Man sentenced to one month in prison as authorities crack down on festive firing

A court in Amman found a man guilty of discharging a weapon loaded with blanks in celebration of his child’s high school (Tawjihi) exam results last year, handing down a one-month prison term. A judicial body specialized in the cases of discharging weapons in public spaces at the Amman Criminal Magistrate Court found the man guilty of carrying and possessing a tool detrimental to public safety and disturbing public peace, according to a statement on Wednesday. This comes as part of authorities’ crackdown on the practice of festive firing, which involves discharging weapons in celebration of special occasions. The practice has led to the death and injury of many bystanders over the years. Yesterday evening, the Public Security Department (PSD) issued a statement saying the police would take stiff measures against festive firing, including arresting suspect shooters and the property owners where shootings would happen. The statement came ahead of the announcement of the Tawjihi exam results, which are expected to be released at 4 p.m. on Wednesday. In a related case, the court also found a 47-year-old man guilty of festive firing in celebration of his daughter’s passing of the Tawjihi exams, sentencing him to three months in prison.

Source: Jordan News Agency