EMGA secures US$ 50M debt finance for Kazakhstan’s MFO KMF

LONDON, April 09, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Emerging Markets Global Advisory LLP (EMGA) announces they have secured a US$50M facility senior debt facility from JICA, The Japan International Cooperation Agency.

KMF Chairman of the Board Shalkar Zhusupov: “This is the first time that KMF has entered into a partnership with JICA, whose goals and mission are close to our own. We are grateful to EMGA and JICA for their trust and support. The funds from JICA will be used to implement projects to support micro and small enterprises, including rural entrepreneurs, which will create new opportunities and contribute to their economic growth.”

EMGA’s Head of Investment Banking and Managing Director Sajeev Chakkalakal said, “We are delighted to have arranged this new landmark debt facility for our long-standing client KMF. It has been a real pleasure to work with them again, as they continue to solidify their position as the largest MFI in the country, and further strengthen their financial position in spite of turbulent times.”

EMGA’s Managing Director Jeremy Dobson added, “This new financing will help KMF deliver on their stated mission; to continue to help entrepreneurs throughout Kazakhstan, and to develop their business with a greater focus on female owned businesses and in rural areas.”

MFO KMF is one of the leaders in Central Asian microfinance sector. The company aims to establish long-term partnership relations with clients based on mutual trust, understanding and respect. MFO “KMF” disburses clients individual and group loans for the following types of activity: business, trade, crop farming and cattle-breeding, production and services and consumer lending.

JICA: The Japan International Cooperation Agency is a governmental agency that delivers the bulk of Official Development Assistance for the government of Japan. It is chartered with assisting economic and social growth in developing countries, and the promotion of international cooperation.

Emerging Markets Global Advisory Limited (EMGA), with offices in London and New York, helps financial institutions and corporates seeking new debt or equity capital. EMGA’s multi-national team combine the decades of experience necessary to complete transactions on behalf of their clients within the world’s emerging markets and frontier economies, including Kazakhstan which remains a key market. With a proven track record in capital formation and strategic advisory throughout diverse economic cycles, EMGA continues expanding its geographic reach and service offering, solidifying its place in the market as one of the industries pre-eminent emerging markets focused niche investment banks.

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GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 1000933917

‫عيد سونغكران (Songkran) في بانكوك مع مجمع اي ام (EM DISTRICT) سيهيمنا على المشهد السياحي العالمي.

بانكوك، تايلاند – Media OutReach Newswire – 9 2024  أبريل

لا تزال بانكوك رائدة السياحة في تايلاند بلا منازع، حيث تجتذب الزوار من جميع أنحاء العالم بسحرها وجاذبيتها التي لا مثيل لها، وتعزز مكانتها كوجهة مثالية للمسافرين الباحثين عن تجارب لا تُنسى مع جوائز حديثة واحتفالات قادمة.حصلت بانكوك، مع تدفق مذهل من الزوار يبلغ 22,78 مليون زائر إلى شوارعها سنويًا، على لقب المدينة الأكثر زيارة في العالم لعام 2023 وفقًا للإحصائيات العالمية، علاوة على جاذبيتها التي لا يمكن إنكارها، ومغامري بانكوك وعشاق ثقافتها والمتجولين في جميع أنحاء العالم.صنفت مجلة DestinAsia مدينة بانكوك مؤخرًا على أنها الوجهة رقم واحد، مما يؤكد مكانتها كواحدة من أفضل وجهات السفر في العالم. تقديرًا لكرم الضيافة الاستثنائي الذي تتمتع به بانكوك، والنسيج الثقافي الغني، ومجموعة لا حصر لها من عوامل الجذب، تؤكد هذه الجائزة المرموقة على السمعة الاستثنائية للمدينة.تتأهب المدينة لمهرجان سونغكران القادم، احتفالًا بهذا التقليد القديم المصنف باعتباره تراث غير مادي من اليونسكو. في الفترة من 13 إلى 15 أبريل، تجتاح احتفالات سونغكران جميع أنحاء تايلاند، وتحول شوارعها الصاخبة إلى كرنفال مبتهج من معارك المياه، والعروض الثقافية، والمهرجانات المبهجة.

علاوة على ذلك، تبشر سونغكران بفترة راحة للسكان المحليين والسياح على حد سواء، حيث تشهد المدينة انخفاضًا في الازدحام المروري في بانكوك، مما يسمح للزوار بالتنقل في شوارعها بسهولة وراحة. جهة التسوق الرئيسية في بانكوك، هي مجمع اي ام (EM DISTRICT)، بما في ذلك إمبوريوم وإكوارتير وإمسفير، ويقدم مجموعة واسعة من الأنشطة لإسعاد وإرضاء جميع الأذواق.

بدءًا من حدث “Kud Thai” الشهير والذي يعني أفضل اختيار في تايلاند، والذي يعرض أرقى العروض التايلاندية بدءًا من 27 مارس حتى 18 أبريل 2024، إلى مجموعة مختارة من الهدايا التذكارية التايلاندية والأزياء المحلية وأسلوب الحياة المحلي، والمواي تاي والفواكه المحلية المتميزة في إمبوريوم “Kud Thai Pop fest”، يمكن للزوار المشاركة في تجربة ثقافية غامرة بدءًا من ورشة العمل الحرفية وحتى الأداء الموسيقي التايلاندي الذي يحتفل بجوهر التراث الغني والحرفية في تايلاند. خلال الفترة من 27 مارس إلى 4 أبريل، يمكن لعشاق الطعام الشروع في رحلة طهي في إكوارتير مع أفضل الفواكه التايلاندية والمطاعم الشعبية. عند الوصول عبر الممر العلوي من محطة BTS Prom Phong، يقدم إمسفير، أحدث مركز تجاري في تايلاند، “Kud Thai Ent Fest”، مع طابور طويل من مطاعم مأكولات الشوارع، وبار على الطراز التايلاندي، وملابس تايلاندية تقليدية مع صورة مجانية وملابس تايلاندية للإيجار (12 – 16 أبريل)، إضافة إلى مداخل الأنفاق المائية الخلابة خلال الفترة من 5 إلى 17 أبريل.

سيحضر أكثر من 30,000 شخص من جميع أنحاء العالم إلى يو او بي لايف (UOB Live) ونادي تريبيس سكاي (Tribes Sky) الشاطئي لحضور حدث شانغ جاي لا (Shang-gay-la) من جي- سيركيت (G-circuit) الذي سيعقد خلال سونغكران في الفترة من 12 إلى 15 أبريل للاحتفال بالحب والتنوع والقبول.

يوفر احتفال سونغكران في مجمع اي ام (EM DISTRICT)، للسائح من جميع أنحاء العالم فرصة لتجربة الثقافة التايلاندية بطريقة حديثة، وهو مكان مثالي يمكن نشره على إنستغرام خلال سونغكران، وتجربة الأزياء التايلاندية التقليدية، والاستمتاع بالمأكولات اللذيذة، والاستمتاع بالأجواء البهيجة، التي من المؤكد أنها ستترك انطباعًا دائمًا.

ليس هناك شك في أن جاذبية بانكوك الدائمة ستستمر في التألق بشكل مشرق على المسرح العالمي، حيث تستمر في أسر وإلهام المسافرين بسحرها وحيويتها التي لا مثيل لها.

ASICS Global Study Shows Link Between Regular Exercise in Teenage Years and Positive Mental Wellbeing in Adulthood

ASICS State of Mind Study
Moving your body as a teenager will also move your mind as an adult
Moving your body as a teenager will also move your mind as an adult
  • Global ASICS study of 26,000 people reaffirms the connection between movement and the mind and uncovers a direct link between teenage physical activity and adult mental wellbeing
  • Each additional year a teenager remains engaged in exercise is associated with improved State of Mind scores in adulthood, with the ages of 15-17 identified as the most critical years for staying active
  • Yet, younger generations are disengaging from exercise earlier and in larger numbers, potentially impacting their mental wellbeing now and for years to come

LONDON, April 09, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Today, ASICS is announcing the results of its second Global State of Mind Study, which reaffirms a positive link between physical exercise and mental wellbeing and uncovers a link between being physically active in teenage years and positive mental wellbeing in adulthood.

The study of over 26,000 respondents across 22 countries found that the more people exercise, the higher their State of Mind scores1. Across the globe, respondents who are regularly active2 have an average State of Mind score of 67/100, while inactive3 people have a much lower State of Mind score of just 54/100.

What’s more, the study uncovered that being physically active in your teenage years directly impacts your mind later in life. Participants who engaged in exercise throughout their adolescence report higher activity levels and State of Mind scores as adults. The findings indicate that remaining active as a teenager is key to establishing good exercise habits that last into adulthood and positively impact adult mental wellbeing.

In fact, the study was able to pinpoint the ages of 15-17 as the most critical years for staying active and when dropping out of exercise significantly affects your mental state for years to come. Those who regularly exercised at 15-17 years old are found to be more likely to remain active later in life and report higher State of Mind scores as adults (64/100 vs 61/100) than those who weren’t active during these years.

In comparison, respondents who dropped out of exercise before the age of 15 displayed the lowest activity levels and lowest State of Mind scores in adulthood. 30% are still inactive as adults and they are shown to be 11% less focused, 10% less confident, 10% less calm and 10% less composed compared to those who were able to exercise throughout adolescence.

In fact, every year a teenager remained engaged in regular exercise is associated with improved State of Mind scores in adulthood. Those who stopped exercising before the age of 15 display an average State of Mind score 15% lower than the global average, while a decline in physical activity at 16-17 and before the age of 22 reduced their average scores by 13% and 6% respectively.

Worryingly, the study also uncovered an exercise generation gap, with younger generations being increasingly less active. 57% of the Silent Generation (aged 78+) said they were active daily in their childhoods compared to just 19% of Gen Z (aged 18-27), showing a concerning trend of younger generations dropping out of physical activity earlier and in larger numbers than the generations before them.

Globally, members of Gen Z have the lowest State of Mind scores with an average of 62/100 compared to the Baby Boomers’ 68/100 and the Silent Generation’s 70/100.

Professor Brendon Stubbs, a leading researcher in exercise and mental health from King’s College London, said: “It is worrying to see this decline in activity levels from younger respondents at such a critical age, particularly as the study uncovered an association with lower wellbeing in adulthood”.

Gen Zs across the world are already exhibiting the lowest State of Mind scores (62/100) in comparison to the Silent Generation (70/100), so this could be hugely impactful for future mental wellbeing across the world.”

Tomoko Koda, Managing Executive Officer for ASICS, said: ASICS was founded on the belief that sport and exercise benefit not only the body, but also the mind. It’s why we’re called ASICS: ‘Anima Sana in Corpore Sano’ or ‘Sound Mind in a Sound Body’. The results of our second global State of Mind Study show how important it is that young people stay active and the impact this can have on their minds for years to come. At ASICS, we’re committed to supporting and inspiring people to move for positive mental wellbeing throughout their lifetime.”

To find out more visit:


About the ASICS 2024 State of Mind Study
The 2024 State of Mind Study was conducted between 17 November – 21 December 2023 and explored the relationship between exercise and State of Mind across the world.

Over 26,000 people were surveyed across 22 markets including Australia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, France, Germany, India, Italy, Japan, Malaysia, Netherlands, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Thailand, UAE, the UK and the US. Each market sample was nationally representative by age and gender.

1The ASICS State of Mind score is out of 100, calculated based on the accumulative mean scores across ten cognitive and emotional traits – positive, content, relaxed, focused, composed, resilient, confident, alert, calm, energized.

2150 minutes or more of physical activity per week (as defined by Sport England).

3Less than 30 minutes of physical activity per week (as defined by Sport England).

Anima Sana In Corpore Sano, meaning “A Sound Mind in a Sound Body,” is an old Latin phrase from which ASICS is derived and the fundamental platform on which the brand still stands. The company was founded more than 60 years ago by Kihachiro Onitsuka and is now a leading designer and manufacturer of running shoes as well as other athletic footwear, apparel and accessories. For more information, visit www.asics.com.

The stripe design featured on the sides of the ASICS® shoes is a registered trademark of ASICS Corporation.

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/25d28040-7b04-44cb-a421-97418e91c297

For further information or to organise interviews, please contact asics.somi@golin.com

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 1000933726

AI-Media Unveils Enhanced Lexi Tool Kit at NAB 2024

World Leader in AI-Powered Captioning Solutions Introduces the new LEXI DR (Disaster Recovery) and LEXI Recorded

AI-Media Launches LEXI DR (Disaster Recovery) Captioning Solution

World Leader in AI-Powered Captioning Solutions Introduces the new LEXI DR (Disaster Recovery) and LEXI Recorded at NAB Show 2024

NEW YORK, April 08, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) —  AI-Media, the global leader in AI-powered captioning, is set to unveil two new products at the prestigious NAB Show 2024, scheduled from 14-17 April in Las Vegas USA. Renowned for its cutting-edge innovations serving the broadcast industry, AI-Media’s latest offerings; LEXI DR (Disaster Recovery) and LEXI Recorded are poised to revolutionize the captioning market.

In addition to showcasing numerous updates on products such as LEXI and our IP and SDI range of encoders, AI-Media is most excited to showcase the new LEXI DR product, a groundbreaking solution that ensures uninterrupted captioning delivery even in the face of cloud and connectivity disruptions. With LEXI DR, broadcasters can rest assured that their captions will always remain on air with minimal interruption, thanks to seamless caption workflow integration, on-premises redundant servers and flexible setup options via virtual machines or hardware. This solution offers 99.99% caption uptime, scalability with up to 10 instances available per LEXI DR unit plus the confidence that data is secure with robust encryption and security measures. LEXI DR exemplifies AI-Media’s commitment to providing reliable, resilient, and secure captioning solutions for the broadcast industry.

AI-Media will also introduce LEXI Recorded, designed to streamline the captioning process for recorded content. The solution offers unprecedented turnaround speed and cost efficiencies making it perfect for time-sensitive news clips, highlights, and promos. LEXI Recorded boasts features such as bulk processing, accuracy above 98%, flexible file output types, multilingual options, plus can be integrated into the caption workflow so files can be captioned without leaving the media management system. With LEXI Recorded, broadcasters can ensure fast, cost-effective captioning of their recorded content with unmatched precision and ease.

“At AI-Media, we are dedicated to pushing the boundaries of innovation to meet the evolving needs of our customers,” said James Ward, Chief Sales Officer at AI-Media. “We are thrilled to unveil LEXI Recorded and LEXI DR at NAB Show 2024, showcasing our relentless pursuit of excellence in captioning technology. LEXI DR represents the ultimate component in achieving full captioning automation. LEXI DR completes the automation of the captioning process. Previously, human intervention served as a backup, but LEXI DR revolutionizes this by eliminating the need for manual oversight.”

In addition to the product launches, AI-Media will feature an “Innovation Station” at their NAB booth, where attendees can explore exciting new technologies that are part of the company’s product roadmaps. Previews will showcase advancements in generative AI and its application in crafting topic models, also referred to as custom dictionaries. These topic models enhance accuracy by offering contextually relevant word suggestions and pronunciations based on themes, topics, and subject matter. Additionally, previews will feature innovations such as speaking subtitles or dubbing, as well as automated audio description. AI-Media is able to leverage decades of broadcast experience to ensure their captioning solutions are interoperable across different workflows, video standards and regions. As a leading innovator in the captioning industry, AI-Media remains committed to driving progress and shaping the future of accessible media worldwide.

For more information about AI-Media and its groundbreaking captioning solutions, visit:

AI-Media: AI-Media.tv

LEXI DR (Disaster Recovery): https://hubs.ly/Q02rWtMD0

LEXI Recorded: https://hubs.ly/Q02rWtLS0

About AI-Media:

Founded in Australia in 2003, AI-Media is a pioneering technology company specializing in innovative captioning workflow solutions. As a global leader, AI-Media provides high-quality AI-powered live and recorded captioning and translation technology and solutions to a diverse range of customers and markets worldwide. For the first time in February 2024, AI-Media was able to unveil groundbreaking data showcasing the superiority of its AI captioning product, LEXI, over traditional human workflows. This milestone further solidifies AI-Media’s position as the foremost AI technology leader in live and recorded captioning workflow solutions. With a commitment to utilising our deep industry experience and sophisticated AI technology to create solutions which streamline and simplify processes, AI-Media empowers leading broadcasters, enterprises and government agencies globally to ensure seamless accessibility and inclusivity in their content. Ai-Media (ASX: AIM) commenced trading on the ASX on 15 September 2020.

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/0fde5af3-8765-4882-abaa-03746dcde8af

Media Contact: Fiona Habben – Fiona.habben@ai-media.tv

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 9086266

Bulgaria Appoints Caretaker Government

Sofia, The Bulgarian caretaker government was sworn in Tuesday ahead of a new round of a snap parliamentary ballot due to be held on June 9 at the same time as the European Parliament election.

The interim government, headed by Dimitar Glavchev, is scheduled to remain in office until a new government is formed after elections are held.

Source: Qatar News Agency

Department of Meteorology Warns of Expected Thundery Rain

Doha: Weather inshore until 6:00 pm on Tuesday will be partly cloudy to cloudy at times with a chance of scattered rain maybe thundery at times, the Department of Meteorology said in its daily weather report.

Offshore, the weather will be partly cloudy to cloudy at times, with a chance of scattered rain maybe thundery at times, the report added, warning of expected thundery rain associated with strong wind and high sea.

Wind inshore will be mainly southeasterly – southwesterly at a speed of 03 to 13 KT, gusting to 22 KT with thundery rain.

Offshore, it will be northwesterly – northeasterly at a speed of 05 to 15 KT, gusting to 22 KT with thundery rain.

Visibility inshore and offshore will be 5 – 9 km/3 km or less with thundery rain.

Sea state inshore will be 1 – 2 ft, rising to 4 ft with thundery rain. Offshore, it will 1 – 3 ft, rising to 7 ft with thundery rain.

Area High Tide Low Tide Max —————————————————————————– Messaid 06:00 – 19:01 00:13 – 12:53
31 Wakrah 05:00 – 16:24 11:59 – **:** 31 Doha 04:18 – 17:19 12:03 – **:** 32 Al Khor 04:14 – 16:55 11:59 – 23:23 32 Ruwais 05:25 – 17:50 12:01 – **:** 31 Dukhan 10:27 – 22:51 04:12 – 16:43 31 Abu Samra 10:05 – 22:24 03:45 – 17:02 34 Sunrise: 05:16 LT Sunset: 17:54 LT ———————–

Source: Qatar News Agency

Algerian FM, US Secretary of State Discuss Situation in Gaza

Algiers, Algerian Foreign Minister Ahmed Attaf and his US counterpart Antony Blinken discussed, in a phone call, the situation in the occupied Palestinian territories, especially in the Gaza Strip, in light of the ongoing Israeli occupation aggression against the Strip since last October 7.

During the call, they also reviewed the ongoing discussions in the UN Security Council regarding Palestine’s accession as a full member state in the United Nations.

On Monday, the UN Security Council unanimously approved referring the reconsideration of Palestine’s application for full membership in the UN to the Council’s membership committee.

Source: Qatar News Agency

50 Al-Shabab Militants Killed in Airstrike in Center of Somalia

Mogadishu, Somali army killed around 50 Al-Shabab militants, an Al Qaeda-linked group, in an airstrike in the center of the country.

Somalia news agency said that the army with the support of international security partners carried out an airstrike, killing 50 Al-Shabab militants including a commander.

It added the airstrike took place in Baraagta Gurguurte near Harardhere district in Mudug region.

Source: Qatar News Agency

Palestinians Martyred, Wounded due to Israeli Aggression on South, Center of Gaza Strip

Gaza, Two Palestinians were martyred and others were wounded on Tuesday due to the persistent Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip.

Palestinian news agency quoted local sources as saying that a Palestinian woman was martyred and others injured after the Israeli occupation forces targeted an agricultural land in Al Zuhur neighborhood in the city of Rafah, south of Gaza enclave.

A Palestinian young man was also martyred by the gunshot of a sniper from the Israeli occupation forces near Al Shuhada Junction in the central Gaza Strip.

These incidents came within the framework of the ongoing intense and unprecedented aggression of the occupation on the Gaza enclave for the 186th day, during which the occupation forces kept launching dozens of air strikes and bombardments from land and sea, leaving tens of thousands martyred and wounded.

Consequently, there are thousands of martyrs who are still underneath the ruble and on roads, while the occupation prevents paramedics and rescue personnel from reaching out to
these areas so as to retrieve their bodies amid an unprecedented humanitarian catastrophe in the Gaza Strip.

Source: Qatar News Agency

China’s President: Beijing, Moscow Have Chosen the Path of Peaceful Coexistence

Beijing, President Xi Jinping of China met today with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, who is currently visiting Beijing.

During the meeting, President Xi affirmed that Beijing and Moscow have chosen the path of peaceful coexistence. Xi considered Lavrov’s visit to Beijing an important stage in the comprehensive preparations for the upcoming state visit of Russian President Vladimir Putin to China this year. He also emphasized that China and Russia are working to achieve a beneficial cooperation for both sides.

Lavrov arrived in Beijing yesterday, Monday, for an official two-day visit aimed at enhancing Russian relations with China. Earlier today, Lavrov met with his Chinese counterpart, Wang Yi, and they held bilateral talks followed by a joint press conference.

Source: Qatar News Agency

Iraq, Iran Presidents Discuss Efforts to Enhance Regional Security

Baghdad, President of Iraq Abdul Latif Jameel Rashid, discussed regional developments and the necessity of supporting efforts to enhance security and peace in the region, including halting aggression against Gaza, in a phone call today with his Iranian counterpart Ebrahim Raisi.

The Iraqi Presidency said that the call dealt with bilateral relations and discussing ways to develop and strengthen them. The call also dealt with regional developments and the importance of supporting efforts to enhance security and peace in the region, stressing the need to halt aggression against Gaza.

Source: Qatar News Agency