‫ LambdaTest تطلق منصة HyperTest: أسرع منصة سحابية في العالم لاختبار تطبيقات الويب والمواقع الإلكترونية

– منصة HyperTest  أسرع من أيّ منصة اختبارات تقليدية بنسبة تصل إلى 70%

سان فرانسيسكو، 7 يناير 2022 /PRNewswire/ — أعلنت LambdaTest، وهي منصة رائدة في اختبار البرمجيات، عن إطلاق منصة HyperTest؛ وهي منصة اختبار ذكية من الجيل التالي لمساعدة الشركات على تنفيذ اختبارات «السيلينيوم» الشاملة بأقصى سرعة ممكنة.


وفي الوقت الذي يحتدم فيه التنافس بين الشركات الرقمية في سرعة إطلاق المنتجات والحلول، فإنّ عملية اختبار الكود البرمجي قبل طرح المنتجات في الأسواق تُعدّ أمرًا بالغ الأهمية. ومن خلال منصة HyperTest -التي تدعم تنفيذ اختبارات السيلينيوم- يمكن للشركات تسريع عملية طرح منتجاتها في الأسواق بدرجة كبيرة عن طريق تقليل مدّة تنفيذ الاختبارات بطريقة ذكية. والسيلينيوم هو أداة اختبار مفتوحة المصدر تدعم التشغيل الآلي لمتصفحات الويب؛ بحيث يتمكّن مطوّرو البرمجيات ومحللو ضمان الجودة في الشركات من إجراء اختبارات آلية بدلًا من إجراء اختبارات يدوية لكل وظيفة على حدة؛ وهو ما يسهم في اختصار الوقت والجهد.


تُعدّ منصات الاختبارات الحالية التي تعمل بطريقة آلية بطيئة بطبيعتها بسبب حدوث الكثير من القفزات في الشبكة أثناء إجراء الاختبارات. ففي منصات الاختبار التقليدية، تُرسَل سيناريوهات الاختبار المشغّلة إلى مركز السيلينيوم، والذي بدوره يرسلها إلى عقدة السلينيوم الأكثر ملاءمة لها. ويترتب على ذلك حدوث تأخر بسبب اشتراك العديد من مكوّنات الشبكة في إتمام العملية بأكملها. كما تتسبّب القفزات المتعدّدة للشبكة وكذلك تشغيل مكوّناتها المستقلة إلى عدم استقرار الاختبارات؛ وهو أحد أكثر العوامل التي تؤخر عملية طرح المنتجات في الأسواق.

تعمل منصة HyperTest على جمع جميع المكوّنات في بيئة تنفيذية واحدة؛ وهو ما ينهي حدوث القفزات في الشبكة ويقلل من مدد تنفيذ الاختبارات. وبذلك تتمكّن الشركات من اختبار الأكواد وإصلاح المشكلات بوتيرة أسرع بكثير؛ ومن ثمّ تسرّع من عملية طرح منتجاتها في الأسواق.


وقال أسد خان، الرئيس التنفيذي لمنصة LambdaTest: «إنّ إمكانيات الحلول التقليدية محدودة جدًا من حيث سرعة تنفيذ الاختبارات. وقد عملنا -في LambdaTest– على بناء منصة تنفيذ اختبارات فائقة السرعة لأنّ الشركات قد ضجرت من بطء تنفيذ الاختبارات. ونحن ندرك أنّ الشركات الرقمية الحديثة التي تنتج حلولًا ومنتجات متميّزة، تحتاج كذلك إلى منصة تنفيذ اختبارات متميّزة وسريعة. لذا، صمّمنا منصة HyperTest، التي يمكن تشغيلها بنفس سرعة تثبيت السيلينيوم، والتي تزيد سرعتها على سرعة أيّ منصة اختبارات سحابية تقليدية أخرى بنسبة تصل إلى 70%. ونتطلع إلى أن يجرّب المطورّون من الأفراد والشركات منصتنا HyperTest لإجراء الاختبارات على منتجاتهم وحلولهم بسرعة لا مثيل لها. كما أنّ المنصة مزوّدة بالعديد من الميزات الذكية التي تضمن سهولة إجراء الاختبارات عليها.»

تتمتع منصة HyperTest بميزات عديدة مثل إنشاء سجلات فورية لجميع عمليات الاختبارات المُنفّذة، وتجميع الاختبارات بطريقة ذكية لتقليل مدّة الإنشاء الإجمالية، وإدارة وثائق الاختبارات، وإعداد التقارير التلقائية، وإعادة المحاولات التلقائية في حالة فشل الاختبارات. كما يمكن تشغيل المنصة على أنظمة التشغيل Windows وMac وLinux.

تأسّست LambdaTest في عام 2017، ويبلغ حجم تمويلها حوالي 25 مليون دولار، وقد ساهم في تمويلها عدد من شركات الاستثمار من بينها: سيكويا كابيتال، وتيلسترا فنتشرز، وإنتري كابيتال، وليو كابيتال هولدينجز، وبلوم فينتشرز وشركات أخرى.

 عن LambdaTest

تتيح منصة LambdaTestللمستخدمين إجراء الاختبارات يدويًا وآليًا على تطبيقات الويب وتطبيقات الهواتف المحمولة عبر أكثر من 3000 متصفح (بإصدارات مختلفة) ومجموعة كبيرة من بيئات أنظمة التشغيل. ويعتمد على منصة LambdaTest أكثر من 500 شركة وأكثر من 600000 مستخدم في أكثر من 130 دولة لاختبار منتجاتهم البرمجية.

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 رابطة الصورة الثانية: https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1721227/Intelligent_execution_cloud.jpg

 رابط شعار المنصة: https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1721228/Lambda_Test_Logo.jpg

Full speed up! GWM’S Global Layout of New Energy Is Expanding Rapidly

BAODING, China, Jan. 7, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — In 2021, GWM proposed the aim of achieving zero carbon emissions in the next several years , and launched various new energy products in the overseas market to accelerate its new energy layout.

GWM launches a variety of new energy models

Driven by the new energy vehicle industry and market, GWM has pioneered in laying out hybrid electric vehicles, and especially launched HAVAL H6 HEV and HAVAL JOLION HEV in Thailand. Supported by the HEV technology, these two vehicles can maintain low fuel consumption under different road conditions. In the case of a traffic jam, this kind of model can directly shift from the fuel engine to the electric engine, thus saving the fuel by 35% to 50%.

According to the official report, HAVAL H6 HEV has been ranked within the top two in the C-class SUV segment in Thailand for five consecutive months, while the other vehicle has also been highly recognized by users for its outstanding product performance.

Aiming to enter Europe’s mature car market, GWM has also launched PHEV and BEV models and displayed the high-end SUV WEY COFFEE 01 PHEV at the 2021 Internationale Automobil-Ausstellung held in Munich, Germany. This model features strong power and flexibility, which can quickly produce the combined power output of fuel and electric energy to ensure users’ safety when overtaking, especially in high-speed driving scenarios.

GWM always takes technology innovation as its core in the new energy development. After five-year preparation, the company has launched the L.E.M.O.N. DHT system with an investment of CNY 20 billion. The system can be compatible with HEV, PHEV and “PHEV+P4” and other power models, which provides a certain extent of technical convenience for the whole industry.

In terms of new energy research and development, GWM has explored other technical developing routes including HEV, Battery Electric Vehicles, and hydrogen fuel cells. Currently, the company has started hydrogen energy technology and completed the world’s first operation project of 100 49-ton heavy duty hydrogen-powered trucks in August 2021.

As revealed in its 2021 sales report, GWM’s sales of new energy models are 136,953 vehicles, accounting for 10.7% of its total sales (1.28 million). In the next four years, the company will continue to expand the layout of new energy vehicles and make more effort to achieve the strategic goal of having new energy vehicles to take up 80% of total global sales.

“In the next five years, GWM would expect to invest up to a total of CNY 100 billion in R&D, especially in new energy and intelligence fields, to maintain its technically leading position and accelerate the realization of the goal of zero carbon emissions,” said Mu Feng, Rotating President of GWM, at the 2025 Strategy Global Launch Conference.

Photo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1722054/GWM_launches_a_variety_of_new_energy_model.jpg

Palestine logs 156 new COVID cases, five deaths in the last 24 hours

Minister of Health Mai Alkaila said today that 156 new cases of COVID-19, five deaths and 235 recoveries were registered in Palestine during the last 24 hours.

In her daily report on the coronavirus pandemic, Alkaila said two deaths from COVID-19 were registered in the West Bank, while another three deaths were recorded in Gaza.

A total of 3,295 COVID-19 tests were conducted during the reporting period. In the Gaza Strip, 42 coronavirus tests came out positive, while the West Bank had 114 new cases. No updates were available regarding the situation in occupied East Jerusalem.

The Health Minister said that in the West Bank, 107 patients of COVID-19 are currently hospitalized, of whom 57 are in intensive care, including 23 on ventilators.

She pointed out that the recovery rate in Palestine has so far reached 98.1 percent, while active cases reached 0.8 percent. Deaths stood at 1.1 percent of total infections.

Source: Palestinian News & Information Agency

Occupation army shut down entrance of Burqa

The Israeli occupation army tonight shut down the main entrance to the village of Burqa in the occupied West Bank province of Nablus, denying access of Palestinian vehicles, according to witnesses.

Ghassan Daghlas, an official who monitors Israeli settlement activities in the north of the West Bank, told WAFA that the Israeli occupation army shut down the entrance to the village following clashes with Palestinian protesters in the area. As a result of the closure, vehicles were forced to use longer alternative routes.

Over the past month, the village has been a frequent target of daily attacks by Israeli settlers from the neighboring settlement of Shavei Shomron.

Most of these attacks by Israeli settlers, which included arsons and pelting stones on homes, occurred under the protection of the Israeli occupation army.

Source: Palestinian News & Information Agency

Over 20 performers pull out of Sydney Festival over ‘artwashing’ of Israeli apartheid

More than 20 international performers have pulled out of the 2022 Sydney Festival over what they say the “artwashing” of the Israeli apartheid and oppression of the Palestinian people, reports have said.

The mass boycott of the event came after Israel was listed as a partner of the annual festival after its embassy in Australia made a $20,000 donation in support of an Israeli choreographer.

The Palestinian Justice Movement Sydney pointed out that the deal was orchestrated in May 2021, when Israel launched a major attack on the Gaza Strip in which more than 250 Palestinians were killed.

“Palestine advocates call on all opponents of apartheid to boycott the 2022 Sydney Festival,” it said.

“By partnering with Israel, Sydney festival will … contribute to the normalization of an apartheid regime.”

An open letter titled Do Better on Palestine called on the festival organizers to cancel its partnership with the Israeli government.

“Israel has long used culture and the arts to cloak its atrocities against the Palestinian people,” the letter stated.

“The Sydney Festival Star Partnership with the Israeli embassy” serves to “artwash” the Israeli regime’s “violent control over the lives of Palestinians and enables the apartheid regime to continue to breach the human rights of Palestinians with impunity,” it added.

At least 23 performances have so far pulled out of the festival in protest at the Israeli sponsorship of the event.

Source: Palestinian News & Information Agency

Palestinian detainees continue boycott of Israeli military courts for 8th day

For eight consecutive days, Palestinian prisoners held without trial or charge in Israeli jails are continuing their boycott of Israel’s military courts in protest of Israel’s controversial policy of administrative detention.

At the onset of this year, some 500 Palestinian administrative detainees started refusing to show up for their court sessions. The boycott includes the hearings to approve or renew the administrative detention order, as well as appeal hearings and later sessions at the Supreme Court.

Under the banner, “Our decision is freedom … no to administrative detention,” administrative detainees have said in a statement their move comes as a continuation of longstanding Palestinian efforts “to put an end to the unjust administrative detention practiced against our people by the occupation forces”.

They also noted that Israel’s use of the policy has expanded in recent years to include women, children and elderly people.

Administrative detention is an Israeli policy that allows the indefinite detention of prisoners without trial or charge based on “secret evidence” that neither the detainee nor his lawyer is allowed to see. At least four Palestinian children are detained under such orders.

Human rights groups describe Israel’s use of the practice as “systematic and arbitrary”, and as a form of collective punishment, noting that its extensive use constitutes a violation of international law “particularly relating to internationally recognized principles of a fair trial.”

“Administrative detention is regularly employed as a coercive and retaliatory measure targeting Palestinian activists, civil society members, students, former prisoners, and their family members,” Addameer says.

The widely condemned policy of administrative detention allows the detention of Palestinians without charge or trial for renewable periods ranging between three and six months based on undisclosed evidence that even a detainee’s lawyer is not allowed to review.

Source: Palestinian News & Information Agency

Elections commission says 89% of eligible voters have already registered for the second phase of the local elections

The Palestinian Central Elections Commission (CEC) said today that the number of currently registered voters in the localities that are included in the second phase of the local elections reached more than 785,000 citizens; or 89% of eligible voters, 17 years or older.

It said in a press release that it opened today, and for five days, the Registration, Exhibition and Challenge period for the second phase of the local elections, which is scheduled to be held on March 26 and will include all the cities and major towns in the West Bank not included in the first phase held in December.

The CEC said it opened 358 Registration, Exhibition and Challenge centers across 102 localities in the West Bank only since the de facto authorities in the Gaza Strip have not agreed to allow local elections to be held in the besieged sea enclave.

The CEC said on January 1 that it received a letter from the Islamic Resistance Movement – Hamas, which controls the Gaza Strip, about its position on holding the second phase of the local elections in the Gaza Strip. The letter, it said, included certain conditions for allowing elections to be held there.

CEC Chairman Hanna Nasir said that the conditions, which he described as “political”, require addressing the political level and that the CEC does not have any mandate to decide on any of the matters. He said that until this happens, the CEC considers that the local elections cannot possibly be currently held in Gaza.

The first phase of local elections was held on December 11 in 153 small and medium-sized localities only in the West Bank after Hamas has also refused to allow them to be held in 11 localities in the Gaza Strip. Another 162 localities in the West Bank did not have any elections since there was only one running list, which won by acclamation, and that 61 other localities have failed to submit lists and therefore were moved to the second phase of the elections on 26 March. Turnout for the first phase was 66.14 percent of the eligible voters.

With the inclusion of the 61 localities from the first phase and the 11 from the Gaza Strip, the overall number of localities included in the second phase has become 127 in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, assuming elections are going to be held in the 25 Gaza localities as well, which leaves only the 102 localities in the West Bank. The number of eligible voters in all West Bank and Gaza localities has reached more than 1.8 million, said the CEC.

Local elections will not be held in refugee camps across the West Bank and Gaza Strip, which have a special status, or in occupied East Jerusalem where Israel does not allow any Palestinian elections in the annexed part of the city where over 350,000 Palestinians live.

Source: Palestinian News & Information Agency

A United States federal court dismisses a lawsuit against the Palestinian Authority as unconstitutional

A United States federal court has dismissed a lawsuit filed by pro-Israel groups and individuals against the Palestinian Authority asking for compensation in the hundreds of millions of dollars after it considered amended laws used as the basis for the lawsuit to be unconstitutional, today said Minister of Finance Shukri Bishara.

He said that a federal court in Manhattan, New York, has issued a ruling in a case against the Palestinian Authority (PA) and the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), demanding compensations in the millions of dollars in light of laws amended specifically to subject the PA and the PLO to the jurisdiction of the American courts.

Bishara explained that US District Judge Jesse Forman in Manhattan issued a decision dismissing this lawsuit, and considered the amended laws unconstitutional.

He expressed satisfaction with this ruling, saying that the team of lawyers following up on these cases has succeeded in proving the unconstitutionality of these amended US laws.

He pointed out that the team of lawyers that has been working with the PA since 2014, through the Palestinian Ministry of Finance, has succeeded in dismissing all the cases brought against it under the argument of no jurisdiction for the US courts.

The pro-Israel lobby that has filed lawsuits against the PA was able to amend the laws through Congress, including the Taylor Force Act amendment.

In 2018, the US Congress passed the Taylor Force Act, named after a US citizen killed by Palestinians in Israel, which restricts non-humanitarian US aid to the Palestinian Authority until it ends its payments for Palestinian freedom fighters killed or imprisoned by Israel. It also makes the PA, as recipient of US aid, liable for lawsuits in US courts.

Source: Palestinian News & Information Agency