ارتقاء الفلسطيني أبو جنيد في نابلس.. و”عرين الأسود” تنعاه

أعلنت وزارة الصحة في السلطة الفلسطينية، عن استشهاد الشاب أحمد عامر سليم أبو جنيد (21 عاما) متأثرا بإصابته برصاص الاحتلال الإسرائيلي، صباح اليوم الأربعاء، عقب اقتحام مخيم بلاطة شرق نابلس.

وأفادت الوزارة في بيان، بأن “أبو جنيد” ارتقى بعد إصابته بالرصاص الحي في الرأس، حيث جرى نقله إلى مستشفى رفيديا الحكومي بوضع حرج، قبل أن يعلن عن استشهاده لاحقا.

وكانت قوة احتلالية خاصة “مستعربون” تسللت إلى المخيم وحاصرت منزلا، واندلعت على إثرها مواجهات عنيفة، أطلق خلالها جنود الاحتلال الرصاص الحي وقنابل الصوت والغاز المسيل للدموع تجاه الشبان.

من جهتها؛ نعت مجموعات “عرين الأسود” الفدائية، الشاب أبو جنيد، واصفة إياه بأنه “شهيد الوطن، وشهيد مدينة نابلس، عاصمة جبل النار، ابن كتيبة بلاطة الشهيد المجاهد”.

وأشارت المجموعات إلى أنها “قامت بالتصدي والاشتباك مع قوات الإحتلال الصهيوني، بصليات من الرصاص المبارك، عقب الاقتحام” الذي أصيب به أبو جنيد.

وتجدر الإشارة إلى أن “أبو جنيد” طالب في تخصص الإعلام بجامعة القدس المفتوحة.

Source: Quds Press International News Agency

استشهاد “سمامرة” منفذ عملية الطعن جنوب الخليل

أعلنت وزارة الصحة في السلطة الفلسطينية، استشهاد الشاب سند محمد سمامرة، من بلدة الظاهرية، جنوب الخليل (جنوبي الضفة)، برصاص قوات الاحتلال الإسرائيلي بالقرب من مستوطنة “حفات يهودا”.

وقالت في تصريح صحفي مقتضب، مساء اليوم الأربعاء، إنها “تبلغت باستشهاد الشاب سمامرة من الهيئة العامة للشؤون المدنية”.

وكانت قوات الاحتلال الإسرائيلي، قد أطلقت النار صوب سمامرة، وأصابته بجروح حرجة، ومنعت طواقم الإسعاف من الوصول إليه، وذلك إثر تنفيذه عملية طعن فدائية، أسفرت عن إصابة مستوطن.

وأفادت منظمة “إنقاذ بلا حدود” الإسرائيلية، في تصريح صحفي بـ”إصابة مستوطن بجروح في منطقتي الرأس والرقبة، إثر عملية طعن تعرض لها”.

وكانت إذاعة جيش الاحتلال قد ذكرت أن “حالة المستوطن المصاب في عملية الطعن ما بين متوسطة وخطيرة”، مؤكدة أنه “تم إطلاق النار تجاه المنفذ”.

Source: Quds Press International News Agency

نابلس.. أمن السلطة يقمع مسيرة مطالبة بالإفراج عن المعتقلين السياسيين

قمعت الأجهزة الأمنية التابعة للسلطة الفلسطينية في مدينة نابلس (شمال الضفة)، لليوم الثاني على التوالي، مسيرة سلمية مطالبة بالإفراج عن المعتقلين السياسيين والمقاومين.

وأفادت مصادر محلية أن المسيرة انطلقت، مساء اليوم الأربعاء، من داخل البلدة القديمة، باتجاه ميدان الشهداء، مرددة هتافات تطالب بإطلاق سراح المعتقلين السياسيين والمقاومين، وفي مقدمتهم الشاب المطارد من الاحتلال مصعب اشتية، وشعارات مؤيدة لمجموعات عرين الأسود الفدائية.

وأكدت المصادر إطلاق عناصر الأجهزة الأمنية، قنابل الغاز المسيل للدموع، باتجاه المشاركين في المسيرة.

وأوضحت أن أجهزة السلطة كثفت من انتشارها في ميدان الشهداء، قبل موعد تنظيم الفعالية، وانتشر العشرات من عناصر الأجهزة بعضهم بالزي المدني، بالإضافة إلى ملثمين، وسط استنفار كبير استعدادا لقمع المسيرة.

وكانت أجهزة السلطة قد فضّت بالقوة، أمس الثلاثاء، مسيرة مماثلة في مدينة نابلس، وهو ما لقي إدانات واسعة من غالبية القوى والفصائل والمؤسسات الحقوقية.

وتصاعدت الدعوات لإطلاق سراح المعتقلين، في أعقاب تدهور الحالة الصحية للمطارد اشتية، الذي كان يقبع في سجن أريحا (شرقا)، قبل أن ينقل الأسبوع الماضي إلى سجن بيتونيا في رام الله (وسط).

واعتقلت أجهزة السلطة المطارد اشتية ورفيقه عميد طبيلة في 19 أيلول/سبتمبر الماضي، بعد اعتراض المركبة التي كانا يستقلانها بالمدينة.

وتسبب اعتقالهما في حينه باندلاع موجة احتجاجات عارمة في نابلس ومحافظات أخرى، أسفرت عن مقتل مواطن وإصابة العشرات، وانتهت بعد التوصل لتفاهمات تقضي بالإفراج عنهما خلال أيام قليلة.

Source: Quds Press International News Agency

“حماس” تنعى الشهيد سمامرة وتبارك عمليته في الخليل

نعت حركة المقاومة الإسلامية “حماس” الشهيد سند سماسرة، وباركت عمليته في مستوطنة بمحافظة الخليل جنوب الضفة، اليوم الأربعاء.

وأكدت “حماس” في بيان صحفي تلقته “قدس برس”، على “مضي الشعب الفلسطيني في طريق المقاومة الشاملة، حتى دحر الاحتلال”.

وقالت إن “هذه العملية ثأر لدماء شهدائنا الأبرار، وآخرها دم الشهيد أحمد الجنيد، وانتصاراً للمسجد الأقصى المبارك، ولحقّ شعبنا في الحرية والاستقلال”.

وأعلنت وزارة الصحة في السلطة الفلسطينية، استشهاد الشاب سند محمد سمامرة، من بلدة الظاهرية، جنوب الخليل (جنوبي الضفة)، برصاص قوات الاحتلال الإسرائيلي بالقرب من مستوطنة “حفات يهودا”.

وقالت في تصريح صحفي مقتضب، مساء اليوم، إنها “تبلغت باستشهاد الشاب سمامرة من الهيئة العامة للشؤون المدنية”.

وكانت قوات الاحتلال الإسرائيلي، قد أطلقت النار صوب سمامرة، وأصابته بجروح حرجة، ومنعت طواقم الإسعاف من الوصول إليه، وذلك إثر تنفيذه عملية طعن فدائية، أسفرت عن إصابة مستوطن.

Source: Quds Press International News Agency

سلطات الاحتلال تبلغ ذوي الأسير “هيلان” بإخلاء منزلها لهدمه

أبلغت سلطات الاحتلال الإسرائيلي، مساء اليوم الاربعاء، عائلة الأسير الفلسطيني يونس جلال هيلان (19 عاما) بإخلاء منزلها في قرية حجة، شرق قلقيلية (شمال الضفة).

وقالت مصادر محلية إن “قوات الاحتلال أبلغت العائلة عن طريق محاميها، بإخلاء المنزل خلال ثلاثة أيام تمهيدا لهدمه”.

وتتهم قوات الاحتلال الأسير هيلان، الطالب بكلية الهندسة في جامعة النجاح الوطنية بمدينة نابلس (شمال)، بطعن مستوطن في 25 تشرين الأول/أكتوبر الماضي، داخل مركز تجاري في قرية الفندق، شرقي قلقيلية، مما أسفر عن مقتله.

وتعمد سلطات الاحتلال إلى هدم منازل الفلسطينيين، الذين نفّذوا عمليات قُتل فيها إسرائيليون، ما يشكل عقابا جماعيا مخالفا للقانون الدولي.

Source: Quds Press International News Agency

CHiQ Awarded International Accolades for Its Strong Brand Power

ZHONGSHAN, China, Jan. 11, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — Changhong, a top Chinese electrical household appliance maker and its premium brand CHiQ have recently been named as one of the 2022-2023 Global TV Brands Top 10. The Global Top Brands is a world-class event of authority, professionalism, and credibility – the hall of honor in international consumer electronics. The roster of 2022-2023 Global Top Brands and a number of single product awards were announced at the 56th International Consumer Electronics Show (CES 2023), one of the top ten annual events for the global technology industry, which was held in Las Vegas from January 5 to 8. This year’s CES marks the beginning of a broad offline recovery.

Changhong created the CHiQ brand for long-term growth in the home Internet consumer electronics space. The brand offers a diverse range of products, including televisions, refrigerators, and air conditioners. Changhong expects to provide consumers with a more comfortable and self-contained living experience through CHiQ.

CHiQ has steadily expanded into global markets since 2017, with a presence in more than 30 countries and over 40 multi-market e-commerce platforms including Amazon, Lazada, and Shopee. With the garnering of the 2022-2023 Global TV Brands Top 10 award serving as a testimonial to its success, CHiQ is increasingly becoming known to consumers outside of China by virtue of its own strength and the many media channels through which the brand is promoted, all of which serve to increase brand influence.

CHiQ aims to make every person’s home a living space from which they can gain spiritual satisfaction by providing a line-up of intelligent, full-of-design, and innovative products that resonate with their life values (by being colorful, engaging, positive, and enjoyable). To this end, CHiQ developed the idea of +More (“Get + MORE Out Of Your Life”), from which it is possible to draw the concepts of +design, +fun, +creative, +choice, +style, and +value.

Today, CHiQ’s product categories are expanding beyond TVs, refrigerators, and air conditioners to include washing machines, monitors, and floor sweepers. The competitiveness of its product line is also growing at the same time. High-quality products are the foundation of the brand. With this in mind, CHiQ will continue to hone its technical abilities to deliver intelligent and reliable products that create a digitally smart life for its users.

McGraw Hill Expands Engagement with Two Prominent Egypt Schools to Advance Digital Learning

Rajac International School and OWN Heliopolis School to license content and adaptive learning platforms, including McGraw Hill’s ConnectEd and Online Learning Platform (OLP)

CAIRO, Jan. 11, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — McGraw Hill today announced that two prestigious institutions in Egypt, Rajac International School and OWN Heliopolis School, intend to expand their use of McGraw Hill’s state-of-the-art digital content for students in grades kindergarten through 12.

McGraw Hill logo

The new agreements expand existing engagements with the institutions, which already use McGraw Hill’s Inspire Science, Reveal Math, and Wonders reading programs with their students.

These multi-year agreements bring personalized learning experiences to the schools’ students through McGraw Hill’s digital learning platforms, including ConnectEd and Online Learning Platform (OLP).

Rajac International School strives to provide the best quality educational experience in order to upbring a generation of youth that is mentally, physically, and socially capable of meeting the challenges of a rapidly changing and highly demanding world. The signing ceremony for the agreement with Rajac International School included the presence of Shereen Kassem, School Principal, senior representatives from McGraw Hill and Modern English Bookshop, a key delivery partner for McGraw Hill in Egypt, who was instrumental in putting this deal together.

“We are honored to have been working with McGraw Hill for over three years,” said Shereen A. Kassem, American School Principal at Rajac International School. “We have been using their platforms on a daily basis for class activities, learning instruction, and assessment of students’ performance to enhance their skills and concepts. In addition, McGraw Hill’s professional development is strongly aligned with the 21st century learning skills and has benefitted us greatly in improving our teachers’ knowledge and learning styles.”

OWN Heliopolis School is dedicated to a student-centered program that promotes academic excellence through enriched, inter-disciplinary curriculum, ensuring that students become critical thinkers, active problem-solvers, interested readers, thorough researchers and creative writers. The agreement with OWN Heliopolis School was signed at a ceremony in the presence of Mr. Hany Sedrak, Chairman of OWN Heliopolis School, along with senior representatives from McGraw Hill and Modern English Bookshop.

“McGraw Hill has been a strategic educational partner for OWN Heliopolis School for many years. The two organizations have decided to deepen their partnership with a multi-year agreement that brings McGraw Hill resources and the benefits of exemplary professional development to our teachers,” said Mark Sedrak, School Director at OWN Heliopolis School.

“Rajac International School and OWN Heliopolis School made bold moves in recent years, introducing digital content to their students in math, science and reading,” said Kareem Kirollos, Sales Director at Modern English Bookshop. “Several years into that project, their digital transformation has matured and paved the way for an expansion of their work with McGraw Hill. We are proud to have been part of this journey at both schools.”

“Rajac International School and OWN Heliopolis School are well-established and respected players in the Egyptian international education landscape across grades K through 12, and we are delighted to see our partnership with them grow and flourish,” said Nanice Khalil, Sales Director for EASTMED at McGraw Hill. “Over the last three years, we’ve enjoyed great success in implementing digital learning for math, science, and English language across all school grades. We are excited about the future of these partnerships and how we can continue to improve learning outcomes by leveraging technology and investing in professional development.”

McGraw Hill
McGraw Hill is a leading global education company that partners with millions of educators, learners and professionals around the world. Recognizing their diverse needs, we build trusted content, flexible tools and powerful digital platforms to help them achieve success on their own terms. Through our commitment to equity, accessibility and inclusion, we foster a culture of belonging that respects and reflects the diversity of the communities, learners and educators we serve. McGraw Hill has over 40 offices across North America, Asia, Australia, Europe, the Middle East and South America, and makes its learning solutions for PreK-12, higher education, professionals and others available in more than 80 languages. Visit us at mheducation.co.uk or find us on Facebook, LinkedIn or Twitter.

Rajac International School
At Rajac, we strive to an education that meets the needs of all students.

We offer a wide and varied curriculum taught by enthusiastic, talented staff. We acknowledge that academic success is not something all students find easy.

However, our goal is to have all students realize their potential.
We promote the vision that academic success is not enough to meet the needs of today’s students. We encourage involvement in sport, music and the arts. Because we believe students in today’s world need skills to express themselves.

Rajac American School is accredited by Cognia, a prestigious, international board of education. Their assessment ensures that we maintain the most update, pedagogical approaches to teaching and learning.

Rajac family takes great pride in providing our students with strong academic, loving and safe environment, and the opportunity to excel in life.

OWN Heliopolis School
For many years OWN Heliopolis has provided high quality international education to students in Egypt. Numerous generations of OHS graduates have attended some of the world’s leading universities in the Egypt and elsewhere.

Our vision at Own Heliopolis International School is to provide a safe, nurturing, and positive learning environment where all students will learn and achieve their maximum potential. We prepare our students to be lifelong learners, leaders of the future, and productive contributing members of our world by developing their analytical, critical and creative thinking.

The mission of our school is to provide all students with a high-quality education by instilling 21st century skills and inspiring lifelong learning where each individual can grow intellectually, socially, and emotionally. At Own Heliopolis International School, we not only foster each student’s self-esteem through positive relationships with students and staff but also strive to have our parents, teachers, and community members actively involved in our students’ learning.


Tyler Reed
McGraw Hill
(914) 512-4853

Logo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1305952/McGraw_Hill_Logo.jpg

PROMISE Technology Goes Greener, Smarter & More Compact with Ecosystem Partners at Intersec 2023 

DUBAI, UAE, Jan. 11, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — PROMISE Technology, a global leader in streaming data storage solutions, continues to push the security industry forward through innovation and collaboration with key ecosystem partners. To showcase its latest achievements, the company will display its cutting-edge surveillance solutions at Intersec 2023 in Dubai on January 17-19.

“PROMISE Technology is kicking off a new year of bold leadership in the industry along with our ecosystem partners. The first stop is Intersec Dubai, where we are showcasing how our patented technology — our ‘BOOST Family’ — continues to add immense value,” said Alice Chang, Chief Marketing Officer. “SmartBoost, SecurityBoost, ServiceBoost, and GreenBoost, along with our Vess A-Series and entire lineup, all demonstrate how PROMISE is solving customers’ problems and delivering outstanding performance, reliability, ease-of-mind, and sustainability.”

Embracing sustainability in archive solutions ( partnering  with Toshiba at booth SA-G12)

As the need to reduce energy consumption and emissions grows globally, PROMISE Technology is focusing on energy-efficiency with uncompromising performance, in particular with its own GreenBoost technology. Partnering with Toshiba at SA-G12, visitors can see the latest green solution specially designed for video footage archiving needs. This comprehensive solution includes PROMISE’s widely adopted Vess R3600, Green JBOD VTrak J5960, and all-in-one appliance Vess A8120. In addition, VTrak J5960 is installed with Toshiba 18TB hard drives to offer up to 1PB of capacity for long-term archiving, as well as up to 20% less power consumption to meet the expanding need for sustainable products.

AI in surveillance (partnering with Milestone at booth S1-H19)

PROMISE is actively harnessing the growing importance of artificial intelligence — particularly Intelligent Video Analytics (IVA) — in the industry, and the company will showcase its latest AI solution at Intersec Dubai beside its strategic partner Milestone Systems. This comprehensive solution combines the Vess A8600 — enabled with PROMISE’s proprietary SmartBoost technology that supports up to 200 cameras — with four GPUs to accelerate IVA and AI applications. It also is integrated with a custom-made plug-in for Milestone’s video management software (VMS) and PROMISE’s ServiceBoost embedded functions, providing an easy-to-use interface for end-users to monitor and manage their surveillance systems.

Keeping solutions compact (showcasing at Network Optix booth SA-E39)

PROMISE Technology also recognizes the need for compact solutions that can be useful for discreet deployment. Working together with Network Optix, the open and extensible IP video development platform, PROMISE is showcasing the Vess A8020, which also offers the option of Network Optix’s Nx Witness 5.0 VMS as well as a customized plug-in for seamless integration with hardware monitoring and management. This two-bay storage system is perfect for compact use cases such as banking solutions, gas stations, and retail stores, particularly with a design that enables customers to autonomously install and maintain it.

Media Contact
Ya-Ping Hsu

‫PROMISE Technology أكثر خفاظا على البيئه وذكاءً وأكثر تكاملًا مع شركاء النظم الصديقه للبيئة في Dubai Intersec 2023

دبي، الإمارات العربية المتحدة, 11 يناير كانون الثاني 2023 / PRNewswire / — تواصل شركة PROMISE Technology، الشركة الرائدة عالميًا في مجال حلول تخزين البيانات ، دفع صناعة الأنظمة الأمنية إلى الأمام من خلال الابتكار والتعاون مع شركاء النظم ال صديقه للبيئة  الرئيسيين. لعرض أحدث إنجازاتها، ستعرض الشركة حلول المراقبة المتطورة الخاصة بها في Intersec 2023  Dubaiفي دبي يومي 17 الى 19 يناير.

“تستهل شركة  PROMISE Technology  عامًا جديدًا من الريادة الجريئة في الصناعة جنبًا إلى جنب مع شركائنا في النظم ال صديقه للبيئة  . محطتنا الأولى هي Intersec دبي، حيث نعرض كيف تستمر تقنيتنا الحاصلة على براءة اختراع – “BOOST Family” – في إضافة قيمة هائلة” هذا ما قالته أليس تشانغ، مديرة التسويق. “SmartBoost وSecurityBoost وServiceBoost وGreenBoost، جنبًا إلى جنب مع Vess A-Series والتشكيلة الكاملة، توضح جميعها كيف تعمل PROMISE على حل مشكلات العملاء وتقديم أداء متميز واعتمادية وراحة واستدامة.”

مفهوم  الاستدامة في حلول التخزين ( بالشراكة مع Toshiba فى موقع عرض SA-G12)

مع تزايد الحاجة إلى تقليل استهلاك الطاقة والانبعاثات عالميًا، تركز  PROMISE Technology  على كفاءة الطاقة مع أعتماديه فى الأداء  ولا سيما باستخدام تقنية  GreenBoost  الخاصة بها. بالشراكة مع  Toshiba  في  SA-G12 ، يمكن للزوار مشاهدة أحدث الحلول الصديقة للبيئة المصممة خصيصًا لاحتياجات أرشفة مقاطع الفيديو. يتضمن هذا الحل الشامل  Vess R3600  المعتمد على نطاق واسع من  PROMISE  و  Green JBOD VTrak J5960  والأجهزة المتكاملةVess A8120 بالإضافة إلى ذلك، تم تثبيت  VTrak J5960  مع محركات الأقراص الصلبة  Toshiba 18  تيرابايت لتوفير سعة تصل إلى 1 بيتابايت للأرشفة طويلة المدى، بالإضافة إلى استهلاك أقل للطاقة بنسبة تصل إلى 20% لتلبية الحاجة المتزايدة للمنتجات المستدامة.

الذكاء الاصطناعي في المراقبة (بالشراكة مع  Milestone  فى موقع عرض S1-H19 )

تعمل  PROMISE  بنشاط على تسخير الأهمية المتزايدة للذكاء الاصطناعي – وخاصة تحليلات الفيديو الذكية ( IVA ) – في الصناعة، وستعرض الشركة أحدث حلول الذكاء الاصطناعي في  Intersec  دبي إلى جانب شريكها الاستراتيجي Milestone Systems يجمع هذا الحل الشامل بين  Vess A8600  – الممكّن بتقنية  SmartBoost  الخاصة بـ  PROMISE  والتي تدعم ما يصل إلى 200 كاميرا – مع أربع وحدات معالجة رسومات لتسريع تطبيقات  IVA  و  AI . كما تم دمجه مع مكون إضافي مخصص لبرنامج إدارة الفيديو ( VMS ) من  Milestone  ووظائف  PROMISE’s ServiceBoost  المدمجة، مما يوفر واجهة سهلة الاستخدام للمستخدمين النهائيين لمراقبة وإدارة أنظمة المراقبة الخاصة بهم.

نظره على الحلول المدمجة (يتم عرضها في فى موقع عرض   Network Optix SA-E39 )

تدرك  PROMISE Technology  أيضًا الحاجة إلى حلول مدمجة يمكن أن تكون مفيدة فى المواقع المستقله. من خلال العمل مع Network Optix، منصة تطوير فيديو  IP  المفتوحة والقابلة للتوسع، تعرض  PROMISE  الطراز  Vess A8020 ، والذي يوفر أيضًا خيار  Network Optix’s Nx Witness 5.0 VMS  بالإضافة إلى مكون إضافي مخصص للتكامل السلس مع مراقبة الأجهزة وإدارتها. يعد نظام التخزين ثنائي الاقراض هذا مثاليًا لحالات الاستخدام المدمجة مثل الحلول المصرفية مكينات الصراف الالى ومحطات الوقود ومتاجر البيع بالتجزئة، لا سيما مع التصميم الذي يمكّن العملاء من تثبيته وصيانته بشكل مستقل.

للتواصل الإعلامي:
Ya-Ping Hsu

Nikkiso Clean Energy & Industrial Gases Group Announces their First On-Site FAT Testing at their Marine Facility in Busan, Korea

TEMECULA, Calif., Jan. 10, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Nikkiso Clean Energy & Industrial Gases Group (“Group”), a part of the Nikkiso Co., Ltd (Japan) group of companies, is proud to announce its first on-site FAT testing at their new Marine facility in Busan, Korea. This accomplishment exemplifies their commitment to and support of the growth of the Korean market.

Since July 2022, they have been fabricating high-pressure pump skids in the 4,000 square meter facility. With the successful completion of this FAT test for Hapag Lloyd AG (for the largest fuel gas supply system), they demonstrate the capabilities of their factory and its LN2 (liquid nitrogen) test facility. This facility continues to provide the commissioning and maintenance support previously provided. With the HP pumps skid fabrication and testing capabilities, they now provide full-system marine solutions to their customers.

The FAT test is mandatory prior to skid delivery, which tests for overall performance (i.e., pump maximum flowrate, vaporizer performance, lube-oil (LO) system, nitrogen purge system, cryogenic valves, etc.). It must be witnessed by shipowner, class society, and customers, verifying the product meets its performance requirements.

According to Jay Lee, General Manager, Korea, “Nikkiso ACD has been the preferred supplier for Fuel Gas skids to the Korean shipbuilding industry for over 20 years! With our new skid packaging and testing facility located near the shipyards in Korea, we now have even greater capacity to provide local support and meet the significant global marine demands.”

“This is an important next step for our Group and the LNG powered Marine market, and an expanded benefit for our Marine customers. Nikkiso CE&IG will now be able to provide and test full systems and support our customers with a turnkey system solution,” according to Peter Wagner, CEO of Cryogenic Industries and President of the Group.

Contact Information:
Nikkiso Clean Energy and Industrial Gases – Korea
Head Office & Factory: 83, Nosansanupjung-ro, Gangseo-gu, Busan, 46752, Korea
Branch office: #1912, 170, Gwanggyojungang-ro, Yeongtong-gu, Suwon, Gyeonggi-do, 16614, Korea

Cryogenic Industries, Inc. (now a member of Nikkiso Co., Ltd.) member companies manufacture and service engineered cryogenic gas processing equipment (pumps, turboexpanders, heat exchangers, etc.) and process plants for Industrial Gases, and Natural Gas Liquefaction (LNG), Hydrogen Liquefaction (LH2) and Organic Rankine Cycle for Waste Heat Recovery. Founded over 50 years ago, Cryogenic Industries is the parent company of ACD, Nikkiso Cryo, Nikkiso Integrated Cryogenic Solutions, Cosmodyne and Cryoquip and a commonly controlled group of 20 operating entities.

For more information, please visit www.nikkisoCEIG.com and www.nikkiso.com.

Anna Quigley

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8727431

FURA Gems Appoints Mazars SA and Initiates the Process for Responsible Jewellery Council (RJC) Registration


Ruby, Emerald and Sapphire from FURA Gems

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates, Jan. 11, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — FURA Gems announced today it had initiated the certification process with the RJC, demonstrating its commitment to responsible business practices. The project will be headed by Mazars Switzerland, which will accompany FURA Gems and all its operating mining locations in Colombia for emeralds, Mozambique for rubies, and Australia for sapphire through the process of RJC preparation. FURA has already registered its Australian location with RJC, and FURA will now look to expand the certification for the group and all its operating sites. With Mazar’s support, FURA will target to complete the certification process on or before December 31, 2023, for all its operating locations.

The certification with RJC is part of the ambitious ESG strategy deployed by FURA since its foundation in 2017. Earlier last year, FURA announced the partnership with Gübelin to provide traceability for all its stones through the Provenance Proof Blockchain. RJC Certification marks an additional important step towards achieving FURA’s ambitious ESG goals.

“This is a strong statement from our side, as we launch certification of all our mines producing emeralds, rubies and sapphires,” says Dev Shetty, Founder & CEO of FURA Gems. “The certification process will enable us to formalize our commitment since our foundation: to provide the jewellery market with traceable, sustainably sourced colour gemstones. To achieve this, we have identified Mazars as the ideal partner to conduct the process throughout our production sites and at the headquarters level. Mazars offers the ideal combination of regional expertise and global perspective, enabling us to conduct the project with the greatest level of competencies & professionalism.”

Franck Paucod, Partner at Mazars, explains, “We are thrilled to accompany FURA Gems through the demanding process of RJC COP Certification. Conducting the project for the three (3) mines simultaneously shows FURA’s commitment to responsible mining. We are confident that with our experiences in the gems and jewellery sector, we will be able to support FURA with its commitment to building the solid framework to achieve the RJC certification.”


FURA Gems Inc. is a coloured gemstone mining and marketing company established in 2017. Headquartered in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, FURA has over 1,200 employees across continents. It is the first pioneering, creative and ethical enterprise to cover the entire spectrum of coloured gemstones. It operates three mining subsidiaries in Colombia, Mozambique, and Australia that mines emeralds, rubies, and sapphires. FURA also initiated its exploration program in Madagascar for sapphire mining. It is the fastest-growing coloured gemstone mining company to ensure the stability and traceability of ethically mined coloured gemstones from rough to retail.


Mazars is an internationally integrated partnership, specialising in audit, accountancy, advisory, tax and legal services. Operating in over 90 countries and territories around the world, Mazars draws on the expertise of more than 44,000 professionals to assist clients of all sizes at every stage in their development.

Mazars Switzerland is specialised in the watch & jewellery industry. Mazars can either accompany clients throughout the RJC Code of Practice COP certification preparation and registration which is the case for FURA Gems or perform audits for the certification of companies in conformity of the RJC COP.

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/80695a84-8e96-48d7-a21d-6548f0e035e7


Gianluca Maina, Marketing Director, FURA Gems, gianluca.maina@furagems.com

Franck Paucod, Partner, Mazars SA, franck.paucod@mazars.ch

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 1000776648

Clayfin and Bandhan Bank win Best Digital Channel/Platform award from IBS Intelligence

Implementation of the new Corporate Internet Banking platform produced 34% surge in the active user base

CHENNAI, India, Jan. 11, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — Clayfin Technologies, a leading provider of Digital Customer Experience solutions for Banks and Financial institutions, and Bandhan Bank, one of India’s fastest growing banks, have been awarded ‘Best Digital Channel/Platform Implementation: Best Project Implementation’ at IBSi Global FinTech Innovation Awards 2022. The recognition was basis the implementation of Corporate Internet Banking (version 5.x) by Clayfin as part of Bandhan Bank’s vision to enhance their digital services to the SME sector. With the implementation of this new system, the bank now offers enhanced digital banking experience through enhanced self-administration, easy onboarding, more advanced risk mitigation and audit features.

Clayfin Technologies Logo

Congratulating Bandhan Bank and Clayfin, Nikhil Gokhale, Head of Research at IBS Intelligence, said, “With Clayfin’s corporate internet banking platform, Bandhan Bank was able to offer a unique user experience to its corporate clients. The firm implemented the solution without any technological disruptions during migration. Furthermore, it enabled Bandhan to mitigate risks and audit its operations.”

Thanking IBS Intelligence and Bandhan Bank, Rajesh BLN, CEO of Clayfin, added, “Clayfin’s new Corporate Internet Platform came in as a right fit for Bandhan Bank on their accelerated path of growth for their corporate banking business. Today, this system ensures easy digital workflows, ensuring a unique experience for Bandhan Bank’s customers. We are excited about the growing customer base and new services on this platform creating a greater impact for the bank’s business.”

About IBSi Global FinTech Innovation Awards 2022

IBS Intelligence (IBSi) is the world’s only pure-play Financial Technology focused research, advisory, and news analysis firm, with a 30-year track record and clients globally. The fourth edition IBSi Global FinTech Innovation Awards received over 151 nominations across 94 banks from 47 countries across the globe

About Bandhan Bank

Bandhan Bank Ltd is a banking and financial services company, headquartered in Kolkata, India. Bandhan Bank is present in 34 out of 36 states and union territories of India, with 5,639 banking outlets and more than 2.63 crore customers. Bandhan Bank started operations on August 23, 2015 and has mobilised deposits of over ₹96,331 crore and its total advances stand at over ₹99,338 crore as of March 31, 2022.

About Clayfin

Clayfin is a leading provider of Digital Customer Experience solutions for Banks and Financial institutions. In a rapidly evolving digital world, Clayfin enables Banks and financial institutions to nurture and grow close ties with their customers by providing a superior and seamless omnichannel experience delivered at any digital point of interaction that the customer prefers. Clayfin works across geographies, and currently supports 80+ implementations across 30+ financial institutions.

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