Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

In a telephone call today, French President Emmanuel Macron affirmed to President Mahmoud Abbas France’s unyielding support for peace and its continued efforts with the concerned sides and all international parties to stop the current escalation and move forward the initiatives that lead to the desired political horizon.

The two presidents discussed during this telephone call the latest political developments, the current dangerous situation in the Palestinian territories, and ways to strengthen relations between France and Palestine as well as with the European Union in light of France’s presidency of the EU council.

President Abbas stressed that the current situation cannot be tolerated nor ignored in the absence of a political horizon and international protection for the Palestinian people and in light of the Israeli occupation’s disavowal of its obligations in accordance with signed agreements and resolutions of international legitimacy.

President Abbas further briefed his French counterpart on the ongoing Israeli escalations against the Palestinian people and its continued unilateral acts, particularly in Jerusalem, including the expulsion of Palestinians from Jerusalem’s neighborhoods and the demolition of their homes, the killing of the defenseless Palestinian people including children, the crimes of settlement construction, and settler terrorism.

They also discussed the ongoing Israeli attacks on Christian and Islamic holy sites, especially the daily attacks against the al-Aqsa mosque by extremist settlers, under the protection of Israeli forces.

President Abbas stressed that the Palestinian leadership is in the process of taking action to confront these Israeli escalations in light of the international community’s inability to compel Israel to comply with the resolutions of international legitimacy and its failure to stop Israel’s criminal and occupying practices, ethnic cleansing measures, and racial discrimination, as well as in light of the US silence on these provocations and practices that are in flagrant violation of international law.

President Abbas thanked Macron for France’s firm stances in support of peace based on the two-state solution and international law, highly appreciating the assistance it provides to support institution-building and economic advancement in Palestine. President Abbas stressed the importance of continued political and economic support by the EU and member states.

He further emphasized the importance of France’s role and the effective initiatives it could provide in order to create a political horizon, noting that France enjoys the confidence of the Palestinian side.

President Abbas said the Palestinian leadership will continue to work to mobilize international support to address these challenges and put a stop to Israel’s crimes, which he stressed have reached an unacceptable level.

He stressed the need for the international community to take deterrent measures against Israeli practices and to stop the double standards; “because the situation on the ground is no longer acceptable.”

Meanwhile, President Macron extended an invitation to President Mahmoud Abbas to visit France in the forthcoming period in order to discuss ways to achieve peace and strengthen bilateral relations.

Source: Palestinian News & Info Agency (WAFA)