لبنان.. مسيرة حاشدة في مخيم البرج الشمالي نصرة للقدس

على وقع ما تمرّ به مدينة القدس، وعلى الرغم من انتصار المقدسيين في هبّة “باب العامود”، تستمر التحركات الفلسطينية في مخيمات لبنان الداعمة لحراك المقدسيين، والرافضة لممارسات المستوطنين وجنود الاحتلال ضد المسجد الأقصى.

وانطلقت اليوم الأربعاء، وبعد صلاة التراويح، تظاهرة حاشدة من أهالي مخيمات مدينة صور، جنوب لبنان، إذ تجمع الأهالي في مخيم البرج الشمالي أمام مسجد المخيم، لينطلقوا بعدها في مسيرة، جالت أزقة المخيم، تقدمها قيادات الفصائل الفلسطينية واللجان الشعبية والأهلية، كما شارك فيها مجموعات كشفية وحشد من الرجال والنساء والأطفال.

ورفع المشاركون فيها الأعلام الفلسطينية، وهتفوا: “يا انتفاضة اشتدي اشتدي”، و”على الشوارع يا ثوار خلو الدنيا تولع نار”.

مسؤول العلاقات السياسية لحركة الجهاد الإسلامي، في منطقة صور، محمد عبد العال، قال إنّ “مخيمات لبنان هبّت بطريقة عفوية نصرة للقدس وأهلها، للتعبير عن حجم شوقهم للقتال إلى جانب أبناء أرضهم في الداخل، وفي رسالة واضحة أنّ دعمهم للقدس والأقصى لم يتراجع يومًا”.

وأضاف عبد العال، في حديثه مع “قدس برس”، أنّه “على الرغم من الظروف السياسية والصحية الصعبة التي يعيشها اللاجئون الفلسطينيون في لبنان، لم ينسَ اللاجئون يومًا أرضهم وقضيتهم وحقهم في العودة”.

وتابع: “الفلسطينيون اليوم يحملون همين أساسيين، همّا القدس واللاجئين، لذلك علينا كفصائل فلسطينية التركيز على وضع مشاريع مقاومة جديدة تكون بعيدة عن الروتين الممل، نخرج فيها بحل عملي يحرر فلسطين من احتلالها”.

وأوضح عبد العال، أنّ “تحركات اللاجئين الفلسطينيين في لبنان، رسالة واضحة للسياسيين اللبنانيين، أنهم متمسكين بحق العودة ولا يرغب أحدهم بالتوطين في لبنان”.

وتمكن شبان القدس، مساء الأحد، من إزالة جميع الحواجز التي وضعتها شرطة الاحتلال في محيط باب العامود بمدينة القدس المحتلة، بعد عدة أيام من حراكهم الثوري.

Source: Quds Press International News Agency

“فصائل المقاومة” تؤكد رفضها تأجيل الانتخابات

أكدت “فصائل المقاومة الفلسطينية”، رفضها تأجيل الانتخابات بأي حال من الأحوال، رغم تحفظها على البدء بالمجلس التشريعي.

وشددت الفصائل في تصريح صفحي، اليوم الأربعاء، على ضرورة احترام المواعيد المحددة للانتخابات والتوافقات الوطنية، وصولاً إلى تشكيل المجلس الوطني.

ولفتت إلى ضرورة إجراء الانتخابات في مدينة القدس؛ “لتكون ساحة من ساحات الاشتباك مع الاحتلال واستثمار هبة القدس”.

ودعت الفصائل إلى “انتزاع حقنا في القدس وأنها هي العاصمة الأبدية لفلسطين، وإسقاط صفقة القرن مع التحذير من العواقب السلبية للتأجيل”.

Source: Quds Press International News Agency

فلسطينيون يتصدون لمستوطنين ويمنعونهم من تجريف أراض غرب رام الله

تصدى فلسطينيون، فجر الأربعاء، لمجموعة من المستوطنين، حاولوا الاعتداء على أراض لمواطنين فلسطينيين، وسط حماية جيش الاحتلال الإسرائيلي، ومنعوهم من تجريف أراض في قرية نعلين (غرب رام الله).

وذكرت مصادر محلية، بأن مجموعة من المستوطنين وتحت حراسة جنود الاحتلال ترافقهم جرافة، تسللوا فجرا الى المنطقة الواقعة شمال القرية، بهدف مواصلة أعمال تجريف لشق طريق استيطانية كانوا قد شرعوا بها قبل يومين في أراضي قريتي دير قديس ونعلين، بطول 2 كم، حيث تصدى لهم المواطنون ومنعوهم من القيام بذلك، قبل أن ينسحبوا.

ويسعى المستوطنون، إلى إقامة بؤرة استيطانية على أراضي المواطنين التي تبلغ آلاف الدونمات، علما أن مستوطنين قد نصبوا قبل نحو سنتين خياما وبيوتا متنقلة في المنطقة، ويقتحمونها بحماية قوات الاحتلال كل فترة.

Source: Quds Press International News Agency

“حماس”: نرفض فكرة تأجيل الانتخابات أو إلغائها

أعلنت حركة المقاومة الإسلامية “حماس” رفضها لفكرة تأجيل الانتخابات، أو إلغائها، مشددة على أن “الحل هو الاجتماع وطنياً، لبحث آليات فرض الانتخابات في القدس دون إذن أو تنسيق مع الاحتلال”.

وشددت “حماس” في بيان صحفي، مساء الأربعاء، أنها “ليست جزءاً من التأجيل أو الإلغاء، ولن تمنح له الغطاء”.

وألقت بـ”مسؤولية قرار الإلغاء أو التأجيل على عاتق من يأخذه مستجيباً لفيتو الاحتلال الذي يهدف إلى الإبقاء على حالة الانقسام والتفرد بشعبنا”.

واعتبرت أن التأجيل يأتي “استجابة لضغوطات أطراف أخرى لا يهمها مصلحة شعبنا، داعية جميع القوى السياسية والفصائل الوطنية، والقوائم المرشحة إلى عدم منح الغطاء للتأجيل أو الإلغاء، والعمل على تحديد آليات لفرض الانتخابات في القدس”.

وأكدت “حماس” أن موقفها ينسجم مع كل القرارات الوطنية السابقة بالتحلل من “أوسلو”، وتجاوز هذا الاتفاق الكارثة، وليس الدعوة إلى إجراء الانتخابات وفق بروتوكلاته.

وبينت أن بروتوكولات أوسلو تمس أصلاً بحقوق شعبنا وسيادته على أرضه وعلى عاصمته الأبدية.

ونوهت الحركة، بأنها لا تعفي الاحتلال من المسؤولية عن قرار التأجيل، موضحة أنه هو المسؤول الأول والأخير عن حرمان شعبنا من حقوقه، وفق البيان.

كما حملت حماس كل الأطراف الدولية – التي تتشدق بالحرية والديمقراطية ثم تقف ضدها – المسؤولية عن سـلوك الاحتلال المجرم بحق شعبنا وممارسته السياسية الحرة.

وعدت الحركة أن الانتخابات في القدس خط أحمر، ولا يمكن لأي فلسطيني أن يقبل إجراء الانتخابات بدون القدس، عاصمتنا الأبدية، مهد الأنبياء، بوابة السماء، منتهى الإسراء، ومنطلق المعراج.

وتساءلت: “كيف نجري الانتخابات في القدس ونفرضها على الاحتلال، وليس حول مبدأ الانتخابات في القدس”.

وقالت إنه يجب أن يكون يوم الانتخابات في القدس يوماً وطنياً بكل معنى الكلمة، يواجه فيه شعبنا في القدس سلطات الاحتلال، ويشتبك معها ليفرض إرادته ويرغمها على الخضوع لشعبنا.

وأضافت: “الحقوق تنتزع ولا تُستجدى أو توهب من الاحتلال، وهذا خيار شعبنا الدائم، وهو كذلك خيار شعبنا العظيم في القدس الذي فرض على الاحتلال مؤخراً وقائع كبيرة لا تقل أهمية وخطورة عن فرض الانتخابات”.

وأشارت إلى أن ما فرضه شعبنا في باب العامود، ومن قبله في معركة البوابات الإلكترونية، وباب الرحمة يمثل رافعة وطنية وسلوكاً يجب اتباعه في انتخابات القدس.

ونبهت “حماس” أن الانتخابات حق أصيل للشعب الفلسطيني، وقد تأخر هذا الاستحقاق طويلاً، ويجب المحافظة عليه باعتباره حقاً دستورياً سياسياً للأجيال، تختار فيه قيادتها وممثليها، مؤكدة أنه لا يجوز التلاعب بهذا الحق الوطني الأصيل ولا بأي شكل من الأشكال.

وقالت إن الانتخابات بمراحلها الثلاث مدخل مهم لإنهاء الانقسام، وترتيب البيت الفلسطيني، وقد تم التوافق وطنياً وبالإجماع على هذا الأمر وصولاً إلى وحدة حقيقية لشعبنا العظيم.

وأكدت أن “القدس ستبقى قبلتنا الأولى، وقبلتنا السياسية الدائمة، فالقدس عقيدة ودين، دولة وعاصمة وسيادة”.

Source: Quds Press International News Agency

President Abbas voices concern over Covid-19 crisis in India

President Mahmoud Abbas Monday voiced his concern over the Covid-19 crisis in India.

“We are following with great concern the large increase in the number of COVID-19 cases among the friendly people of India,” Abbas stated in a telegram sent to Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

“And as we express our solidarity with you in this difficult health situation, we value your Excellency’s efforts and that of the Indian health system to combat the spread of this pandemic,” he added.

He expressed his confidence of the Indian government’s “ability and wisdom to control ]the pandemic[ spread and overcome this crisis in a way that guarantees safety for your people.”

He concluded the telegram by expressing his sincere wishes for the “health, safety and prosperity” for Modi as well as the Indian people.

Source: Palestine news & Information Agency – WAFA

Weather forecast: Partly cloudy, mild conditions

Weather today is partly cloudy and slightly cold to mild in daytime, particularly in the mountains, with a slight rise in temperature, which becomes seasonal, according to the Palestinian Meteorological Department (PMD).

Relatively cold conditions are expected in the early morning and night hours. Moderate to active southwesterly to westerly wind blows in daytime, while moderate northwesterly wind blows in nighttime. Sea waves are low to medium.

Temperature in Jerusalem and Bethlehem is expected to reach a high of 22°C and a low of 12°C and in Ramallah and Hebron a high of 21°C and a low of 11°C. In Jericho, the Dead Sea, and the Jordan Valley temperature is expected to reach a high of 33°C and a low of 19°C, while it is expected to reach a high of 23°C and a low of 14°C in Gaza and the coastal areas.

Wednesday’s temperature is set to significantly rise and approach 5°C above the seasonal average, paving the way to partly cloudy to clear and relatively hot to hot conditions in daytime. Slightly cold conditions are expected in the early morning and night hours, especially in the mountains.

A further rise is expected in temperature, which approaches 10°C on Thursday, paving the way to hot to very hot and dry conditions in daytime. Mild conditions are expected in nighttime.

Friday’s temperature is set to remain steady with unseasonably hot to very hot and dry conditions in daytime and mild conditions in nighttime.

Source: Palestine news & Information Agency – WAFA

Presidency welcomes HRW report on Israeli “crimes of apartheid” against Palestinians

The Presidency today welcomed the Human Rights Watch report urging the International Criminal Court to investigate Israeli officials “implicated in the crimes against humanity of apartheid or persecution”.

Presidential Spokesman Nabil Abu Rudeineh welcomed in a press release the HRW report as “a powerful testament to the struggle of the people of Palestine under Israel’s belligerent military occupation and its colonial and oppressive policies.”

He added that “this well-documented and solid report reaffirms Israel’s commitment to the crimes of Apartheid and persecution that demands the international community to uphold its responsibilities towards Palestine.”

“It’s our firm belief that justice, based on international legitimacy and resolutions, rather than impunity, is the only way to achieving lasting peace in Palestine, Israel, and the entire region” he stated while pointing that the HRW report “comes at a moment when Israel’s violations have cruelly increased against the Palestinian people, particularly in occupied Jerusalem, the capital of the State of Palestine, as well as against the Palestinian citizens of Israel.”

Abu Rudeineh called on the international community to intervene to stop Israeli crimes against the Palestinian people and consider the report recommendations.

“Hence, we call upon all international parties to review this report and look into its recommendations, with many of them being reminders of their legal obligations under international law.”

“It is urgent for the international community to intervene, including by making sure that their states, organizations, and companies are not contributing in any way to the execution of war crimes and crimes against humanity in Palestine.”

Source: Palestine news & Information Agency – WAFA

Human Rights Watch accuses Israel of committing crimes of apartheid

An international leading human rights watchdog has accused the Israeli authorities of committing crimes of apartheid against Palestinians.

The New York-based Human Rights Watch published a 213-page report on Tuesday titled “A Threshold Crossed: Israeli Authorities and the Crimes of Apartheid and Persecution”, which examines Israel’s treatment of Palestinians. The finding in HRW’s report is based on an overarching Israeli government policy to maintain the domination by Jewish Israelis over Palestinians and grave abuses committed against Palestinians living in the occupied territory, including East Jerusalem,” the group said in a statement released Tuesday.

Drawing on years of human rights documentation, case studies, and a review of government planning documents, statements by officials, and other sources, Human Rights Watch compared policies and practices toward Palestinians in the occupied territory and Israel with those concerning Jewish Israelis living in the same areas.

“Prominent voices have warned for years that apartheid lurks just around the corner if the trajectory of Israel’s rule over Palestinians does not change,” said Kenneth Roth, executive director of Human Rights Watch.

“This detailed study shows that Israeli authorities have already turned that corner and today are committing the crimes against humanity of apartheid and persecution.”

The crime against humanity of persecution, as defined under the Rome Statute and customary international law, consists of severe deprivation of fundamental rights of a racial, ethnic, or other groups with discriminatory intent.

HRW found that the elements of the crimes come together in the occupied territory, as part of a single Israeli government policy. That policy is to maintain the domination by Jewish Israelis over Palestinians across Israel and the occupied territory. It is coupled in the occupied territory with systematic oppression and inhumane acts against Palestinians living there.

Drawing on years of human rights documentation, case studies, and a review of government planning documents, statements by officials, and other sources, Human Rights Watch compared policies and practices toward Palestinians in the occupied territory and Israel with those concerning Jewish Israelis living in the same areas. Human Rights Watch wrote to the Israeli government in July 2020, soliciting its perspectives on these issues, but has received no response.

Across Israel and the occupied territory, Israeli authorities have sought to maximize the land available for Jewish communities and to concentrate most Palestinians in dense population centers. The authorities have adopted policies to mitigate what they have openly described as a “demographic threat” from Palestinians. In Jerusalem, for example, the government’s plan for the municipality, including both the west and occupied east parts of the city, sets the goal of “maintaining a solid Jewish majority in the city” and even specifies the demographic ratios it hopes to maintain.

To maintain domination, Israeli authorities systematically discriminate against Palestinians. The institutional discrimination that Palestinian citizens of Israel face includes laws that allow hundreds of small Jewish towns to effectively exclude Palestinians and budgets that allocate only a fraction of resources to Palestinian schools as compared to those that serve Jewish Israeli children. In the occupied territory, the severity of the repression, including the imposition of draconian military rule on Palestinians while affording Jewish Israelis living in a segregated manner in the same territory their full rights under Israel’s rights-respecting civil law, amounts to the systematic oppression required for apartheid.

Israeli authorities have committed a range of abuses against Palestinians. Many of those in the occupied territory constitute severe abuses of fundamental rights and the inhumane acts again required for apartheid, including: sweeping movement restrictions in the form of the Gaza closure and a permit regime, confiscation of more than a third of the land in the West Bank, harsh conditions in parts of the West Bank that led to the forcible transfer of thousands of Palestinians out of their homes, denial of residency rights to hundreds of thousands of Palestinians and their relatives, and the suspension of basic civil rights to millions of Palestinians.

Many of the abuses at the core of the commission of these crimes, such as near-categorical denial of building permits to Palestinians and demolition of thousands of homes on the pretext of lacking permits, have no security justification. Others, such as Israel’s effective freeze on the population registry it manages in the occupied territory, which all but blocks family reunification for Palestinians living there and bars Gaza residents from living in the West Bank, use security as a pretext to further demographic goals. Even when security forms part of the motivation, it no more justifies apartheid and persecution than it would excessive force or torture, Human Rights Watch said.

“Denying millions of Palestinians their fundamental rights, without any legitimate security justification and solely because they are Palestinian and not Jewish, is not simply a matter of an abusive occupation,” Roth said. “These policies, which grant Jewish Israelis the same rights and privileges wherever they live and discriminate against Palestinians to varying degrees wherever they live, reflect a policy to privilege one people at the expense of another.”

Statements and actions by Israeli authorities in recent years, including the passage of a law with constitutional status in 2018 establishing Israel as the “nation-state of the Jewish people,” the growing body of laws that further privilege Israeli settlers in the West Bank and do not apply to Palestinians living in the same territory, as well as the massive expansion in recent years of settlements and accompanying infrastructure connecting settlements to Israel, have clarified their intent to maintain the domination by Jewish Israelis. The possibility that a future Israeli leader might someday forge a deal with Palestinians that dismantles the discriminatory system does not negate that reality today.

Israeli authorities should dismantle all forms of repression and discrimination that privilege Jewish Israelis at the expense of Palestinians, including with regards to freedom of movement, allocation of land and resources, access to water, electricity, and other services, and the granting of building permits.

The ICC Office of the Prosecutor should investigate and prosecute those credibly implicated in the crimes against humanity of apartheid and persecution. Countries should do so as well in accordance with their national laws under the principle of universal jurisdiction, and impose individual sanctions, including travel bans and asset freezes, on officials responsible for committing these crimes.

The findings of crimes against humanity should prompt the international community to reevaluate the nature of its engagement in Israel and Palestine and adopt an approach centered on human rights and accountability rather than solely on the stalled “peace process.”

Countries should establish a UN commission of inquiry to investigate systematic discrimination and repression in Israel and Palestine and a UN global envoy for the crimes of persecution and apartheid with a mandate to mobilize international action to end persecution and apartheid worldwide. Countries should condition arms sales and military and security assistance to Israel on Israeli authorities taking concrete and verifiable steps toward ending their commission of these crimes. Countries should vet agreements, cooperation schemes, and all forms of trade and dealing with Israel to screen for those directly contributing to committing the crimes, mitigate the human rights impacts and, where not possible, end activities and funding found to facilitate these serious crimes.

“While much of the world treats Israel’s half-century occupation as a temporary situation that a decades-long ‘peace process’ will soon cure, the oppression of Palestinians there has reached a threshold and a permanence that meets the definitions of the crimes of apartheid and persecution,” Roth said. “Those who strive for Israeli-Palestinian peace, whether a one or two-state solution or a confederation, should in the meantime recognize this reality for what it is and bring to bear the sorts of human rights tools needed to end it.”

Source: Palestine news & Information Agency – WAFA

Government welcomes HRW report on Israeli “crimes of apartheid” against Palestinians

The Palestinian government today welcomed the Human Rights Watch report urging the International Criminal Court to investigate Israeli officials “implicated in the crimes against humanity of apartheid or persecution”.

“The Palestinian government welcomes the new report by Human Rights Watch, titled “A Threshold Crossed: Israeli Authorities and the Crimes of Apartheid and Persecution,” which articulately defines Israeli policies and atrocities against the Palestinian people using the proper legal definition for crimes and criminals,” Prime Minister Mohammad Shtayyeh stated in a press statement.

“The report is a remarkable addition to earlier international reports and judicial verdicts, which asserts the urgent need for the international community to bear its responsibilities, per international law and human rights principles, by holding Israel accountable for its crimes, namely its colonial- occupation and settlements, apartheid, and persecution, as codified in Israeli laws and policies,” he added.

He urged states worldwide to translate their condemnations against the Israeli colonial occupation into practical steps.

“The traditional situation, where many countries worldwide announce their position against occupation without actual sanctions and without revising their relations and agreements with Israel on the different diplomatic, cultural, and trade relations, can and should not continue,” he concluded.

Source: Palestine news & Information Agency – WAFA

Foreign Ministry: HRW report “exposes nature of Israel’s colonial occupation”

The Foreign Affairs and Expatriates Ministry today welcomed the Human Rights Watch report urging the International Criminal Court to investigate Israeli officials “implicated in the crimes against humanity of apartheid or persecution”.

“The report exposes the nature of Israel’s colonial occupation as an entrenched regime of Jewish supremacy and domination over the Palestinian people, designed to legitimize its settlement enterprise in the occupied territory of the State of Palestine and affecting every facet of Palestinian life,” the ministry said in a press release welcoming the seminal report by Human Rights Watch on Israel’s colonial occupation and its discriminatory and racist policies against the Palestinian people.

“The Ministry considers this detailed affirmation of the reality a test to the international community’s determination to end all forms of discrimination and racism. In this connection, the Ministry reminds States and leaders that the commission of the crime of apartheid constitutes a grave threat to international peace and security and that its prohibition is a peremptory norm of international law.”

It called upon the international community to take “immediate and effective” action to end the Israeli apartheid regime.

“Accordingly, the international community must take immediate and effective action to compel an end to Israel’s apartheid regime enshrined in supremacy of one group over the other. The international community should not sustain nor encourage Israel’s apartheid regime.”

It reiterated that “Israel’s apartheid regime is the main obstacle to the exercise of the right of self-determination and fundamental freedoms by the Palestinian people” while urging relevant international bodies and specialized agencies, including the United Nations Security Council, the General Assembly, and the Human Rights Council, to “adopt effective measures to protect the Palestinian people, including the imposition of sanctions.”

It also called on “the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court to expeditiously investigate the crime against humanity of apartheid and persecution.”

It concluded by pledging that the Palestinian people would continue its struggle for liberation from colonialism.

“The Palestinian people will continue to oppose and defy the punishing and inhumane reality of apartheid until their rights to self-determination, freedom, independence, and return are fully realized.”

Source: Palestine news & Information Agency – WAFA

Palestine confirms 1414 new coronavirus cases, 17 fatalities and 2686 recoveries

Minister of Health Mai Alkaila said today that 1414 new COVID-19 infections, 17 deaths and 2686 recoveries were registered in Palestine during the past 24 hours.

In her daily report on the coronavirus pandemic, Alkaila said five deaths were reported in the West Bank and 12 others in the Gaza Strip. She said no updates were available regarding the situation in occupied Jerusalem.

In the West Bank, 376 coronavirus tests came out positive, while 1038 new cases were registered in the Gaza Strip.

The health minister said 140 patients of coronavirus remain in intensive care, of whom 41 are on ventilators. In addition, 397 patients are receiving treatment at hospitals and COVID-19 dispensaries.

Alkaila pointed out that the recovery rate in Palestine has so far reached 91.7 percent, while active cases slightly declined to 7.2 percent. Deaths stood at 1.1 percent of total infections.

Concerning vaccinations, the health minister said over 251,628 people have received their first jab of the vaccine in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, of whom over 165,426 received the second dose.

Source: Palestine news & Information Agency – WAFA

Team Europe visits projects and meets local interlocutors in occupied East Jerusalem

Following the recent unrest and violent clashes in occupied Jerusalem, European Union Heads of Cooperation in Jerusalem and Ramallah today visited several neighborhoods in East Jerusalem where they were briefed by EU partners and Palestinian counterparts.

The delegation met with Palestinian families facing evictions and demolitions in East Jerusalem, students and teachers at schools in the old city, and owners of small businesses benefiting from EU support.

This visit confirms the solid commitment of Team Europe members towards the Palestinians in East Jerusalem and sends a message of hope and support amidst an increasingly tense reality for Palestinians in their city, said an EU press release.

Today’s visit of the European Union Heads of Cooperation in Jerusalem and Ramallah provided the opportunity to take stock of existing projects, meet with beneficiaries, and learn about the current challenges, particularly against the backdrop of the Covid-19 pandemic and the most recent political developments, it added.

In Isawiyya neighborhood, the delegation met a Palestinian family facing imminent threat of home demolition and another family split due to the rejection of a residency request.

The European Union, in cooperation with the Jerusalem Legal Aid and Human Rights Center (JLAC), is supporting both marginalized communities and individual cases. Putting both cases back in the bigger picture, JLAC presented its study on Isawiyya “Accounts of Persistent Isolation, Separation and Violations”, and explained the threats targeting Palestinian Jerusalemites as a result of the Isawiyya “masterplan” prepared by the Israeli authorities.

The Heads of Cooperation visited two schools in the Old City, where they discussed the current situation of the education sector in East Jerusalem. The group was briefed about on-going work in renovating old school buildings, aiming to enhance the resilience of East Jerusalem schools such as the al-Wifaq School. In addition, they discussed with experts the distance learning challenges and its impact on inclusive education.

The delegation also met the Head of the Palestinian Directorate of Education in East Jerusalem who briefed them on the challenges facing the education system and educational staff in East Jerusalem, particularly after the closure of the Directorate by the Israeli authorities.

The last stop was meeting the Palestine for Development Foundation (PSDF) team. The delegation was briefed on the COVID-19 pandemic impact on micro, small, medium enterprises (MSMEs) and the private sector in East Jerusalem.

PSDF, then, presented the grant facility for private sector development in Jerusalem and its impact on strengthening MSMEs. This facility improved MSMEs skills and professionalism, their business model and thus their commercial activity.

Since 2018, 49 businesses have received investment grants. More than 410 jobs were created or sustained through this project. Despite the fragility of the private sector in East Jerusalem, the facility aims to provide investment grants for at least 50 businesses by the end of August 2021.

Through the East Jerusalem Program (EJP), the EU is providing around 12 million Euro annually to support the Palestinian in East Jerusalem. This program aims at maintaining the two-States solution with Jerusalem being the capital of the two States and supporting the Palestinian resilience and cultural identity of the City. Aid is primarily channeled through direct awards (grants) to NGOs, or through contribution agreements with UN bodies and/or EU member States.

Source: Palestine news & Information Agency – WAFA