Premier calls on US to preserve two-state solution

Prime Minister Mohammad Shtayyeh called today on the United States to take serious steps to preserve the two-state solution.

Speaking at a meeting with a delegation from the US Senate in Ramallah, Shtayyeh said putting an end to the unilateral Israeli measures and recognizing the State of Palestine are key to achieving the two-state solution.

The Prime Minister stressed the importance of strengthening direct bilateral relations between Palestine and the United States, calling on the latter to reopen the US Consulate in Jerusalem and to restore direct aid to the State of Palestine to be able to face the financial crisis resulting from Israel’s deductions from Palestinian tax funds.

Shtayyeh called for pressure on Israel to stop all its unilateral measures and violations against our people, which undermine the political project and the two-state solution.

Shtayyeh said, “Israel puts obstacles in front of us and deprives us of exploiting our potential and our natural resources, especially in Area C. Israel is also placing obstacles in front of the development of our infrastructure.”

“Israel no longer adheres to and respects the agreements signed with it. It is depriving us of our right to hold elections in all our lands, including Jerusalem, and we want the American administration to pressure in this direction to ensure the participation of our people in Jerusalem pin any future elections] as candidates and voters,” he added.

Source: Palestine News and Information and Agency