The President of the Republic visits the Medieval Civic Museum in Bologna, Italy

The President of the Republic, Dr. Abdul Latif Jamal Rashid, visited the Civil Medieval Museum in the city of Bologna, Italy, accompanied by the Minister of Culture, Tourism and Antiquities Ahmed Fakak Al-Badrani, the Minister of Migration and Displacement Evan Faiq Jabro and a number of advisors and officials.

A presidential statement stated that upon the arrival of the president’s convoy to the Medieval Civic Museum, he was received by Mayor Matteo Libori, Director of the Municipal Museums of Bologna Eva Delle Innocenti, Director of Civic Museums of Ancient Art Massimo Medica, Professor at the University of Bologna Nicola Marchetti and Commander of the Gendarmerie Corps Unit for the Protection of Cultural Heritage in Bologna Giuseppe De Gouri, who expressed their happiness at the visit of President Abdul Latif Jamal Rashid to the museum.

During the meeting, he received an Iraqi artifact dating back to the Assyrian civilization, where the President and the Minister of Culture thanked the Italian government for that.

The President of the Republic affirmed that Iraq appreciates Italy’s efforts to restore Iraqi antiquities, as well as its contribution to excavations for antiquities, in coordination with the competent Iraqi official authorities.

The meeting witnessed an extensive discussion of the destruction and looting of Iraqi antiquities throughout the ages, the latest of which was the terrorist gangs of ISIS, where the Minister of Culture explained the efforts exerted to restore Iraqi antiquities, referring in this regard to the recovery of (17) thousand pieces from the United States and what Approximately (6) thousand artifacts from the United Kingdom, (2500) from Lebanon and some coins from Egypt.

On the Italian side, Professor of Culture and History Nicola Marchetti expressed his hope to develop cooperation between the two countries due to their ancient history and civilization that contributed to the progress and development of humanity.

The President was briefed on the various pavilions of the museum, which included an exhibition of Iraqi and Arab artists that included sculptures and various works of art. He also listened to a briefing about the contents of the museum and the date of its establishment, expressing his happiness at visiting the museum, indicating that Iraq and Italy share a historical and cultural heritage.

Source: National Iraqi News Agency