Al-Abadi discusses with the Saudi and Kuwaiti Ambassadors enhancing joint cooperation

The Head of Al-Nasr Coalition, Haider Al-Abadi, received in his office, yesterday evening, Sunday, individually, the Saudi Ambassador to Baghdad, Abdulaziz Al-Shammari, and the Kuwaiti Ambassador to Baghdad, Tariq Abdullah Al-Faraj.

A statement by Al-Abadi’s office stated that during the meeting with the Saudi Ambassador, they discussed enhancing cooperation in various fields, and discussing the conditions taking place in the region.

While the Saudi Ambassador praised Al-Abadi’s steps in establishing the Iraqi-Saudi Coordination Council, and his great efforts in strengthening the bonds of cooperation between the two countries in particular and in the region in general.

The statement added: During Al-Abadi’s meeting with Kuwaiti Ambassador Tariq Abdullah Al-Faraj, relations between the two countries and ways to strengthen them were discussed.

During the two meetings, Al-Abadi stressed the importance of building solid relations based on intertwining interests with neighboring countries, the region and the world, and building strategies according to a vision based on development and economic foundations.

Source: National Iraqi News Agency