Anova Elevates The Bar On Consumer Engagement And Empowerment With The Release Of Anova Connect™

A powerful, targeted marketing engine for LPG/Propane Marketers. 100% peace of mind for consumers. New carbon emissions information for a more sustainable world.

DUBAI, UAE, Dec. 7, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — LPG Week — Anova, a trusted innovator and leader in remote tank monitoring solutions, today announced the launch of Anova Connect™, a mobile app that delivers peace of mind for customers with on-demand tank level information and easy, 1-click delivery and service requests. Embedded in the solution, the Anova Mobile Marketer™ engine Anova Connect elevates the marketing bar on audience segmentation and event-based marketing, pinpointing multiple campaigns to dynamic audiences for very personalized end-consumer experiences – and highly productive marketing for providers. With new and unparalleled, in-depth automation and targeted marketing capability, Anova Connect not only helps build customer loyalty, it also delivers consumers insight on their impact on carbon emissions.

Anova Connect Mobile App

“Anova Connect & Mobile Marketer was borne out of our industry finally being in a position to respond to the ‘Mass Customization’ paradigm, through data-driven consumer engagement tailored to a demographic’s needs, aimed at supporting marketing, education and sales programs. Whether it’s ‘nudging’ will-calls to become automatic, or promoting renewable LPG as a sustainable future, or providing usage to inform touch-of-button reordering on a mobile app, Mobile Marketer provides the services and analytics, and Connect provides the channel to over a 1,000,000 monitored accounts,” says Chet Reshamwala, CEO of Anova. “Connect creates a new, two-way communications channel with the customer, digitizing the messaging and the response, relieving call centers and driving up Net Promoter Scores!” he adds.

“For the first time, LPG/Propane marketers truly have a way to engage their customers digitally with targeted, personalized, data-driven campaigns,” says Francisco Moreira, Software Product Manager, Anova. “Providers deserve the best, professional-level marketing automation capabilities, affordably, and seamlessly integrated with their existing tank monitoring operation. Anova Connect gives them a marketing competitive edge and the ability to provide customers information on their carbon footprint,” he says.

About Anova:
Anova is connecting the industrial world for better by digitizing the supply chains of the manufacturers and distributors of LPG/Propane, industrial gases, chemicals, fuels, lubricants, and other products. Through innovation in remote telemetry analytics and technology, including tank levels, pressures and temperatures, and predictive maintenance of related industrial equipment, Anova has enabled new levels of operational insight, efficiency, and consumer experience. Anova cloud-native solutions are used in over 80 countries around the world, providing insight on close to a million industrial assets, and support in 12 languages. The company’s 2,000+ clients run the gamut from small, regional businesses to the world’s largest LPG/Propane, industrial gases, and chemicals manufacturers and distributors. Anova is the only globally deployed company in the remote telemetry space, reflecting its long-earned trust and reliability, the breadth of asset type monitoring solutions, and its universal communication network and satellite communications support. For more information, visit

Media Contact:
Bridget Piraino
O: +1 908.373.5678

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‫”أنوفا” ترفع من مستوى مشاركة المستهلك وتمكينه من خلال إطلاق ™Anova Connect

محرك تسويقي قوي ومستهدف لمسوقي غاز البترول المسال/البروبان. 100٪ راحة بال للمستهلكين. معلومات جديدة عن انبعاثات الكربون من أجل عالم أكثر استدامة.

دبي، الإمارات العربية المتحدة، 7 ديسمبر 2021 — /PRNewswire/ أسبوع غاز البترول المسال — أعلنت اليوم شركة أنوفا (Anova) -الشركة المبتكرة والرائدة في مجال حلول مراقبة الخزانات عن بُعد- عن إطلاق ™Anova Connect، وهو تطبيق محمول يُوفِّر راحة البال للعملاء مع معلومات مستوى الخزان عند الطلب، وطلبات التوصيل والخدمة السهلة بنقرة واحدة. ومع شمول الحل على محرك ™Anova Mobile Marketer، فإن Anova Connect يرفع من مستوى التسويق في تقسيم الجمهور والتسويق القائم على الحدث، مع تحديد حملات متعددة للجماهير الديناميكية من أجل تجارب مخصصة وشخصية للغاية للمستهلك النهائي – وتسويق عالي الإنتاجية لمقدمي الخدمات.  وبفضل الأتمتة المتعمقة والجديدة التي لا مثيل لها وقدرة التسويق المستهدف، لا يكتفي Anova Connect بالمساعدة في بناء ولاء العملاء فحسب، بل يُقدِّم أيضًا نظرة ثاقبة للمستهلكين حول تأثيرهم على انبعاثات الكربون.

Anova Connect Mobile App

قال شيت ريشاموالا، الرئيس التنفيذي لشركة أنوفا، “نشأ كلًا من Anova Connect و Mobile Marketer من كون صناعتنا أخيرًا في وضع يتيح لها الاستجابة لنموذج “التخصيص الشامل”، من خلال مشاركة المستهلك التي تعتمد على البيانات والمصممة خصيصًا لتلبية الاحتياجات الديموغرافية، والتي تهدف إلى دعم برامج التسويق والتعليم والمبيعات.  وسواء كان الأمر يتعلق بـ “حث” مكالمات الرغبة لكي تصبح تلقائية، أو الترويج لغاز البترول المسال المتجدد كمستقبل مستدام، أو توفير الاستخدام لإعلام إعادة الترتيب بلمسة زر على تطبيق للهاتف الجوَّال، فإن Mobile Marketer يُوفِّر الخدمات والتحليلات، بينما يُوفِّر Connect القناة إلى أكثر من مليون حساب مراقَب”.  وأضاف، “يقوم Connect بإنشاء قناة اتصال جديدة ثنائية الاتجاه مع العميل، ورقمنة الرسائل والاستجابة، مما يخفف من الضغط على مراكز الاتصال ويرفع من صافي نتائج المُروِّج!”.

ويقول فرانسيسكو موريرا، مدير منتجات البرمجيات لدى أنوفا، “لأول مرة، يمتلك مسوقو غاز البترول المسال/البروبان حقًا طريقة لإشراك عملائهم رقميًا من خلال حملات مستهدفة ومخصصة تعتمد على البيانات”.  وأضاف، “يستحق مقدمو الخدمات أفضل قدرات أتمتة التسويق على المستوى الاحترافي، بتكلفة معقولة، والمتكاملة بسلاسة مع عملية مراقبة الخزانات الحالية.  ويمنحهم Anova Connect ميزة تنافسية تسويقية والقدرة على تزويد العملاء بمعلومات عن بصمتهم الكربونية”.

حول شركة أنوفا:

تعمل أنوفا على ربط العالم الصناعي ببعضه البعض من أجل الأفضل من خلال رقمنة سلاسل التوريد الخاصة بمصنعي وموزعي غاز البترول المسال/البروبان، والغازات الصناعية، والمواد الكيميائية، والوقود، ومواد التشحيم، وغيرها من المنتجات.  ومن خلال الابتكار في تحليلات وتقنيات القياس عن بُعد، بما في ذلك مستويات الخزانات، والضغوط، ودرجات الحرارة، والصيانة التنبؤية للمعدات الصناعية ذات الصلة، فقد أتاحت أنوفا مستويات جديدة من النظرة التشغيلية الثاقبة، والكفاءة، وتجربة المستهلك.  وتُستخدَم حلول أنوفا السحابية الأصلية في أكثر من 80 دولة حول العالم، وتُوفِّر نظرة ثاقبة على ما يقرب من مليون أصل صناعي، ودعم بـ 12 لغة.  كما يدير عملاء الشركة البالغ عددهم أكثر من 2000 عميل، سلسلة كاملة من الشركات الإقليمية الصغيرة إلى أكبر مصنعي وموزعي غاز البترول المسال/البروبان، والغازات الصناعية، والمواد الكيميائية في العالم.  أنوفا هي الشركة الوحيدة المنتشرة عالميًا في مجال القياس عن بُعد، مما يعكس الثقة والموثوقية التي اكتسبتها منذ فترة طويلة، واتساع نطاق حلول مراقبة نوع الأصول، وشبكة الاتصالات العالمية الخاصة بها، ودعمها للاتصالات عبر الأقمار الصناعية.  لمزيد من المعلومات قم بزيارة 

للتواصل الإعلامي:
بريدجيت بيراينو
هاتف: 908.373.5678 1+

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Univar Solutions Appointed Distributor of Tata NQ’s Range of Prebiotic Dietary Fibers in Europe, Turkey, Egypt and Russia

Prebiotic dietary fibers offer formulation solutions for digestive health and wellness products

ROTTERDAM, Netherlands, Dec. 6, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — Europe, Univar B.V., a subsidiary of Univar Solutions Inc. (NYSE: UNVR) (“Univar Solutions” or “the Company”), a global chemical and ingredient distributor and provider of value-added services, today announced a new distribution agreement with Tata Chemicals Ltd. for its range of prebiotic dietary fibers, FOSSENCE® and GOSSENCE®, for use in the food, beverage and nutraceutical industries in select countries across Europe, Turkey, Egypt and Russia.

Univar Solutions

The agreement builds on existing relationships in the United States and Canada. FOSSENCE® and GOSSENCE®—produced using a proprietary in-house fermentation technology developed by Tata NQ, the Nutrition Sciences division of Tata Chemicals Ltd, are used in food and beverages, infant and chilled food powder, dietary supplements and health foods. The addition of these digestive health ingredients to Univar Solutions’ industry-leading Ingredients and Specialties portfolio provides food, beverage and nutraceutical manufacturers in the regions with additional functional ingredient options to align with the latest health, wellness and nutritional trends.

“Our food, beverage and nutraceutical customers across the globe count on us to help meet their evolving needs, and with that, Univar Solutions is excited to deepen our relationship with Tata NQ,” said Matthew Ottaway, senior vice president of consumer solutions at Univar Solutions. “As a market leader in the distribution of specialty ingredients, we look forward to enhancing our strong customer connections across Europe, Turkey, Egypt and Russia. With our strong portfolio of ingredients like FOSSENCE® and best-in-class service, dedicated food and nutraceutical industry expertise, technical support and a network of innovative test kitchens, we can help our customers bring their product vision to life.”

Tata NQ produces prebiotic dietary fibers designed to help promote the growth of a healthy microbiome. The ingredients are used for a variety of purposes, with benefits that include helping mask off-notes, acting as a flavor enhancer, increasing the freezing point and extending the shelf life across many food and beverage applications.

Univar Solutions

“EMEA is a focus market for us, and we are confident that our partnership with Univar Solutions will provide our customers with quicker access, shorter lead times and exceptional customer service,” said Venkatadri Ranganathan, COO, Nutrition Sciences Business, Tata Chemicals Ltd. “Our portfolio of science-backed ingredients manufactured using our patented whole-cell fermentation technology addresses the needs of the health-conscious, hyperaware customers of today by delivering prebiotic health benefits across the Food and Nutraceutical applications. We are sure that Univar Solutions would be a great partner and will add to our 80+-year-old global legacy and values synonymous with the Tata Group.”

About Univar Solutions

Univar Solutions (NYSE: UNVR) is a leading global specialty chemical and ingredient distributor representing a premier portfolio from the world’s leading producers. With the industry’s largest private transportation fleet and technical sales force, unparalleled logistics know-how, deep market and regulatory knowledge, formulation and recipe development, and leading digital tools, the Company is well-positioned to offer tailored solutions and value-added services to a wide range of markets, industries, and applications. While fulfilling its purpose to help keep communities healthy, fed, clean and safe, Univar Solutions is committed to helping customers and suppliers innovate and focus on Growing Together. Learn more at

Forward-Looking Statements

This press release includes certain statements relating to future events and our intentions, beliefs, expectations, and predictions for the future, which are “forward-looking statements” within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933 and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended.  Forward-looking statements are subject to known and unknown risks and uncertainties, many of which may be beyond the Company’s control. These forward-looking statements are subject to risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from the expectations and assumptions. A detailed discussion of these factors and uncertainties is contained in the Company’s filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Potential factors that could affect such forward-looking statements include, among others: the ultimate geographic spread of the COVID-19 pandemic; the duration and severity of the COVID-19 pandemic; actions that may be taken by governmental authorities to address or otherwise mitigate the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic; the potential negative impacts of COVID-19 on the global economy and our customers and suppliers; the overall impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on our business, results of operations and financial condition; other fluctuations in general economic conditions, particularly in industrial production and the demands of our customers; significant changes in the business strategies of producers or in the operations of our customers; increased competitive pressures, including as a result of competitor consolidation; significant changes in the pricing, demand and availability of chemicals; our levels of indebtedness, the restrictions imposed by our debt instruments, and our ability to obtain additional financing when needed; the broad spectrum of laws and regulations that we are subject to, including extensive environmental, health and safety laws and regulations; an inability to integrate the business and systems of companies we acquire, including of Nexeo Solutions, Inc., or to realize the anticipated benefits of such acquisitions; potential business disruptions and security breaches, including cybersecurity incidents; an inability to generate sufficient working capital; increases in transportation and fuel costs and changes in our relationship with third party providers; accidents, safety failures, environmental damage, product quality and liability issues and recalls; major or systemic delivery failures involving our distribution network or the products we carry; operational risks for which we may not be adequately insured; ongoing litigation and other legal and regulatory risks; challenges associated with international operations; exposure to interest rate and currency fluctuations; potential impairment of goodwill; liabilities associated with acquisitions, ventures and strategic investments; negative developments affecting our pension plans and multi-employer pensions; labor disruptions associated with the unionized portion of our workforce; and the other factors described in the Company’s filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. We caution you that the forward-looking information presented in this press release is not a guarantee of future events or results, and that actual events or results may differ materially from those made in or suggested by the forward-looking information contained in this press release. In addition, forward-looking statements generally can be identified by the use of forward-looking terminology such as “may,” “plan,” “seek, “will,” “expect,” “intend,” “estimate,” “anticipate,” “believe” or “continue” or the negative thereof or variations thereon or similar terminology. Any forward-looking information presented herein is made only as of the date of this press release, and the Company does not undertake any obligation to update or revise any forward-looking information to reflect changes in assumptions, the occurrence of unanticipated events, or otherwise, except as required by law.

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Chuck E. Cheese Signs New Development Agreements In Qatar, Suriname And Guyana

Three new countries will soon experience the world’s number one family entertainment restaurant brand, Chuck E. Cheese, adding to an already rapid expansion story for Chuck E. Cheese internationally

DALLAS, Dec. 6, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — Chuck E. Cheese, the global family entertainment brand, continues to drive international expansion and has successfully signed development agreements in three new countries across South America and in the Middle East. This adds to the rapid ongoing international expansion of the brand already announced in new regions like Egypt, Morocco, Romania and Kuwait, and sets Chuck E. Cheese on track to have over 100 international locations by 2022.

Chuck E. Cheese

“Investors and entrepreneurs continue to recognize Chuck E. Cheese as a high ROI opportunity within their local markets,” says Arun Barnes, COO & SVP of international development for CEC Entertainment. “With a unique business model that is unmatched in the Family Entertainment Center (FEC) landscape, we are the brand that can have an immediate impact in almost any country around the globe, while providing a reliable cash flow for franchise partners who have a passion for family entertainment.”

One of the most effective avenues of growth is through existing franchisees who see success in their own regions, such as franchise partner Joanna Rostant of Yay! Entertainment in Trinidad & Tobago who has signed to expand the brand through sub franchising into Guyana and Suriname. The first site at Suriname is under construction and scheduled to open in the first half of 2022.

Joanna Rostant stated, “We are thrilled to partner through a sub franchise arrangement with Sasja Lie Pauw Sam and his team at Blue Falcon N.V. to bring the joy of Chuck E. Cheese to families in Suriname. We note with confidence Suriname’s recent discovery of substantial volumes of hydrocarbons, and in keeping with the recent IMF forecasts, believe that Suriname will experience strong positive economic growth in the next couple of years. For these and other socio-economic reasons, we believe that the world’s leading family entertainment brand will be thoroughly enjoyed by children and families in Suriname.”

“It makes sense for Caribbean markets, and we are thrilled that Joanna’s strong operating model has positioned her company well to achieve and lead this exciting expansion. We look forward to her success in Suriname, and later in Guyana,” added Arun Barnes.

In addition to the Caribbean, Chuck E. Cheese has also partnered with new franchise partners, Benchmark Hospitality Services, to expand new locations across Qatar throughout the next few years.

“Working with the CEC International team is a pleasure,” said Yanni Jouaneh, franchise owner and CEO of Benchmark Hospitality Services. “They have great systems and processes to support international franchising, and our business feasibility survey of the brand showcased a unique opportunity to bring in a highly profitable brand into Qatar’s exciting market landscape. There is no other brand that offers a great mix of games, food, entertainment and birthday parties. Qatari families with kids will soon experience the joy of Chuck E. Cheese nearer to their home.”

For franchising interests or to learn more about how to bring the joy and profits of Chuck E. Cheese to your market, please visit the all-new international franchising website where you can discover all of the latest news and exciting expansion plans.

About CEC Entertainment, Inc. 

CEC Entertainment is the nationally recognized leader in family entertainment and dining with its Chuck E. Cheese, Peter Piper Pizza and, delivery only, Pasqually’s Pizza & Wings brands. As the place where a million happy birthdays are celebrated every year, Chuck E. Cheese’s goal is to create positive, lifelong memories for families through entertainment, food and play. Committed to providing a fun, safe environment, Chuck E. Cheese helps protect families through industry-leading programs such as Kid Check®. As a strong advocate for its local communities, Chuck E. Cheese has donated more than $19 million to schools through its fundraising programs. The Company and its franchisees operate a system of nearly 600 Chuck E. Cheese and 120 Peter Piper Pizza venues, with locations in 47 states and 17 foreign countries and territories. For more information, visit our website or connect with us on social media.

For questions please contact:
Rosalie Sellman
Current Global

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منح نانوراكس، وفوييجر سبيس وولوكهيد مارتن عقد من ناسا لبناء أول محطة فضائية تجارية هي الأولى من نوعها

مع استمرار نمو الاقتصاد الفضائي سوف تكون ستارلاب نقطة الإرتكاز لمشروع ناسا للوجهات التجارية إلى المدارات الأرضية المنخفضة

 دنفر، 6 ديسمبر/كانون الأول 2021 /PRNewswire/ — شركة نانوراكس، بالتعاون مع شركتي فوييجر سبيس وولوكهيد مارتن / كود السهم [NYSE  LMT]‎ ، حصلت على عقد بقيمة 160 مليون دولار من وكالة ناسا لتصميم‎ ‎ستارلاب محطتها الفضائية التجارية كجزء من برنامج الوكالة التجاري التنموي للمدارات الأرضية المنخفضة (LEO). سوف تعمل المحطة الفضائية ستارلاب على تمكين مبادرة ناسا لتحفيز الاقتصاد التجاري للفضاء وتوفير العلوم والقدرات للطواقم قبل تقاعد محطة الفضاء الدولية (ISS).

Voyager logo

وقالت الدكتورة أميلا ويلسون، الرئيس التنفيذي لشركة نانوراكس: “بينما يمثل اليوم علامة فارقة ورئيسية لشركة نانوراكس وفريق ستارلاب، فإن التأثير يتجاوز هذه المنحة بكثير”. “إن تلقي هذا الدعم من وكالة ناسا يثبت صحة العمل الشاق الذي قامت به نانوراكس على مدار أكثر من عِقد من الزمان، من أجل الوصول التجاري إلى الفضاء، مما أدى إلى جلب أكثر من 1300 حمولة تجارية من 30 دولة إلى محطة الفضاء الدولية. وتفتح هذه الفرصة إمكانيات بعيدة المدى للبحوث الحيوية والنشاط الصناعي التجاري في المدارات الأرضية المنخفضة. يشرفنا أن يتم اختيارنا كواحدة من ثلاث تم منحوهم العمل مع وكالة ناسا، ولا يسعنا الانتظار لإحضار قاعدة عملائنا التجاريين العالميين الحاليين إلى ستارلاب”.

سوف يتم تقديم القيمة الأولية للعقد والبالغة 160 مليون دولار لشركة نانوراكس من خلال التمويل المتاح طبقاً لقانون اتفاقية الفضاء حتى عام 2025. سيتم إضافة لهذا التمويل الأولي المقدم من وكالة ناسا استكماله بفرص الشراء المسبق للعملاء والشراكات بين القطاعين العام والخاص. ومن المقرر أن تصل ستارلاب والمملوكة بالكامل لشركة نانوراكس إلى القدرة التشغيلية الأولية في عام 2027، مما يضمن تواجد بشري مستمر من الكيانات الأمريكية في المدارات الأرضية المنخفضة. وسوف تتاح لناسا الفرصة لشراء خدمات الطواقم والحمولات على المحطة الفضائية ستارلاب من خلال عقود خدمات منفصلة مع شركة نانوراكس.

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وتتمتع نانوراكس بخبرة تجارية لا مثيل لها في محطة الفضاء الدولية. بتوحيد جهودها مع استراتيجية الاستثمار المتطورة الخاصة بشركة فوييجر سبيس وخبرتها في التكامل التشغيلي والمعرفة الهندسية لشركة لوكهيد مارتن ورؤيتها الاستراتيجية، وسوف يتمكن فريق المحطة الفضائية ستارلاب من أن يقدم برنامجاً هائلاً لمستقبل الاستخدام التجاري للمدارات الأرضية المنخفضة.

وتشمل العناصر الأساسية لمحطة ستارلاب الفضائية بيئة استيطان كبيرة مطاطية تم تصميمها وبنائها بواسطة شركة لوكهيد مارتن، وعقدة لرسو السفن المعدنية، وعنصر طاقة وقوة الدفع، وذراع آلي كبير لخدمة البضائع والحمولات، ومجمع جورج واشنطن كارفر للعلوم. مجمع جورج واشنطن كارفر للعلوم هو نظام معملي متطور سوف يحتضن أبحاثاً وعلوماً وقدرات تصنيعية شاملة. وسوف تتمتع محطة ستارلاب بالقدرة على استضافة ما يصل إلى أربعة رواد فضاء بشكل مستمر لإجراء التجارب العلمية والبحوث الهامة.

Nanoracks logo

“محطة ستارلاب الفضائية هي التقاء خبرة لوكهيد مارتن الغنية بالفضاء وتاريخها، وابتكارات نانوراكس، والدهاء المالي لشركة فوييجر. إن هذا الفريق مجهز لمساعدة وكالة ناسا في مهمتها للتوسع في الوصول إلى المدارات الأرضية المنخفضة وتمكين اقتصاد الفضاء التجاري التحويلي” هكذا صرحت ليزا كالاهان، نائب الرئيس والمدير العام للفضاء المدني التجاري في شركة لوكهيد مارتن.

سوف تعمل نانوراكس على تعزيز تطوير محطة ستارلاب بالاستفادة من أكثر من عشر سنوات من الخبرة بصفتها رائداً عالمياً في هذا المجال ورائدة في الاستخدام التجاري لمحطة الفضاء الدولية. وسوف تقود شركة فوييجر سبيس وهي المساهم الأكبر في نانوراكس الإستراتيجية والاستثمار الرأسمالي، وسوف تعمل شركة لوكهيد مارتن، الشركة الرائدة في تطوير وتشغيل تكنولوجيات الفضاء المعقدة، كمدمج تقني لمحطة الفضاء المتقدمة الجديدة.

وقال ديلان تايلور، رئيس مجلس الإدارة والمدير التنفيذي في فوييجر سبيس: “لا يمكن التقليل من تأثير ستارلاب على الاستخدام التجاري للفضاء”. “نشهد اليوم تحولاً اقتصادياً كبيراً، حيث أصبحت الأعمال الفضائية ملموسة وذات رأس مال جيد ومستدامة تجارياً. يتطلب الأمر من الكوكب بالكامل التكاتف لاستكشاف الكون، وندعو المجتمع العالمي ليكون جزءاً من نجاح ستارلاب”.

حول شركة نانوراكس

نانوراكس هي إحدى شركات فوييجر سبيس، وهي المزود الرائد لخدمات الفضاء التجارية في العالم. وتمتلك نانوراكس وتشغل أجهزة خاصة في محطة الفضاء الدولية وأطلقت أكثر من 1300 تجربة بحثية، ونشرت أكثر من 300 قمر صناعي صغير، وقامت بتركيب الكبسولة الفضائية بيشوب. اليوم، تستفيد نانوراكس من أكثر من عشر سنوات من الخبرة لتطوير أنظمة فضائية تجارية جديدة في استجابة مباشرة لاحتياجات العملاء. تتضمن هذه الأنظمة الفضائية تحويل المراحل العليا لمركبة الإطلاق التجارية إلى منصات ثانوية وظيفية، وبناء محطات فضائية جديدة صالحة للسكن، وتزويدها بمنصات تحميل وكبسولات فضائية للطاقم والبنية التحتية للخدمات، وأكثر من ذلك. لمعرفة المزيد تابع‎ ‎@Nanoracks‎ ‎على‎ ‎تويتر.

حول شركة فوييجر سبيس

 فوييجر سبيس هي شركة عالمية رائدة في مجال استكشاف الفضاء. تتمثل مهمة فوييجر طويلة المدى في إنشاء شركة نيو سبيس المتكاملة رأسياً والمتداولة بشكل عام والتي تكون قادرة على تقديم أي مهمة فضائية يمكن للبشر تخيلها. تم تصميم نموذج الشركة الأول في الصناعة بشكل فريد لدعم احتياجات النمو لشركات الفضاء التجارية من خلال استبدال نماذج رأس المال الخاص التقليدية بنهج طويل الأجل توفر رأس مال دائم. لمعرفة المزيد عن فوييجر سبيس، يرجى زيارة:‎ ‎ وتابعها‎ ‎@VoyagerSH‎ ‎على تويتر.

حول شركة لوكهيد مارتن

 المقر الرئيسي في بيثيسدا، ماريلاند، لوكهيد مارتن كود السهم (NYSELMT) هي شركة عالمية للأمن والفضاء وتوظف ما يقرب من 114000 شخص في جميع أنحاء العالم، وتشارك بشكل أساسي في البحث والتصميم والتطوير والتصنيع والدمج والاستدامة لأنظمة ومنتجات وخدمات التكنولوجيا المتقدمة.  يرجى المتابعة‎ ‎@LMNews‎  ‎على تويتر للحصول على أحدث الإعلانات والأخبار بجميع أرجاء الشركة.

بيان تحذيري بخصوص البيانات التطلعية

يحتوي هذا البيان الصحفي على “بيانات تطلعية”. جميع البيانات، بخلاف بيانات الحقائق التاريخية، بما في ذلك تلك المتعلقة ببيان مهمة شركة فوييجر سبيس. (ويشار لها بالـ “الشركة”) واستراتيجية النمو، هي “بيانات تطلعية”. وعلى الرغم من أن إدارة الشركة تعتقد أن مثل هذه البيانات التطلعية معقولة، إلا أنها لا تضمن أن هذه التوقعات صحيحة أو ستكون كذلك. وتتضمن هذه البيانات التطلعية العديد من المخاطر والشكوك، مما قد يتسبب في اختلاف النتائج المستقبلية للشركة بشكل جوهري عن تلك المتوقعة. وتشمل المخاطر والشكوك المحتملة، من بين أمور أخرى، الظروف الاقتصادية العامة والظروف التي تؤثر على الصناعات التي تعمل فيها الشركة؛ وعدم التأكد من المتطلبات التنظيمية والموافقات؛ والقدرة على الحصول على التمويل اللازم بشروط مقبولة أو على الإطلاق. لا ينبغي للقراء أن يعتمدوا بلا داعٍ على البيانات التطلعية لأنها تتضمن هذه الشكوك المعروفة وغير المعروفة وعوامل أخرى قد تكون، في بعض الحالات، خارجة عن سيطرة الشركة والتي يمكن، ومن المرجح، أن تؤثر مادياً على النتائج الفعلية ومستويات النشاط أو الأداء أو الإنجازات. ويعكس أي بيان تطلعي وجهات النظر الحالية للشركة فيما يتعلق بالأحداث المستقبلية ويخضع لهذه المخاطر وغيرها من المخاطر والشكوك والافتراضات المتعلقة بالعمليات ونتائج العمليات واستراتيجية النمو والسيولة. ولا تتحمل الشركة أي التزام بتحديث أو مراجعة هذه البيانات التطلعية علناً لأي سبب من الأسباب، أو لتحديث أسباب اختلاف النتائج الفعلية مادياً عن تلك المتوقعة في هذه البيانات التطلعية، حتى لو أصبحت أي معلومات جديدة متاحة في المستقبل.

الفيديو –
الشعار –
الشعار –

Latest coronavirus figures in Palestine show a drop in deaths, rise in number of new cases

One person died of coronavirus in Palestine in the last 24 hours and 337 new cases were confirmed, today said Minister of Health Mai Alkaila.

She said that one person died in the Gaza Strip while 114 new cases were confirmed and 117 recovered. The West Bank had 223 new cases and 130 corona patients have recovered.

Alkaila said 92 corona patients are hospitalized, and 58 are in intensive care, while 12 patients are on ventilators.

A total of 1,457,050 people has received two shots of the corona vaccine so far in Palestine and 143,336 have received the booster shot, most of them in the West Bank.

Source: Palestine news & Information Agency – WAFA

Five Jordanian ministers expected in Palestine today for talks on expanding trade, cooperation

Five Jordanian ministers are expected to arrive in Ramallah later today for discussion with their Palestinian counterparts in the Higher Palestinian-Jordanian Committee on expanding trade and strengthening cooperation between their two countries, according to Minister of Economy Khaled Osaily.

The Jordanian delegation will be headed by the Minister of Economy and Trade, Yousef Shamali, and will include the ministers of agriculture, transportation, communication, energy, as well as the cabinet secretary.

The meeting will discuss increasing the volume of trade between Jordan and Palestine, building a free trade zone, launching the Palestinian-Jordanian Agricultural Marketing Company, and other issues to promote economic and investment cooperation.

It is expected that the committee’s meeting will lead to the signing of nine agreements in various fields, most notably an agreement between the ministries of commerce to increase trade, another between the standards and specification institutes, a third between the two investment promotion authorities, and a fourth between the ministries of culture.

“Our goal is to raise annual trade to more than $1 billion,” Osaily told WAFA, adding that the committee will discuss a number of issues that obstruct trade between their two countries as a result of Israeli measures.

“We have many demands from the Israeli side, such as extending commercial movement hours across the Jordan River bridge crossing to 24 hours instead of the current seven hours between 8 and 3, building an oil pipeline between Palestine and Jordan, facilitating the import of Jordanian cement, and many other issues,” he said.

Jordan and Israel last month signed an agreement in which Jordan will increase annual trade to Palestine from the current $150 million to $730 million in which 425 items for an annual value of about $500 million will have custom-free access to the Palestinian market after meeting the Palestinian specifications, and another 329 Jordanian items with an annual value of about $230 million would also enjoy custom-free exports to the Palestinian market after meeting the required Israeli specifications.

Source: Palestine news & Information Agency – WAFA

Foreign Ministry welcomes US pressure on Israel to stop settlement construction at Jerusalem airport

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates today welcomed the international position rejecting Israeli settlements and the American pressure to stop the construction of a settlement at Jerusalem airport land in Qalandia, north of occupied Jerusalem.

The ministry considered in a statement these positions as an “important practical step in the right direction,” urging “more international efforts for the success of confidence-building measures to restore the political horizon for resolving the conflict and to create the atmosphere for launching a real peace process” based on international peace references and United Nations resolutions.

It stressed the need for these steps to achieve this goal, foremost of which is the re-opening of the US Consulate in Jerusalem.

The Ministry warned against Israel’s deceiving attempts regarding its settlement projects in general, and at Jerusalem airport in particular, especially since the Israeli Construction and Housing Committee postponed the approval of this settlement project and did not cancel it, which means Israel wants to wait until a time comes to proceed with its settlement plan after the international reaction subsides.

It said that “this apprehension is evident from the statement made by Israeli Foreign Minister Yair Lapid, who spoke frankly that Israel has no intention to cancel the project when he said that the Israeli government will develop a construction plan for the Atarot (Jerusalem airport) area that will not lead to a diplomatic crisis with the United States, which means that the Israeli occupation government will continue to gradually convince the US of this project and it will not back down from it because it is convinced that this would not cause a crisis with the United States.”

The ministry said the occupation bulldozers continue to work to prepare the infrastructure for this settlement project which will separate Jerusalem from its Palestinian surroundings from the northern side and puts obstacles in the way of the two-state solution.

Source: Palestine news & Information Agency – WAFA

Israeli bulldozers level land, demolish retaining walls

Israeli bulldozers leveled today evening an agricultural land belonging to a Jerusalemite resident in the Jerusalem neighborhood of Jabal al-Mukabbir, and destroyed the retaining walls built around it, according to WAFA correspondent.

Israeli forces, accompanied by staff from Israel’s West Jerusalem municipality, stormed the neighborhood of Jabal al-Mukabbir and demolished the retaining walls which have cost around 100 thousand Shekels (approximately 31 thousand Dollars.

The bulldozers further leveled the land and destroyed all the crops.

Source: Palestine news & Information Agency – WAFA

Reporters Without Borders and Euro-Med condemn Israeli travel bans on Palestinian journalists

Reporters Without Borders (RSF) and the Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Monitor (Euro-Med Monitor) condemned Israeli travel bans on Palestinian journalists and called for an immediate end to the Israeli travel bans that prevent dozens of Palestinian journalists, including Majdoleen Hassona, winner of this year’s RSF Press Freedom Prize for Independence, from leaving the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

The travel ban placed on Majdoleen Hassona two years ago by the Israeli authorities, who control the external borders of the Palestinian territories, have prevented her from returning from the West Bank to her base in Istanbul, where she works for the Turkish public broadcaster TRT. They have also prevented her from collecting her RSF award.

Hassona is far from being the only journalist subject to such a ban, said RSF and Euro-Med in a statement. According to a report published by Euro-Med Monitor on 29 November, “several” Palestinian journalists are subjected to similar bans that prevent them from travelling abroad and working freely.

RSF is aware of at least 21 Palestinian journalists who are currently banned from travelling abroad. In many cases, no reason is given for the prohibition. When RSF asked the Israeli authorities why Hassona is banned from travelling, they simply responded, “security reasons” and provided no further information.

“The bans on leaving the Palestinian territories that the Israeli authorities impose on Palestinian journalists clearly violate their freedom of movement,” said Sabrina Bennoui, the head of RSF’s Middle East desk. “The Israeli intelligence agencies and courts use ‘case confidentiality’ as a pretext for giving no reason and for maintaining these restrictions indefinitely in a completely arbitrary manner.”

Euro-Med chief media officer Nour Olwan said: “Journalists are not a party to the conflict and their coverage of current events is not a crime that they should be punished for. The Israeli authorities’ pursuit of such policies against Palestinian journalists is a setback for freedoms of expression and journalistic work.”

In many cases, the travel bans have remained in place for years, said the organizations. On the basis of a prior arrest, Nawaf Al-Amer, Al-Quds al-Arabi TV’s public programming director, has been forced to remain in the West Bank for “security reasons” since 1983.

Victims have waged an exhausting battle to get the bans lifted before eventually becoming resigned. Sami Abu Salem, who works for WAFA news agency and has been blocked in the Gaza Strip since 2016, told RSF that he has repeatedly tried without success to travel to the West Bank to participate in WAFA board meetings.

Israel is ranked 86th out of 180 countries in RSF’s 2021 World Press Freedom Index while Palestine is ranked 132nd.

Source: Palestine news & Information Agency – WAFA

President Abbas arrives in Tunisia on state visit

President Mahmoud Abbas arrived today evening in Tunisia on a state visit.

President Abbas was received by his Tunisian counterpart, Kais Saied, and a number of officials.

The president is accompanied by Minister of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates, Riyad Malki, Palestinian Authority (PA) Minister of Religious Affairs Mahmoud al-Habash, Diplomatic Advisor to President Mahmoud Abbas, Majdi Al-Khaldi, president’s advisor, Mustafa Abu al-Rob, Head of the Higher Presidential Committee for Churches Affairs in Palestine, Ramzi Khoury, and Ambassador of Palestine to Tunisia, Hael Fahoum.

Source: Palestine news & Information Agency – WAFA

Israeli demolition of Palestinian-owned structures reported in the south of the West Bank

Israeli demolitions of Palestinian-owned structures were reported today in the Hebron and Bethlehem districts in the south of the occupied West Bank, according to various sources.

In the Hebron district, WAFA correspondent said Israeli occupation forces demolished a 60-square meter, three-room house in the south of Hebron city displacing 13 people, and water well owned by the same person. Damage was also caused to the area.

In Umm al-Khair community in Masafer Yatta, south of Hebron city, Israeli forces razed 60 dunums of land owned by a local resident, and another 40 dunums of land in another community located near the illegal settlement of Karmiel, according to Rateb al-Jabour, a local activist.

The soldiers also razed another five dunums of land in al-Shyoukh town, northeast of Hebron city, located near the illegal Asfar settlement, he said.

In the Bethlehem district, Israeli occupation forces demolished three agricultural rooms in the town of Nahalin, west of Bethlehem city, according to Nahalin deputy mayor Hani Fannoun.

He told WAFA that the rooms were located in two different parts of the town.

Source: Palestine news & Information Agency – WAFA