Occupation forces hand over demolition orders in Qalqilia

Israeli occupation forces ordered today the demolition of agricultural and residential structures in the village of Azun Atme in the occupied West Bank district of Qalqilia, according to local sources.

An Israeli military force broke into the village and handed a notification for the demolition of two agricultural shacks belonging to two Palestinian citizens.

The Israeli military also ordered a halt on the ongoing construction of a house in the village, which belongs to a local Palestinian citizen who was identified as Mohammad Ismail Younes.

Israel occupied the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, during the 1967 Six Day War. It justifies the demolition of Palestinian homes by saying that they lack building permits, despite the fact that Israel very rarely issues such permits to Palestinians.

Meantime, Israel approves the construction of thousands of residential units within illegal settlements built on occupied Palestinian land.

Source: Palestinian New & Info Agency