
Industry recorded over 1,500 violations during first half of Ramadan

Industry and Trade Ministry , its offices in the Capital Secretariat , the provinces detected 1,565 food and price violations during the first half of Ramadan.

Director General of Central Operations at the Ministry of Industry and Trade, Najib Al-Adhri, explained that the Capital Municipality ranked first in recording the number of violations, as it reached 632 violations, followed by Dhamar province with 255 violations, then Ibb province with 144 violations, and Al-Hodeida with 128 violations.

He confirmed that 50 violations had been referred to the prosecution, and that the instructions of Industry and Trade Minister required the continuation of the process of intensive monitoring of the markets in coordination with the chambers of commerce in the secretariat and the provinces.

He pointed out that the field campaigns carried out by the Ministry and its offices on the markets submit daily reports on the progress of the control process , the supply situation under the supervision of the Undersecretary for
the Internal Trade Sector, and he stated that the field indicators confirm the supply and price stability in the markets.

Al-Adhri noted that the field committees are about to begin field visits to stores selling clothes and Eid sweets after issuing a previous circular announcing prices within the framework of consumer protection and reducing fraud during consumer seasons.

Source: Yemen News Agency