Video Podcast from Flapmax and Microsoft Features the Startup Founders Energizing Africa’s Digital Ecosystem

Selected Startups are addressing 17 of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals

LAGOS, Nigeria, July 14, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Flapmax announced today the launch of the FAST Founder Series in partnership with Microsoft. The weekly video podcast features the unique stories of the FAST startup accelerator’s graduates – young entrepreneurs, innovators, and founders who are strengthening Africa’s digital ecosystem from the ground up.

“We created the FAST Founder Series to share unique success stories from our global community of entrepreneurs with the world,” said the Flapmax team. “Hearing their stories directly from these innovative young professionals is inspiring, to say the least. Listeners can expect to be awed, engaged, and come away with actionable insights to help grow their own business.”

Revolutionizing industry across the continent with AgriTech, EduTech, HealthTech and FinTech, the twelve startup founders featured in the FAST Founder Series podcast are graduates of the first FAST startup accelerator. They were chosen from more than 800 applicants representing 25 countries in Africa. The twelve entrepreneurs represent six countries and nine industries, and include two women founders. Each startup founder is tackling challenges that address the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), including equality, education, and poverty reduction.

With a new episode released each week on Wednesdays, the series will delve into key topics for startup founders, including job creation, business formation, cloud computing and AI, and venture capital. Podcast viewers will learn how these individual entrepreneurs are leveraging technology to scale sustainable operations across Africa and around the world.

FAST accelerator participants study corporate governance, technology integration, funding strategies and community building opportunities designed to help them scale rapidly and sustainably. Microsoft engineers serve as business mentors, working one-on-one with accelerator participants. The participants also gain access to innovative technology tools and services, including Fast Portal, SME Marketplaces, Microsoft for Startups Founders Hub and Microsoft Azure.

The founders interviewed in the series include Mustafa Suberu, Capsa Technology – Nigeria; Vincent Okeke, Legitcar – Nigeria; Ryan Panderis, LynkWise – Namibia; Innocent Orikiiriza, KaCyber – Uganda; Edwin Lubanga, Snark Health – Kenya; Karim Amer, VAIS – Egypt; Dominic Kavuisya, Taimba – Kenya; Lekan Omotosho, Pade – Nigeria; Deyo Adeniran, DayDone – Nigeria; Ronald Mutuku, Silku – Kenya; Paulus Indongo, K-12 Plus – Namibia; and Dr. Trish Scanlan, Tumani La Maisha – Tanzania.

View a preview of the episode here and here.

The full FAST Founder Series video podcast episodes are available to view on the Flapmax YouTube channel, as well as Apple Podcast, Spotify, and Google Podcast. Follow the full season premiere at

About FAST Accelerator

FAST Accelerator is a technology accelerator from Flapmax built in partnership with Microsoft. The accelerator encourages collaboration across borders and is committed to expanding opportunities for technology innovation and implementation worldwide.


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‫YPO ينتخب رافي دميرجيان 2022-2023 رئيس YPO

نيويورك، 13 يوليو 2022 / PRNewswire / — YPO ، مجتمع القيادة العالمية الذي يضم أكثر من 30,000 رئيس تنفيذي في 142 دولة، أعلن عن انتخاب رافي دميرجيان لأعلى منصب منتخب في YPO ، رئيس مجلس إدارة YPO .

YPO Logo

ديميرجيان، الذي بدأت ولايته في 1 يوليو 2022، هو العضو السبعين الذي يشغل هذا المنصب ويخلف رئيس YPO أناستاسيوس (تاسوس) إيكونومو.

ديميرجيان عضو في YPO لبنان، وهو الرئيس التنفيذي لشركة Demirjian Global ، وهي اتحاد مملوك للعائلة يركز على التداول في مختلف أسواق رأس المال والاستثمارات طويلة الأجل والعقارات والأصول البديلة.

 يقول ديميرجيان: “يشرفني أنه تم اختياري لخدمة نظرائي في YPO كرئيس”. “أثرت هذه المنظمة على كل جانب من جوانب حياتي، وأتطلع إلى العمل مع مجلس إدارة YPO ، ومجتمعنا المتميز من المتطوعين الأعضاء ومع فريقنا الإداري المتفاني لمواصلة تقديم تجربة استثنائية لمجتمعنا القيادي العالمي.” 

يواصل ديميرجيان إرث مؤسس YPO والرئيس الأول، راي هيكوك، الذي وضع معيارًا لقيادة الأقران.

تقول إيكونومو: “ YPO هو مجتمع عالمي من صانعي التغيير، ورافي يجسد تلك الروح”. “من خلال قيادته وشغفه، أعلم أنه سيخلق تأثيرًا هائلًا عبر المنظمة. وأتطلع إلى العمل معه لتقديم أقصى قيمة لأقراننا في جميع أنحاء العالم”.

انضم ديميرجيان إلى YPO في عام 2003 في سن 27 عامًا وكان عضوًا نشطًا على مستوى الفصل والمستويين الإقليمي والعالمي.

خلال فترة ولايته، يقود ديميرجيان إعادة تصور YPO EDGE ، الحدث الرئيسي للمنظمة بعد توقف الوباء ويعيد وضعه كأول حدث عالمي لتعلم الأقران للرؤساء التنفيذيين. سيجمع هذا الحدث الفريد من نوعه 3000 رئيس تنفيذي من جميع أنحاء العالم للغوص العميق لمدة ثلاثة أيام في القضايا الملحة والهامة التي تواجه قادة الأعمال اليوم وغدًا.

وسيواصل ديميرجيان أيضًا تعزيز وخلق فرص فريدة وحصرية للتعلم من الأقران وقيادة الفكر لمجتمع الشباب من أجل السلام، مصممة للمساعدة في دعم القادة في كل مرحلة من مراحل رحلاتهم المهنية والشخصية.

بالإضافة إلى خدمته في YPO ودعم مهمة المنظمة لإحداث تأثير في الأعمال التجارية والمجتمعات وخارجها، يكرس دميرجيان وقته نحو تمكين الشباب والتخفيف من حدة الفقر في العديد من مجالس المنظمات غير الحكومية في لبنان.

نبذة عن YPO

YPO هي جماعة قيادية عالمية تضم أكثر من 30000 رئيس تنفيذي في 142 بلدًا، يرتبطون بالإيمان المشترك بأن العالم يحتاج إلى قادة أفضل وأن الأعمال التجارية يمكن أن تكون قوة دافعة للخير. لقد حقق كل عضو من أعضائنا نجاحا قياديًا كبيرًا في سن مبكرة. وهي تقود الشركات والمنظمات التي توظف بشكل جماعي أكثر من 22 مليون شخص في جميع أنحاء العالم وتدر أكثر من 9 تريليون دولار أمريكي من الإيرادات المجمعة. يجتمع أعضاء YPO للتعلم وتبادل الأفكار لإحداث فرق في الحياة والشركات والمجتمعات التي يؤثرون عليها. لمزيد من المعلومات، تفضل بزيارة

  الشعار –

Name of Russian Arms Dealer Surfaces in Possible Prisoner Swap

A Russian arms dealer labeled the “Merchant of Death” who once inspired a Hollywood movie is back in the headlines with speculation around a return to Moscow in a prisoner exchange.

If Viktor Bout, 55, is indeed eventually freed in return for WNBA star Brittney Griner and former U.S. Marine Paul Whelan, as some published reports suggest, it would add to the lore around a charismatic arms dealer the U.S. has imprisoned for more than a decade.

Depending on the source, Bout is a swashbuckling businessman unjustly imprisoned after an overly aggressive U.S. sting operation, or a peddler of weapons whose sales fueled some of the world’s worst conflicts.

The 2005 Nicolas Cage movie, “Lord of War” was loosely based on Bout, a former Soviet air force officer who gained fame supposedly by supplying weapons for civil wars in South America, the Middle East and Africa. His clients were said to include Liberia’s Charles Taylor, longtime Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi and both sides in Angola’s civil war.

Shira A. Scheindlin, the former New York City federal judge who sentenced Bout before returning to private law practice, can be counted among those who would not be disappointed by Bout’s freedom in a prisoner exchange.

“He’s done enough time for what he did in this case,” Scheindlin said in an interview, noting that Bout has served more than 11 years in U.S. prisons.

He was convicted in 2011 on terrorism charges. Prosecutors said he was ready to sell up to $20 million in weapons, including surface-to-air missiles to shoot down U.S. helicopters.

Bout has steadfastly proclaimed his innocence, saying he’s a legitimate businessman and didn’t sell weapons. He’s had plenty of support from high-level Russian officials since he was first arrested. A Russian parliament member testified when Bout was fighting extradition from Thailand to the U.S.

Last year, some of his paintings were displayed in Russia’s Civic Chamber, the body that oversees draft legislation and civil rights.

Bout’s case fits well into Moscow’s narrative that Washington is lying in wait to trap and oppress innocent Russians on flimsy grounds.

“From the resonant Bout case a real ‘hunt’ by Americans for Russian citizens around the world has unfolded,” the government newspaper Rossiiskaya Gazeta wrote last year.

Increasingly, Russia has cited his case as a human rights issue. His wife and lawyer claimed his health is deteriorating in the harsh prison environment where foreigners are not always eligible for the breaks that Americans might receive.

Last month, Russia’s human rights commissioner Tatyana Moskalkova said: “We very much hope that our compatriot Viktor Bout will return to his homeland.”

Moskalkova said the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the General Prosecutor’s Office and the Ministry of Justice were working to see if Bout might qualify for transfer to Russia to serve the rest of his sentence.

Now held in a medium-security facility in Marion, Illinois, Bout is scheduled to be released in August 2029.

“If you asked me today: ‘Do you think 10 years would be a fair sentence,’ I would say ‘yes,'” Scheindlin said.

“He got a hard deal,” the retired judge said, noting the U.S. sting operatives “put words in his mouth” so he’d say he was aware Americans could die from weapons he sold in order to require a terrorism enhancement that would force a long prison sentence, if not a life term.

“The idea of trading him shouldn’t be unacceptable to our government. It wouldn’t be wrong to release him,” Scheindlin said.

Still, she said an even exchange of Griner for Bout would be “troubling.”

The WNBA star and two-time Olympic gold medalist was arrested in February at a Moscow airport, where police said they found cannabis oil in a vape canister in her luggage. While the U.S. government has classified her as “wrongfully detained,” Griner pleaded guilty to drug possession charges on July 7 at her trial in a Russian court.

Scheindlin said Griner was arrested for something that “wouldn’t be five minutes in jail.”

That sentiment is shared by others. The St. Louis Post-Dispatch said in a July 9 editorial that Bout illegally trafficked billions of dollars of weapons “to feed wars around the world” and has “the blood of thousands on his hands,” while Griner “made a stupid mistake with a tiny amount of cannabis. She harmed no one.”

Griner could face up to 10 years in prison. Her guilty plea was not unanticipated by those who understand that similar moves commonly precede prisoner swaps. Whelan was arrested three years ago on espionage charges that the U.S. has said were trumped up and false.

In April 2012, Scheindlin imposed the mandatory minimum 25-year sentence that Bout now serves, but she said she did so only because it was required.

He was taken into custody at a Bangkok luxury hotel after conversations with the Drug Enforcement Administration sting operation’s informants who posed as officials of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, also known as the FARC. The group had been classified by Washington as a narco-terrorist group.

He was brought to the U.S. in November 2010.

The “Merchant of Death” moniker was attached to Bout by a high-ranking minister of Britain’s Foreign Office. The nickname was included in the U.S. government’s indictment of Bout.

Source: Voice of America