authorities from investors who call it an international fraud, as one hears more and more often.

Already the renowned German business newspaper “Handelsblatt” reported in June 2020, under the title: “The public prosecutor doubts the gold reserves of the Karatbars Group”, about the massive doubts regarding the possible non-existent gold.
Source: https://www.handelsblatt.com/finanzen/maerkte/devisen-rohstoffe/dubioser-goldhaendler-die-staatsanwaltschaft-zweifelt-an-den-goldreserven-der-karatbars-gruppe/25945106.html

In this round dance, Jakob B. appears, who returns in the chat of https://t.me/karatbarslawsuit, whereby von Holst has been claiming for some time that he has bought journalists, which is currently the subject of investigations by the public prosecutor’s office.

Chris Saunders is described by Rainer von Holst as a “criminal” and a “stupid talker”, whom Jakob B. is currently suing, according to a statement made by Rainer von Holst to media representatives. This is surprising, because it was Chris Saunders in the USA who recently stated in a video that he had an engagement (assignment) from Jakob B. and a renowned German business newspaper.
Source: https://facebook.com/24karatchris/videos/177054424240274

As Rainer von Holst’s scam has been known for a long time, the internationally renowned Stiftung Warentest already reported on the impostor and blackmailer in 2018.
Source: https://www.test.de/Rainer-von-Holst-Warum-wird-Anlagehai-nicht-ausgeliefert-5594662-0

In his obvious delusions of grandeur as a fraudster, blackmailer and impostor, Rainer von Holst forgot that in this day and age it does not take very long to find out whether a person is really a notary and lawyer, for which it is moreover absolutely necessary that the person has US citizenship, as the US Embassy in London has informed us factually – which exposes the baseless lies of Rainer von Holst and his network.

Here every person can check that Rainer von Holst, contrary to his insane claims, is not a notary and also not a lawyer and there is also no Dr. Peter Klein in the USA as a lawyer, which is why it is clear that Rainer von Holst alias Jan Faber, who also calls himself Dr. Peter Klein, is an internationally wanted fraudster, impostor and internet blackmailer, who has been acting as a blackmailer on the internet for many years with lies and slander of “gerlachreport” https://www.gerlachreport.com.





Moreover, in the United States of America, a notary is a person appointed by the government of a state, for example by the governor and the lieutenant governor, but what US governor would allow himself to be photographed with a Rainer von Holst or even appoint an internationally wanted fraudster like Rainer von Holst as US notary?

The fact that Rainer von Holst demands from a German news agency, without any sense of injustice, that it refrain from disseminating reports about him, here in obviously boundless self-conceit, whereby he sounds full of pomposity that the renowned German newspaper “Kyffhäuser Nachrichten” had lost a lawsuit and would thus have to delete publications about him, is another brazen Rainer von Holst lie.
The “Kyffhäuser Nachrichten” is above reproach and is published in association with other media, such as: nnz-online.de, eichsfelder-nachrichten.de, msh-online.de, uhz-online.de, nordthueringen.de, nnz-tv.de, among others. The untrue statements made by Rainer von Holst to a news agency can once again be debunked within seconds, as the web link proves.
Source: https://www.kyffhaeuser-nachrichten.de/news/news_lang_druck.php?ArtNr=230553

As in many of his activities, Rainer von Holst is obviously relying on people being impressed by his baseless e-mail gibberish in the letters he writes. These times, however, are over, everything that comes from this person is currently being checked, the agencies and the media are informed about the actions of the internationally wanted fraudster, con man and internet blackmailer, Rainer von Holst. Where von Holst insists on data protection, he will be happy to enforce it when Rainer von Holst is arrested in the USA, extradited and stands trial.
The US embassies have been informed about the current press articles on Rainer von Holst and the non-existent Osint Group and, after receiving feedback, have commissioned investigations by the FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation) in the USA.

It thus remains to be seen when Rainer von Holst, who has gone into hiding, will be arrested and stand trial together with his criminal network, with Article 6(2) of the ECHR applying.

V999, Rainer von Holst, Jan Faber, Harald Seiz, Dr. Peter Klein, Peter Klein, Karatbars, Federal Bureau of Investigation, FBI, Osint Group, Jakob B., Chris Saunders, Whitepaper V999, BUV, UNV

Legally responsible for this press release:
GSB Gold Standard Banking Corporation AG
Grosse Bleichen 35
D-20354 Hamburg
Register of the Hamburg Local Court, No: HRB 161409
Federal Republic of Germany

Press Department:
Mrs. Berger
Phone: +49 40 376 69 19 – 0
Fax: +49 40 376 69 89 – 3
Mail: Media@GSB.gold

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/1d692296-8b08-4f61-97e3-27c0f70600d3

Viatris Inc. and Atomo Diagnostics Announce Agreement with Unitaid to Expand Access to HIV Self-Test

Cost of the test will be reduced to improve access and stimulate demand in 135 low- and middle-income countries

PITTSBURGH and SYDNEY, April 29, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — Viatris Inc. and Atomo Diagnostics Limited (ASX:AT1) (Atomo) today announced a multi-year agreement with global health agency Unitaid to expand access to HIV self-testing in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs).

The agreement reached between Unitaid and Viatris (through its subsidiary Mylan), with support from Atomo, represents a significant market expansion of HIV self-testing, with commitments to make testing available in 135 eligible countries.

Designed and manufactured by Atomo, the Mylan HIV Self Test is distributed by Viatris in low- and middle-income countries. The test is prequalified by the World Health Organisation (WHO) and detects the presence or absence of HIV antibodies in a small blood sample obtained from a fingertip. Unlike standard, multi-component HIV test kits, the test developed by Atomo is an integrated, handheld device that reduces common sources of user error and offers unmatched usability.

Rakesh Bamzai, President – India, Emerging Asia & Access Markets and Commercial Expansion and Biosimilars -Emerging Markets, Viatris, commented, “We’re proud to partner with Unitaid and Atomo to reduce the cost of HIV self-testing, increase access to an important diagnostic tool for those living with HIV in low- and middle-income countries and contribute to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) to educate 90% of people of their HIV status. We have been on the frontlines of the global fight against HIV/AIDS for more than a decade and understand the importance of both prevention and treatment. This agreement highlights the impact of Viatris’ Global Healthcare Gateway, which opens up our global infrastructure to partners so that we can collectively make a difference by broadening healthcare access.”

Atomo’s co-founder and Managing Director, John Kelly, said, “This tremendously exciting announcement from Unitaid signifies a material step-up in demand for HIV self-tests globally.  This demand enables Atomo to achieve sustainable operational and supply chain efficiencies, allowing us to support Viatris in its discussions with Unitaid. We are delighted that the parties have now reached an agreement that will significantly expand the rollout of HIV self-testing in LMICs in the coming years.”

Unitaid’s announcement on the access expansion programme states that it will support the supply of up to one million HIV self-tests to LMICs to further stimulate in-country demand for self-testing, with Viatris/Atomo having been selected as one of the providers for this program.

The World Health Organisation (WHO) has estimated the global health HIV self-testing market to be 11 million tests in 2021, rising to 29 million tests by 20251.

In anticipation of sustained growth in the HIV self-testing global tender market, Atomo commissioned and qualified a new wholly owned HIV facility in South Africa that was certified in late 2020 by international regulators, including WHO. This facility is now fully operational and ready to support HIV production for tender contracts in LMICs, as well as Atomo’s existing HIV business in Australia and Europe.

Mr Kelly added, “This agreement is not just a significant and important moment in the growth of Atomo, it’s also further confirmation of the versatility and performance of our unique all-in-one diagnostic test platforms and drives lower costs across the business. Not only have they proven themselves to be ideal for novel test applications like COVID-19 and anti-microbial resistance, but they are also suitable for deployment as part of mass-screening programs in decentralised settings. We are proud to have a role in driving equitable access to testing for HIV.”

About Viatris

Viatris Inc. (NASDAQ: VTRS) is a new kind of healthcare company, empowering people worldwide to live healthier at every stage of life. We provide access to medicines, advance sustainable operations, develop innovative solutions and leverage our collective expertise to connect more people to more products and services through our one-of-a-kind Global Healthcare Gateway®. Formed in November 2020, Viatris brings together scientific, manufacturing and distribution expertise with proven regulatory, medical and commercial capabilities to deliver high-quality medicines to patients in more than 165 countries and territories. Viatris’ portfolio comprises more than 1,400 approved molecules across a wide range of therapeutic areas, spanning both non-communicable and infectious diseases, including globally recognized brands, complex generic and branded medicines, a growing portfolio of biosimilars and a variety of over-the-counter consumer products. With a global workforce of approximately 45,000, Viatris is headquartered in the U.S., with global centers in Pittsburgh, Shanghai and Hyderabad, India. Learn more at viatris.com and investor.viatris.com, and connect with us on Twitter at @ViatrisIncLinkedIn and YouTube.

About Atomo Diagnostics

Atomo Diagnostics (ASX:AT1) is a world leader in the development of user friendly rapid diagnostic test products that simplify testing in decentralized settings. Headquartered in Sydney, Australia, the company specializes in creating integrated rapid diagnostic test (RDT) platforms and finished products for blood-based point-of-care testing (POCT). The recipient of multiple international awards for innovation, Atomo’s unique all-in-one AtomoRapid™ handheld devices make it easy to test and screen for a range of infectious diseases and chronic conditions. Its patented products simplify testing procedures, reduce errors and enhance usability for professional users and untrained self-testers.

As well as commercializing rapid test products in its own brand, Atomo provides OEM solutions to specialist diagnostic and pharmaceutical companies worldwide. The company manufactures the first and only HIV self-test to have been approved to be used in Australia.

See more at http://www.atomodiagnostics.com

1   Johnson C et al (2020). HIV self-testing market forecasting. World Health Organization – Diagnostic Manufacturer Meeting. Power Point presentation (virtual meeting). 20th October 2020.October 2020.

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