مستوطنون يقتحمون “الأقصى” وسط تصعيد من منظمات “الهيكل”

اقتحم عشرات المستوطنين اليهود، اليوم الاثنين، باحات المسجد الأقصى المبارك، تحت حماية شرطة الاحتلال الإسرائيلي، وسط تصعيد من قبل منظمات “الهيكل” المزعوم؛ تمهيداً لعقد محاكاة كاملة لما يسمى “قربان الفصح” في القدس المحتلة.

وذكرت مراسلة “قدس برس” أن المستوطنين اقتحموا “الأقصى” على شكل مجموعات، من جهة “باب المغاربة” (أحد أبواب الجدار الغربي للمسجد، وهو الأقرب إلى حائط البراق).

وأشارت إلى أن المقتحمين نفذوا جولات استفزازية، وأدّوا طقوسًا تلمودية في المنطقة الشرقية من المسجد.

يشار إلى أن منظمات “الهيكل” المزعوم أعلنت عن عقد محاكاة كاملة لـ”قربان الفصح” في منطقة القصور الأموية الملاصقة لأسوار المسجد الأقصى المبارك، عصر اليوم الاثنين.

وتأتي هذه الدعوة بعد اجتماع عقد مؤخرا لحاخامات اليهود في الأقصى لمناقشة فرض طقوس “الفصح” فيه، وبعد دعوات من حاخامات اليمين الإسرائيلي، وتعهدات من قادة “جماعات الهيكل” بإدخال “قربان الفصح” إلى الأقصى مساء الجمعة القادم الموافق 14 رمضان.

وتشهد مدينة القدس المحتلة خلال الأعياد اليهودية تضييقات وتشديدات على الفلسطينيين من قبل شرطة الاحتلال، يتخللها عادةً إغلاقات لشوارع المدينة وبلداتها ومداخلها، ونصب للحواجز العسكرية، بالإضافة لعمليات تفتيش وتضييق على المقدسيين وحركة تنقلهم، بهدف تأمين الحماية الكاملة للمستوطنين لأداء شعائرهم التلمودية.

وتصاعدت وتيرة الانتهاكات والاقتحامات الإسرائيلية والدعوات المتطرفة لاقتحام المسجد الأقصى بأعداد كبيرة خلال فترة الأعياد اليهودية، بالإضافة لملاحقة واعتقال الفلسطينيين وإبعادهم عن المسجد لفترات متفاوتة.

Source: Quds Press International News Agency

‫دراج NXTT رمز Next Earth، على قائمة MEXC Global Exchange

بودابست،,المجر, 11 أبريل / نيسان 2022 /PRNewswire/ — يبدو أن Next Earth، ثالث أكبر كون فوقي(ميتافيرس)، لا يمكن ردعه.  شهدت المنصة نموًا هائلاً، مع أكثر من 230.000 مستخدم ومجموعة من الميزات الجديدة المثيرة، كما تمت مناقشته في مقال حديث لبزنس إنسايدر Business Insider. كان اليوم، اللحظة التي كان مجتمعهم ينتظرها: إدراج Next Earth في قائمة MEXC Global Exchange، وهي أحد أكبر بورصات العملات المشفرة. وفقًا لـ Coingecko، تم تعيين MEXC خامس أكبر بورصة للعملات المشفرة لتعزيز سيولة الرمز المميز منذ شهرين.

MEXC هو مقدم خدمات أصول رقمية سهل الاستخدام، مع حجم تداول يزيد عن 3.6 مليار دولار يوميًا، وتوفر القائمة فرصة رائعة لِـNext Earthians لتداول رموز NXTT.

“لقد كنا استراتيجيين للغاية في تصميم وتدقيق معالم رمزنا المميز. بعد شهرين، هذا هو الوقت المثالي لتقديم NXTT لمجتمع التشفير العالمي وMEXC هي الشريك المثالي لذلك. لقد قمنا بتوسيع الفريق بشكل كبير منذ إطلاق الرمز المميز، ونقوم الآن بتبديل المعدات لجعل NXTT رمز الكون الفوقي(الميتافيرس) المميز ذي منفعة قصوى. ستكون Launchpad Council و Staking أول التطورات الخاصة بالمنفعة، لتمكين حاملي الرموز من تولي أدوار الحوكمة وكسب المكافآت، “- قال ديفيد تايلور David Taylor، مهندس الرمز المميز.

من أجل شكر أعضاء مجتمع NXTT على دعمهم، سنوفر 1،140،000 رمز NXTT للفوز.

يمكن للمستخدمين الفوز بنوعين من الجوائز، وذلك من 11 أبريل/نيسان على الساعة 3 مساءً بالتوقيت العالمي إلى 15 أبريل/نيسان على الساعة 3 مساءً بالتوقيت العالمي : الجوائز الكبرى وجوائز المشاركة.

بالإضافة إلى ذلك، ستطلق MEXC Global حملة تصنيف بدأها Next Earth، حيث يمكن للمستخدمين المراهنة بالرموز المميزة للتصويت من أجل هدف محدد مسبقا. في البداية، يمكن للمستخدمين التصويت للفوز بـ 3.1 مليون NXTT بالإنزال الجوي.

أخيرًا، ستطلق MEXC جلسة MX DeFi مع Next Earth، لتمكين تعدين رموز NXTT المميزة من 18 أبريل/نيسان إلى 20 أبريل/نيسان. يمكن للمستخدمين خلال هذه الحملة مشاركة MX و NXTT لكسب عائد سيولة على NXTT.

تعتبر هذه فرص مثيرة للانخراط في Next Earth والفوز ببعض الجوائز القيمة. للشروط والأحكام الكاملة، يرجى الاطلاع على موقعMEXC الإلكتروني.

ارتفاع درجات الجامعات العربية في تصنيفات كيو أس للجامعات العالمية حسب الموضوع في العام 2022

تأكيد المملكة العربية السعودية   كقائد إقليمي في التعليم الجامعي، فيما حققت الإمارات العربية المتحدة ولبنان والأردن أرقاما قياسية للمواضع المصنفة بالمقارنة مع السنوات السابقة.

 لندن11 نيسان/أبريل، 2022/PRNewswire/ — يوفر الإصدار الثاني عشر من تصنيفات الجامعات العالمية كيو أس حسب الموضوع  الذي جمعه محللو التعليم العالي العالمي في مؤسسة كيو أس كواكواريلي سيموندس، تحليلًا مقارنًا مستقلًا لـ 15,200 برنامج جامعي فردي تُدرس في 1543 جامعة  في 88 موقعا عبر العالم غبر 51 تخصصا أكاديميا. وقد حققت الجامعتان الرائدتان في العالم، جامعة هارفارد ومعهد ماساتشوستس للتكنولوجيا القيادة في اثني عشر موضوعًا لكل منهما، فيما سجلت جامعة أكسفورد التفوق في ستة مواضيع.QS World University Rankings Logo

  وقد برزت 52 جامعة عربية  في هذه الطبعة من التصنيف  حيث تم تصنيف  324 برنامجا فيها في العام 2022 انخفض 42 برنامجا في التصنيف، وظلت 121 منها دون تغيير، وكانت 64 منها مواضيع جديدة.

 رقم الهاتف:









نسبة الجامعة / البرامج المصنفة







المملكة العربية السعودية










الإمارات العربية المتحدة























































وقد برزت الجامعات العربية 57 مرة في التصنيف حسب تخصص الكلية ( الآداب والعلوم الإنسانية، الهندسة والتكنولوجيا، علوم الحياة، العلوم الطبيعية، العلوم الاجتماعية)، مع حصول 30 منها على مراتب محسّنة في التصنيف. ،  أكثر البرامج الجامعية تصنيفًا في المنطقة العربية هي الهندسة (88)، وعلوم الكمبيوتر (31) والطب (31).  لدى مصر   أكبر عدد من الجامعات المصنفة (13)،  تليها المملكة العربية السعودية  (10) و  بعدهما الإمارات العربية المتحدة. .

 الجامعة الإقليمية الأولى حسب التصنيف هي جامعة الملك فهد للبترول والمعادن في السعودية، التي صنفت في المرتبة السادسة عالميا في هندسة البترول والمرتبة 16 عالميا في الهندسة – المعادن والتعدين. أما ثاني أفضل جامعة إقليمية فهي جامعة خليفة في الإمارات العربية المتحدة، والتي تصنف ضمن أفضل 20 جامعة في هندسة البترول.

وأظهر التصنيف أن لدى قطر أعلى نسبة من البرامج الجامعية المصنفة.

جامعات المنطقة العربية من بين أفضل 50 جامعة في العالم في تصنيفات الجامعات العالمية كيو إس حسب الموضوع





هندسة البترول

جامعة الملك فهد للبترول والمعادن

المملكة العربية السعودية



الهندسة – المعادن والتعدين



هندسة البترول

جامعة خليفة

الإمارات العربية المتحدة



هندسة البترول

جامعة الملك عبدالله للعلوم والتكنولوجيا (كاوست)

المملكة العربية السعودية



الصيدلة وعلم العقاقير

جامعة الملك عبدالعزيز (كاو)



دراسات التنمية

الجامعة الأميركية في بيروت (أي يو بي)




طب الأسنان

جامعة الملك سعود

المملكة العربية السعودية

الشعار –  https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1503777/QS_World_University_Rankings_Logo.jpg

Canton Fair 2022: Technological Innovation Revitalizes China’s Textile Industry

GUANGZHOU, China, April 10, 2022 /PRNewswire/ —

As China’s top comprehensive trade event in terms of scale and turnover, the Canton Fair has prepared well for the 131st session and is ready to welcome international buyers.

Here, we can enjoy the new and chic clothing and joyful modelling displays. In previous Fairs, textiles and apparel have always sit among the most eye-catching sections. Each session, many garment and textile companies flock in from provinces like Shandong, Hebei, Zhejiang, and Fujian. In recent years, technology innovation has revived the quite traditional industry in China. Numerous new products come to the stage featuring new fabrics, design, and manufacturing, dazzling the buyers’ eyes. At the 130th Canton Fair, a waterproof beige trench coat made with eco-friendly fabrics is favored by European and American buyers. Another type of popular products is those made by seamless computer knitting machine, which was especially well received among buyers from the U.K., Germany, U.S. and Japan.

The Chinese textile industry has penetrated various fields, from clothing and home textiles to the national defense and military industry, from transportation to medical and healthcare, from environmental protection to new energy development, from artificial blood vessels inside the heart and blades of wind turbines to the metal antenna mesh of the Beidou Satellite System (BDS), as well as the knitted Chinese national flag displayed on the moon.The wide application of Chinese textiles reflect constant innovations of the industry.

According to the reports, China’s clothing and textiles have transformed its global targeted market from middle and low-end into high-end with the same share of 60%. Once synonymous with “processing,” the Chinese textile industry is embarking on a path of intelligent manufacturing driven by technological innovation.

Hit by COVID-19, more textiles and apparel foreign trade enterprises have switched to online sales. From the 127th Canton Fair, many participant enterprises have arranged live streaming teams. During the Fairs, they advertised their products via 24-hour live streaming to attract buyers. Maggie Pu, Deputy Director General of the Foreign Affairs Office of the Canton Fair, said, with trade promotion activities such as “Discover Canton Fair with Bee and Honey”, “Trade Bridge” Virtual Promotion, the 131st Canton Fair will continue to connect buyers and suppliers, and share Chinese intelligent manufacturing products with the world.

Visit https://www.cantonfair.org.cn/en-US/register/index#/foreign-email  for more opportunities.

Canton Fair 2022: Hi-Tech Luggage Showcased at the 131st Canton Fair

GUANGZHOU, China, April 10, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — The 131st Canton Fair will be held online from April 15-24. Now, through various social media channels, the Fair has promoted various exhibits including cases and bags.

With the rapid development of the global society and economy and the improvement of people’s living standards, luggage has become a necessity in people’s lives as travel, business trips and other activities becoming more frequent.

The 130th Canton Fair has displayed a wide range of new commodities, including an anti-theft backpack, a dual-use carbon fiber case, school backpack bags adapted for ergonomics. Many buyers were surprised after watching livestreams, and left comments in social media accounts of Canton Fair. Hakim Jarrar from Spain was one of them, and he said the Cases & Bags section looked like a sci-fi world with everything one expected to find. Many commented in Canton Fair social media accounts, expressing the expectation of more hi-tech luggage at the 131st session.

With over 20,000 enterprises, China is a large luggage producer, occupying more than 70% of the global share. Manufacturers are mainly located in coastal provinces and cities such as Guangdong, Fujian, Zhejiang, Shandong, Shanghai, Jiangsu, and inland provinces including Hebei and Hunan.

The huge international luggage demand and the competitive pressure brought about by the high concentration of the industry chain have pushed more and more luggage business owners to focus on improving product quality. Beyond pursuit of beauty, many business owners have explored quality, practicality, and personalization. Some enterprises, taking “human+bag+technology” approaches, have collected numerous independent R&D patents, and their masterpieces have won awards in famous design contests at home and abroad. An example is the sustainable solar energy backpack, which won the Goldreed Industrial Design Awards for its innovative use of flexible solar panels to realize the transformation from light energy into electric energy and energy storage.

According to Alan Liu, Deputy Director General of the Foreign Affairs Office of the Canton Fair, the USB interface design on luggage has become the standard at the Canton Fair. Gyroscopes are installed in backpacks to send alarms when the elderly fall. The 131st Canton Fair will continue to display a number of intelligent and fashionable new products through its “Cloud Platform”, aiming to help China’s intelligent manufacturing better go global and benefit the world.

Visit https://www.cantonfair.org.cn/en-US/register/index#/foreign-email  for more opportunities.

Canton Fair 2022: China Emerging as Key Player in Clean Energy Innovation

GUANGZHOU, China, April 10, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — The 131st Canton Fair is set to open this April, and preparatory work for the Fair is well underway.

“Since establishing the New Energy section at the 116th Canton Fair, the development of China’s new energy industry is moving at breakneck speed,” Alan Liu, Deputy Director General of the Foreign Affairs Office of the Canton Fair, tells the journalist. As China attaches significant importance to clean energy development, unprecedented opportunities are provided for enterprises at home and abroad.

Energy is fundamental for human survival and development. In the early days of the founding of the PRC, the industry developed slowly due to insufficient energy productivity and low production levels. At that time, China needed to import basic commodities for lighting in daily life and furnace coke used in the iron and steel industry.

With rapid development over 70 years, China has grown into the largest energy producer across the globe. From importing energy products to the “dual carbon,” goal, from a country short of oil to a “world hydropower kingdom”, the Canton Fair has witnessed the extraordinary course of China’s energy industry transition.

To reach climate and sustainable development goals, China proposed the targets of peak carbon by 2030 and carbon neutrality by 2060 and made it clear that during the 14th Five Year Plan period, a clean, low-carbon, safe and efficient energy system would be built to control the total amount of fossil fuel used and shift to renewable energy. It has become a consensus among Chinese energy companies to focus on advanced technologies and innovation capabilities.

The recent games in Beijing have also become a vivid sample of China’s transition toward carbon neutrality. A series of green power supply projects, represented by the Zhangbei VSC-HVDC project, ensured these games were the first to be 100 percent supplied by green power. It is expected to reduce standard coal burning by 128,000 tons and reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 320,000 tons. At night, the glittering “Ice Ribbon” has left a deep impression on the global audience.

Alan Liu says, the Canton Fair will encourage and attract more green enterprises to participate, promote the full-scale green development of the exhibition, create a new model of a zero-carbon exhibition hall, set a green benchmark in the exhibition industry, and serve the national “dual carbon” strategy.

Visit https://www.cantonfair.org.cn/en-US/register/index#/foreign-email for more opportunities.

Canton Fair 2022: China’s Sustainable Chemical Industry Gathers Great Momentum Thanks to Intelligent Manufacturing

GUANGZHOU, China, April 10, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — The 131st Canton Fair will be held online from April 15-24. The top trading event in China is once again ready to open its arms to the world.

China’s “Two Sessions” have already concluded in Beijing, yet topics on the innovation-driven development strategy are still much discussed among China’s chemical industry. As a pillar of the national economy, China’s chemical industry is large in scale, long in the industrial chain, concentrated in capital and technology, and massive in driving effect. However, the demand for high-end chemical productions, pronouncedly the new chemical materials, has greatly outrun the supply, making China dependent on imports of superconducting chemical materials featuring high strength, high heat resistance, high ultra-purity, super-fine, high wear resistance.

Thanks to the implementation of the 14th Five-Year Plan Development Guideline for Petroleum and Chemicals and the Long-Range Objectives through the Year 2035, China’s basic chemicals industry reaches a tipping point for crucial changes, and high-end, green chemical products become a new trend. A number of key technologies for new chemical materials and high-end chemicals, such as POE and environmental-friendly catalysts, have been developed and obtained patents, breaking foreign monopolies.

The Canton Fair is a world-renowned comprehensive trading event, bringing together Chinese chemical brands and global buyers. The past sessions have witnessed a large number of transactions on high value-added chemical products, special products and brand products, such as silicone, adhesives, special coatings, and plastic products, which buyers favor. Chemical manufacturers with strong R&D and innovation capabilities are thriving with considerable turnover.

Accelerated industrial upgrading is also bringing new opportunities to China’s chemical industry. According to CINIC, China’s petrochemical industry reported a revenue of RMB14.45 trillion in 2021, up 30% year-on-year; total profits of RMB1.16 trillion, up 126.8%; total imports and exports of US$860.08 billion, up 38.7% compared with last year.

Maggie Pu, Deputy Director General of the Foreign Affairs Office of the Canton Fair, says that Canton Fair has been promoting “Intelligent Manufacturing in China” to the international arena. As with the “Carbon Peak and Carbon Neutrality” strategy, this year’s Canton Fair will continue to encourage chemical exhibitors to showcase more of their latest “green chemicals” and “high-end intelligent” products, enabling global buyers to share opportunities in China and benefits of green development.

Visit https://www.cantonfair.org.cn/en-US/register/index#/foreign-email  for more opportunities.

Canton Fair 2022: Innovation Bolsters China’s Building Material Sustainability

GUANGZHOU, China, April 10, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — The 131st Canton Fair is a few steps away from its opening. Every time, green and low-carbon development will come into the limelight. It is of great concern to domestic and overseas buyers how China’s home building materials industry, the epicenter of carbon emissions, will reduce pollution and carbon footprints.

As indicated in the 2020 Global Status Report for Buildings and Construction by International Energy Agency, carbon emissions from buildings and construction account for 35% to 38% of the total. The 2020 Report on China Building Energy Consumption tells that, in 2018, carbon emissions generated over buildings’ life cycle were 4.93 billion tons, 51.3% of the national total emissions. Carbon reduction in the building sector is crucial for carbon peak and carbon neutrality.

PV and wind power are taking up a larger proportion of China’s energy mix, which has led to the development of PV glass and glass fiber product industry chains. The building materials industry is transforming into a pillar of the renewable energy industry. More efforts are channeled into energy efficiency, emissions reduction, decarbonization, zero-carbon, and especially innovative technologies such as power generation glass plus energy storage, green hydrogen, carbon capture, utilization and sequestration. The display glass, carbon fiber, and glass fiber exhibited at the Canton Fair in recent years have been of great interest to international buyers. During the 130th Canton Fair, the China Home Furnishing Industry Green Development Summit Forum was held in the Canton Fair Complex specifically.

In addition to the green transformation of exhibits, the Canton Fair Complex is moving towards zero-carbon. According to Alan Liu, Deputy Director General of the Foreign Affairs Office of the Canton Fair, green building materials such as recycled concrete blocks and ALC slatwall have been utilized in the Canton Fair Complex expansion project. The concepts of low-carbon technology and energy-efficient operation highlight the charm of “China’s No.1  Fair.”

According to the China Building Materials Federation, Market Penetration Index (MPI) for FY 2021 was 109.7 points, a rebound of 8.9 points from the previous year. The industry’s high-quality development also provided strong support for a stable domestic economy. It is eagerly awaited what the green building materials industry holds for the 131st session, and how it may surprise us and facilitate a brand-new kind of wonderful lifestyle.

Visit https://www.cantonfair.org.cn/en-US/register/index#/foreign-email  for more opportunities.

Canton Fair 2022: Intelligent Manufacturing Upgrade Empowers Rapid Evolution of China’s Machinery Industry

GUANGZHOU, China, April 10, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — The 131st Canton Fair will be held online from April 15-24. According to Maggie Pu, Deputy Director General of the Foreign Affairs Office of the Canton Fair, a slew of highly-expected new products will be released in the machinery exhibition section this year.

As one of the most-visited exhibition sections at the Canton Fair, Machinery at the Canton Fair boasts big numbers in exhibits and turnover. Once incompetent, China’s machinery industry has drastically developed under the “innovation-driven” strategy.

China’s machinery industry is well-diversified. Fierce competition in the international market stimulates enterprises to take more seriously the product quality and costs and the capability to develop new products. Responding to the demands, enterprises have invested manpower and resources in strengthening the R&D of core technologies, which directly accelerated the transformation and upgrading of China’s machinery manufacturing industry.

In recent years, high-end equipment, including ultra-high voltage power transmission and distribution equipment, ten-million tonnage level oil refining equipment, and one-million tonnage level large ethylene equipment were developed, breaking the foreign company dominance. Emerging industries, such as robotics, have seen breakthroughs in motion control and high-performance servo drives. General machinery, agriculture machinery, small processing machinery and industrial parts have also formed a complete industrial chain. According to the German Mechanical Engineering Industry Association(VDMA), in 2020, China overtook Germany in the world rankings of machinery and equipment export with the lion’s share of 15.8% at €165 billion.

The Canton Fair brings together competent machinery manufacturing enterprises. Each session, leading exhibitors such as Guangzhou Tech-Long Packaging Machinery Co., Ltd., Hubei Tri-Ring Metal-Forming Equipment Import & Export Co., Ltd., and Hualian Machinery Group Co., Ltd. exhibited their new products at the Fair. New products include various intelligent equipment of different sizes, such as photoelectric complementary generator sets, new intelligent agricultural machinery, and digital silent inverter generator.

With the implementation of the “14th Five-Year Plan” for the Machinery Industry Development, China’s pertinent sectors will embrace much progress. The infrastructure boom in “Belt and Road Initiative” (BRI) countries, together with the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership(RCEP) taking effect, renders a broad stage for China’s machinery industry to quickly become internationally advanced. As a bond of friendship and a bridge for trade, the Canton Fair is witnessing the evolution of China’s manufacturing and machinery industries.

Visit https://www.cantonfair.org.cn/en-US/register/index#/foreign-email  for more opportunities.

Newspapers Review: Three Palestinian killed by Israeli gunfire focus of dailies

News about the three Palestinians who were killed yesterday by Israeli forces hit the front pages of the three Arabic Palestinian dailies on Monday.

Al-Hayat al-Jadida, al-Quds and al-Ayyam said that the Israeli forces yesterday shot dead two Palestinian women and young man in the occupied West Bank cities of Bethlehem and Hebron.

The dailies said that Israeli occupation forces shot dead a Palestinian woman after they opened fire at her while she was crossing an Israeli military checkpoint near the village of Husan, to the west of Bethlehem in the occupied West Bank.

An unidentified Palestinian woman was shot and killed today evening by Israeli forces’ fire in the city of Hebron, in the southern occupied West Bank, as reported in the dailies.

The paper added that a young man was shot dead by the Israeli forces in Bethlehem.

In response to the events, Prime Minister, Mohammed Shtayyeh, in a statement condemned the Israeli army killing of a Palestinian woman in her mid-40s in Bethlehem. He held the Israeli government fully responsible for the consequences of this heinous crime.

The European Union expressed shock at the Israeli army’s killing of a Palestinian woman in Bethlehem.

“Horrified by the killing of a Palestinian woman by ISF near Bethlehem. Our deepest condolences to her family. Such excessive use of lethal force against an unarmed civilian is unacceptable. This incidence must be swiftly investigated and the perpetrators be brought to justice,” said the EU in a tweet.

Al-Quds said that the Israel occupation’s navy opened fire on Palestinian fishermen as they were sailing off the north of the Gaza Strip, forcing them to return to shore.

It added that Israeli forces yesterday night opened fire at a Palestinian vehicle at Ad-Dhahiriya crossing to the south of Hebon.

Source: Palestinian News & Info Agency (WAFA)

17-year-old Palestinian succumbs to wounds

17-year-old Mohammad Zakarneh has today succumbed to the wounds he sustained during confrontations with Israeli forces yesterday in the occupied West Bank city of Jenin, medical sources confirmed.

Zakarneh was shot by Israeli special unit forces’ gunfire after they raided the industrial area in Jenin and targeted a vehicle.

The Palestinian National Liberation Movement Fatah declared a commercial strike in the city to mourn the slain Palestinian whose funeral will be held today at noon.

The occupation forces escalated their violations and repressive and retaliatory practices against the Palestinians folllwing a decision madeby the Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett.

Yesterday, two women and a young man were shot dead by the Israeli forces in Bethlehem and Hebron.

Source: Palestinian News & Info Agency (WAFA)

Israeli forces detain 23 Palestinians in West Bank raids

Israeli forces Monday overnight detained 23 Palestinians in multiple raids across the occupied West Bank, according to local and security sources.

They said that Israeli forces rounded up a Palestinian after storming his house in Idhna town, west of Hebron.

The heavily-armed soldiers rounded up two others from the southern West Bank city of Hebron.

The sources confirmed a similar raid in al-Arroub refugee camp, north of the city, resulting in the detention of two teens, both aged 16.

Meanwhile, Israeli police detained three others from the East Jerusalem neighborhood of Silwan.

In the northern West Bank, the sources said that two others were rounded up from Burqa village, northwest of Nablus.

Gun-toting soldiers forcibly entered and ransacked several houses in Kafr Qallil town, south of the city, and eventually detained eight others, including a former prisoner.

While in the town, the soldiers confiscated several vehicles.

Elsewhere in the northern West Bank, soldiers appeared at two houses in Meithalun town, south of Jenin, muscled inside, conducted a thorough search and eventually detained two others, including a high school student.

During ensuing confrontations, the soldiers opened fire towards local youths who attempted to block their passage. No injuries were reported though.

Another was detained in a similar raid in Burqin town, west of Jenin.

In Tulkarm district, the forces barged their way into Tulkarm refugee camp, and detained another after breaking into and searching his family house.

This came as a sizable military force raided the city and deployed in the vicinity of the Thabet Thabet Hospital.

In the central West Bank, soldiers re-arrested a former prisoner from Silwad town, east of the city.

The raid triggered confrontations which say the soldiers opening tear gas canisters and stun grenades towards local protestors. No injuries were reported though.

On Sunday evening, the sources said that a former prisoner was re-arrested after being stopped at a military roadblock close to Anata town, northeast of Jerusalem.

The detainee was identified as a resident of Jalazone refugee camp, north of Ramallah.

Police detained five others from Jerusalem city; three from the vicinity of Al-Aqsa Mosque compound and two others during a sin-in protest in solidarity with Jenin refugee camp at Damascus Gate.

Source: Palestinian News & Info Agency (WAFA)