Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

The Israeli army killing of Amir Ihab Bustami, 21, during a raid of the northern West Bank city of Nablus, the wounding of seven others, and the arrest of five of them was highlighted on the front page of the three Palestinian Arabid dailies published today, al-Hayat al-Jadida, al-Ayyam, and al-Quds.

They also highlighted the decision by the Palestinian freedom fighters in Israeli jails to take steps as part of a mutiny against new prison suppression measures against them.

Here are the main headlines of the three dailies:

Al-Hayat al-Jadida:

A martyr in Nablus, dozens of injuries, and the demolition of a house in Jabal al-Mukabber

The prisoners begin today to implement mutiny steps in response to vengeance measures by Ben Gvir

The cabinet decides to start sending the first batch of aid to Syria and Turkey

Arab and international rejection of the occupation’s decision to legalize settlement outposts in the West Bank

UN experts call on the international community to take measures to stop the demolition of homes in the West Bank

The factions call for expanding popular resistance and confronting settler terrorism

Tens of thousands of Israelis demonstrated outside the Knesset against the amendment of the judicial system


A martyr in Nablus, shot by the occupation forces during a large-scale assault on the city

A member of the occupation police was shot dead by his colleague at the Shufat camp checkpoint, and a child was wounded and arrested

The US and the European Union criticize the decision to legalize settlement outposts

Occupation forces injure a young man after shooting at his vehicle in Shufat camp

Jerusalem: A child was arrested for allegedly stabbing a settler in the Old City

Clashes and injuries in Jabal al Mukabber as the occupation forces begin a new demolition campaign

The prisoners decide to start a mutiny, leading to an open hunger strike

Israeli raids targeting sites and facilities in the Gaza Strip

Tens of thousands demonstrate in front of the Knesset in rejection of the attempt to amend the judicial system

Residential facilities were removed in the Jordan Valley and settlers attacked Turmus Ayya


A martyr and injuries during an assault on Nablus

An Israeli soldier was shot dead by his colleague and a settler was wounded during two stabbing attacks in Jerusalem

Sites were bombed in the Gaza Strip and a house was demolished in Jerusalem

The prisoners decided to escalate their protest steps

Turkey and Syria earthquake: the death toll exceeds 36,000

Blinken: Washington opposes the retroactive legalization of settlement outposts in the West Bank

The government decides to send the first batch of aid to Syria and Turkey

About 90,000 demonstrate against the plan to weaken the Israeli judiciary

Israeli data: a sharp increase in settler attacks in the West Bank

Source: Palestine News and Information Agency