In vengeance following escape of six prisoners, Israel imposes collective punishment against Palestinian prisoners

In a step seen as vengeance following the escape yesterday of six Palestinian resistance fighters from Gilboa jail, the Israeli occupation authorities began to impose collective punishment against all Palestinians incarcerated in Israel, today said the Palestinian Prisoner Society (PPS).

It said the Israel Prison Services (IPS) began moving prisoners around, mainly those in section 2 of Gilboa prison, some of whom were moved to a prison in the Naqab desert in the south of the country as a first step toward moving all prisoners to other prisons and separating them from each other.

The IPS also canceled all TV privileges to the prisoners in all the sections and started interrogating the Islamic Jihad leaders in the prison, as well as other punitive measures in all prisons in Israel.

The PPS called on the Red Cross and human rights organizations to protect the prisoners and to monitor the situation in the prisons to make sure Israel would not violate the rights of the prisoners.

Five of the six prisoners who broke out of jail yesterday are said to be members of the Islamic Jihad while the sixth is Fatah.

Source: Palestinian News & Info Agency