Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

Presidential spokesperson Nabil Abu Rudeineh denounced and rejected the Israeli Knesset’s approval of a draft bill allowing the return of Israelis to four settlement outposts located in the occupied West Bank, which were evacuated in 2005.

The presidential spokesman considered the Israeli Knesset’s approval of the draft bill, which was passed in the first and second readings, as a violation of the resolutions of international legitimacy, particularly UN Security Council resolution 2334, of 2016, which considers all settlements in all the Palestinian lands illegal.

He stressed that the Israeli government insists on defying international law and works to sabotage international efforts exerted to de-escalate the situation and reduce tension.

He called on the international community, particularly the US administration, to put pressure on the Israeli government and force it to stop all unilateral measures that violate international law and all signed agreements.

Source: Palestine News & Information Agency