Newspapers Review: The Israeli army assault on Jenin and the resulting five deaths were highlighted in the dailies

The Israeli army assault on the northern West Bank city of Jenin that resulted in the death yesterday of five people and a sixth this morning, and the injury of more than 90 others, over 20 of them said to be in critical condition, was highlighted on the front page of the three Palestinian Arabic dailies published today: al-Hayat al-Jadida, al-Ayyam, and al-Quds. Here are the main headlines of these dailies: Al-Hayat al-Jadida Five martyrs and 91 wounded, including 23 seriously, in a ground and air aggression The occupation court sentences the prisoner Alaa Qabha to two life terms The Cabinet instructs the ministries to provide what is necessary to support the people in Jenin A martyr in Husan, two injuries from Ya`bad, and the storming of the Al-Qibli prayer building in Al-Aqsa Mosque PM Shtayyeh: Israel is pushing the Palestinian Authority to collapse, and the leadership will not stand idly by Presidency: The massacres of the occupation aim to blow up the region, and the current situation cannot continue The Chinese Ambassador: Beijing will continue its unwavering support for the Palestinian people and their just cause International concern about Israel’s decision to accelerate settlement construction On World Refugee Day: The rights of the Palestinian refugee are marginalized Al-Ayyam: Five martyrs during a massive invasion of Jenin by the occupation army using Apache helicopter The occupation army was caught by surprise by the ambush and an explosive device weighing 40 kilograms Bethlehem: One martyr and two injured by the occupation bullets in Husan The occupation forces open fire at a vehicle west of Jenin, injuring two young men, one of whom was Jordanian Smotrich calls for a wide-scale assault: We will continue with the settlements The occupation cancels a settlers’ incursion into Joseph’s Tomb in Nablus The government decides to provide assistance to Jenin Suppression of a march at the northern entrance of al-Bireh; demolition and bulldozing in the village of Qalandia Shtayyeh and al-Sheikh call on US official Barbara Leaf to put pressure on Israel Peace Now: The Israeli government is advancing the construction of 4,800 new settlement units The occupation stormed Al-Aqsa Mosque at night and evacuated it from worshipers and Waqf employees Al-Quds: Five martyrs and dozens of wounded in the Israeli aggression on Jenin One martyr and injuries in Husan Police storm Al-Aqsa Mosque and expel the worshippers and Waqf employees Injuries, demolitions, notifications of demolition, and attacks by settlers The government orders the provision of what is necessary to support the people in Jenin The Chinese ambassador to al-Quds: The meeting between Presidents Abbas and Ping aims to reach a strategic partnership between the two countries Shtayyeh: International silence and double standards encourage the occupation to kill

Source: Palestine News & Information Agency