Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

Israeli occupation authorities today rejected a renewed appeal against the demolition of a school in Jub adh Dhib community, close to Beit Ta’mir village, southeast of Bethlehem, according to a local activist.
Coordinator of the Wall and Settlement Resistance Commission, Hassan Brijiyeh, that the Israeli Supreme Court dismissed a petition lodged by the Commission against the demolition of al-Tahadi 5 (Challenge 5) School in the southern occupied West Bank village.
He added that the appeal dismissal came 11 days after the Central Israeli Court issued a ruling in favor of the demolition of the elementary school with 66 students attending grades 1-6, allowing only 60 days before the demolition is carried out.
The school was built on plot of land donated by Palestinians, who own legal papers that prove their ownership of the land.
In August 2017, he French foreign ministry denounced the demolitions by the occupation authorities of several schools, including a European Union (EU)-funded school Jubbet ad-Dib.
‘This destruction, which is contrary to international law, is all the more disturbing since it has notably taken place in the area known as E1 (between East Jerusalem and the settlement of the Ma’ale Adumim),’ the ministry noted.
Such an area, the ministry stressed, “is of strategic importance for the viability of a future Palestinian state with East Jerusalem as capital and for the two-state solution, to which France reaffirms its support.”

Source: Palestine News & Information Agency