Two Palestinian students detained for listening to Arabic music at Israel’s Hebrew University campus

Two Palestinian students were briefly detained by an off duty policeman/student for listening to Arabic music at the Hebrew University campus in West Jerusalem and ordered not to come to campus for the next few days, today said the Israeli non-profit organization Ir Amim.

“Yesterday at the Hebrew University: two Palestinian students sat on campus and listened to music on the speaker. Suddenly a policeman came to them – who is not on duty, but a student at the university – and transferred them to investigation. The students were released but received an instruction not to come to the campus in the next few days,” said the organization, which focuses on living in Jerusalem.

“Authorities love to flaunt that over time, the number of Palestinian Jerusalem students studying at the Hebrew University is growing, but the university’s generous response tells a different story. The university should be a focus of learning and spreading knowledge – not of racist perceptions of students, police or not, on friends of the classroom,” it added, calling on the university “to stand behind the Palestinian students and announce unanimously that it does not receive unjustified arrests in the area.”

Source: Palestine News & Information Agency