شبكة تلفزيون الصين الدولية: دفع الضرائب أمرًا اختياريًا في أمريكا إذا كنت من أصحاب المليارات

بكين، 13 ديسمبر 2021 /PRNewswire/ — يدفع المليارديرات الأمريكيون، وفقًا لـتقرير نشرته منظمة الأخبار الاستقصائية غير الربحية ProPublica في يونيو استنادًا إلى مجموعة كبيرة من السجلات الضريبية المسربة من دائرة الإيرادات الداخلية (Internal Revenue Service – IRS)، ضرائب على جزء قليل فقط من دخلهم، إن وجد، وبمعدل أقل بكثير من الشخص العادي الذي يكافح من أجل التعايش بالراتب إلى موعد الراتب الأخر.

In America, paying taxes is optional if you're a billionaire

وقارن ذلك التقرير بين مقدار الضريبة التي يدفعها أغنى 25 أميركيًا سنويًا وبين ثرواتهم المتراكمة خلال نفس الفترة، وفقًا لتقديرات مجلة فوربس. حيث دفعت المجموعة مجتمعة، من إجمالي الثروة المتراكمة البالغة 401 مليار دولار، 13.6 مليار دولار كضرائب – وهو مبلغ مذهل إلا أنه كمعدل ضرائب حقيقي يُعادل نسبة 3.4 في المائة فقط.

وفي المقابل تدفع الأسرة المتوسطة الأمريكية 14 في المائة كضرائب فدرالية، بمعدلات ترتفع تدريجياً بناءً على الدخل. شهد، بين عامي 2014 و 2018، أصحاب الأجور من الأسر العادية في أوائل الأربعينيات من عمرهم توسعًا في صافي ثروتهم بمقدار 65,000 دولار في المتوسط، ويرجع ذلك أساسًا إلى ارتفاع قيمة منازلهم. ولكن الجزء الأكبر من هذه المكاسب – حوالي 62,000 دولار – ذهب إلى محصل الضرائب.

جعلت التخفيضات في تمويل دائرة الإيرادات الداخلية وتكتيكات التهرب الضريبي الأكثر تعقيدًا التي طورها الأثرياء، وفقًا لتقرير صادر عن المكتب الوطني للبحوث الاقتصادية، التهرب من الضرائب أسهل من أي وقت مضى. وغالبًا ما تتضمن هذه الأساليب الوصول إلى الموارد غير المتاحة لعامة الناس، مثل الملاجئ الضريبية الخارجية، والأعمال التجارية المستخدمة للتمويل العابر، وتقنيات المحاسبة المعقدة، وكلها تستغل الجوانب القانونية الغامضة.

حيث كان لدى أغنى 50 سلالة أسرية، في العام الماضي، في أمريكا ما مجموعه 1.2 تريليون دولار من الأصول. ووفقاً للتقرير فإن النصف السفلي من جميع الأسر الأمريكية – أي ما يقدر بنحو 65 مليون أسرة – قد تقاسمت ثروة قدرها 2.5 تريليون دولار وذلك بالمقارنة مع الطبقة الأخرى.

وأشار تشاك كولينز، المؤلف الرئيسي للدراسة، في مقابلة مع مجلة Jacobin إلى أن هذه العائلات الثرية أصحاب المليارات أقل تركيزًا على بدء الأعمال التجارية وتهتم أكثر باستخراج الإيجارات.

وصرح قائلًا: “أنه، في ظل ترسيخ هذا النظام، سيكون أصحاب المليارات اليوم منشآت سلالة الغد. وإذا استمر هذا النمط لمدة 20 عامًا بنفس الوتيرة الحالية، فسيكون لدينا تركيزات أكبر للثروة والقوة الوراثية التي تهيمن على السياسة والاقتصاد والإعلام والعمل الخيري. يبدو الأمر وكأنه نظام إقطاعي، تفوح منه رائحة الإقطاع”.


الصورة – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1707772/In_America_paying_taxes_optional_you_re_a_billionaire.jpg

شركتا شيفرون لوماس غلوبال أل أل سي وأرامكو السعودية توفعان اتفاقية تقنية مبادرة الزيت الثقيل لأرامكو للتعاون والترخيص

ريتشموند، كاليفورنيا، 13 كانون الأول/ديسمبر، 2021 /PRNewswire/ — وقعت شركتا شيفرون لوماس غلوبال وأرامكو السعودية اتفاقية للتعاون والترخيص اتفاقية تقنية مبادرة الزيت الثقيل لأرامكو زائد للتعاون والترخيص HOPI+.

تهدف اتفاقية تقنية مبادرة الزيت الثقيل للتعاون والترخيص  إلى تحقيق تحويل أعلى نسبيًا لبقايا التفريغ والمدخلات الثقيلة الأخرى المتاحة، بما في ذلك الخام الإضافي، باستخدام منصة LC-FINING الخاصة بـشيفرون لوماس غلوبال (المشار إليه معا باسم LC-HOPI+.   من المتوقع أن تساعد العملية المبتكرة LC-HOPI + في تقليل كل من النفقات الرأسمالية والنفقات التشغيلية وتحسين الهوامش بشكل كبير من أجل تحسين سعر البرميل من النفط.

CLG Logo

 وفي العام 2019، انضمت أرامكو السعودية إلى شركة شيفرون لوماس غلوبال في منشأة البحث والتطوير التابعة لها في ريتشموند، كاليفورنيا، لإنشاء وتطوير اختبار تجريبي أولي للمفهوم.  أدى النجاح هناك إلى مزيد من تقييمات HOPI + مقابل مخططات العمليات المختلفة، مما ساعد بشكل أكبر على تحديد القيمة المضافة للتكنولوجيا.

وقال أوجال موخيرجي، المدير العام لشركة  شيفرون لوماس غلوبال إن HOPI +، جنبًا إلى جنب مع منصة LC-FINING الخاصة بـشيفرون لوماس غلوبال، هو مفهوم مبتكر يعمل في الوقت نفسه على زيادة إنتاج النفط الخام وتحويل المخلفات إلى وقود نقل ثمين ومواد أولية للبتروكيماويات مع تقليل رأس المال والطاقة.”  “تعزز هذه المبادرة العلاقة بين أرامكو السعودية وشيفرون غلوماس غلوبال  بينما نقوم بتطوير ومتابعة وتسويق التكنولوجيا الجديدة والمبتكرة.”

وقال معتز المعشوق، المدير التنفيذي لشركة أرامكو السعودية: “يعكس هذا التعاون مع شركة شيفرون لوماس غلوبال تركيز أرامكو السعودية على التقنيات المتطورة التي تولد قيمة مضافة عبر سلسلة الهيدروكربونات”.

تعتزم كل من شركة شيفرون لوماس غلوبال وأرامكو السعودية الآن التعاون في تطوير تقنية LC-HOPI + قبل التسويق العالمي للتقنية من قبل شيفرون لوماس غلوبال.

حول شركة شيفرون لوماس جلوبال

شركة شيفرون لوماس غلوبال هي مشروع مشترك بين شركة شيفرون يو أس أيه إنك  ولوماس تكنولوجي، وهي شركة رائدة في مجال ترخيص تقنيات المعالجة المائية وتكنولوجيات المعالجة المائية وأنواع الوقود البديلة، فضلاً عن كونها رائدة عالميًا في توريد نظام الحفاز.  تقدم شيفرون لوماس غلوبال الحل الأكثر اكتمالا لسعر البرميل لتحسين بقايا الزيت الثقيل.  يسعى خبراؤنا للبحث والتطوير باستمرار إلى تحقيق تقدم في التكنولوجيا والعوامل الحفازة التي من شأنها تحسين اقتصاديات التشغيل لمشروعك القادم.  لمزيد من المعلومات، يرجى زيارة www.chevronlummus.com.

 الشعار – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1372812/CLG_fullcolor.jpg

Israeli forces shoot, injure teenager near checkpoint in Tulkarem

Israeli soldiers manning the Annab military checkpoint to the east of Tulkarem, in the northern occupied West Bank, opened fire towards a group of Palestinian youth, shooting and injuring a teenager, according to eyewitnesses.

A fourteen-year-old teenager was shot and injured in the thigh while he, along with a group of youth were present near the Annab checkpoint.

The teenager was transferred to hospital for medical treatment, where his condition was described as moderate.

Source: Palestinian News & Info Agency

Italy contributes €3M towards UNRWA services in West Bank and Syria

The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) and the Government of Italy signed a €2 million agreement in support of Palestine refugee students in the occupied West Bank, including East Jerusalem.

The agreement was signed at the UNRWA Jerusalem Girls’ School and was attended by the Italian Consul General in Jerusalem, Giuseppe Fedele, the Director of AICS, Guglielmo Giordano, and the UNRWA Director of Partnerships, Karim Amer.

Education plays a crucial role to support the children and the youth of the West Bank to develop their full potential. This project, with the support of the Italian Government, will ensure an adequate environment for 46,000 UNRWA school students in the West Bank, guaranteeing that 96 UNRWA schools are capable and ready to identify child protection issues and provide the necessary support, as well as improving the service delivery of education and promote students’ digital literacy, said an UNRWA press release.

This support comes in addition to the €1 million which the Government of Italy contributed towards health and protection services for Palestine refugees in Syria. This generous funding will enable UNRWA to sustain the provision of primary, secondary, and tertiary health care at 23 of its health centers and health points. In addition, the contribution will help the Agency to extend its protection services and awareness programming over the next 12 months by covering one staff member and supporting various protection activities, training, and workshops, said the release.

“Over the years, Italy has proven to be a reliable and longstanding supporter of UNRWA, its mandate, and activities across all fields of operation. By working to meet both the basic core service requirements and the longer-term needs of more than five million Palestine refugees, UNRWA continues to serve as an essential anchor of stability in the region,” said Giuseppe Fedele, Consul General of Italy in Jerusalem.

“Through these generous contributions, the Government of Italy has demonstrated its longstanding commitment to Palestine refugees across the Middle East. In particular, understanding the vital importance education plays in supporting the children and the youth of the West Bank to develop their full potential,” said Karim Amer, UNRWA Director of Partnerships.

“The breadth of contributions the Government of Italy is giving in support of UNRWA showcases their importance as a key donor to the Agency and its backing of all Palestine refugees,” he added.

In 2021, the Government of Italy has provided predictable and diverse funding to UNRWA supporting activities across the Agency’s priorities.

Source: Palestinian News & Info Agency

Israel razes land, uproots trees south of Hebron

Israeli bulldozers today razed a plot of Palestinian land and uprooted 120 fruitful trees in Birin village, southeast of Hebron city, according to local sources.

Fou’ad al-Amour, an activist, told WAFA that the Israeli forces escorted a bulldozer into the village, where the heavy machinery leveled a three-donums plot of land and uprooted 120 olive and almond trees.

He added the occupation forces also demolished a rainwater harvesting well in Khalet al-Furn area, close to the illegal Israeli settlement of Bani Haiver, east of Hebron.

According to the Land Research Center, Israel has frequently issued military stop-construction and demolition orders against various residential and agricultural structures and dismantled barns in the locality, citing the lack of rarely-issued construction permits as a pretext.

In December 2017, Israel delivered stop-construction orders to the locality’s sole clinic and building intended to serve as a primary school for the community’s 60 children

In June 2019, as showed in a PLO’s Negotiations Affairs Department’s report, Israel seized 4,800 dunams of land from several localities, including Birin, for the expansion of Bani Haiver.

Located to the southwest of Bani Na‘im, Birin has a population of 160 and is flanked by Bani Haiver colonial settlement from the east and the settler-only bypass Road No. 60 from the west. Its residents were originally expelled from Naqab in southern Israel and now depend on agriculture and livestock as their main source of livelihood.

The “Civil Administration” is the name Israel gives to the body administering its military occupation of the West Bank.

Soldiers in the oxymoronically named Civil Administration determine where Palestinians may live, where and when they may travel (including to other parts of the occupied territories like Gaza and East Jerusalem), whether they can build or expand homes on their own land, whether they own that land at all, whether an Israeli settler can takeover that land among others.

Source: Palestinian News & Info Agency

Israel demolishes Palestinian houses in Jerusalem

The Israeli occupation authorities today demolished two Palestinian houses in the occupied city of Jerusalem, sources confirmed.

Israeli police and municipal staff stormed al-Shayyah area in the East Jerusalem neighborhood of al-Tur, where a bulldozer they escorted tore down the remaining poles and foundations of al-Burqan family’s house, which was self-demolished a month ago.

“This morning, we were surprised to see the Israeli occupation bulldozers proceeding with the demolition of the foundations of our two-storey house, which we were forced to self-demolish last November, to avoid a fine of 400,000 shekels for demolition costs,” said Um EyadBurqan. “But the occupation returned to demolish its foundations, to force us to pay the costs.”

“As if demolishing our house and displacing 20 people, my four sons and their children isn’t enough. They [the Israeli occupation authorities] want to fine us the costs of the demolition, by fabricating false pretexts.”

Meanwhile, Israeli bulldozers tore down a house belonging to al-Heleisy family near Jerusalem’s Dung Gate, reducing it to rubble.

Both structures were demolished purportedly for being built without licenses.

Using the pretext of illegal building, Israel demolishes houses on a regular basis to restrict Palestinian expansion in occupied Jerusalem.

At the same time, the municipality and government build tens of thousands of housing units in illegal settlements in East Jerusalem for Jews with a goal to offset the demographic balance in favor of the Jewish settlers in the occupied city.

Although Palestinians in East Jerusalem, a part of the internationally recognized Palestinian Territory that has been subject to Israeli military occupation since 1967, they are denied their citizenship rights and are instead classified only as “residents” whose permits can be revoked if they move away from the city for more than a few years.

They are also discriminated against in all aspects of life including housing, employment and services, and are unable to access services in the West Bank due to the construction of Israel’s separation wall.

According to a report by the Israeli human rights group B’Tselem, the Israeli High Court could be liable for war crimes for their policies that led to the dispossession of Palestinians from their properties in Area C of the West Bank.

The report, Fake Justice, shows that the court’s support of Israeli planning policy is tantamount to support for dispossession and forcible transfer of Palestinians, a war crime under international law.

Source: Palestinian News & Info Agency

Settlers attempt to storm school south of Nablus

Israeli settlers Tuesday morning attempted to storm a school in al-Lubban Ash-Sharqiya village, south of Nablus, according to a local activist.

Ghassan Daghlas, who monitors colonial settlement activities in the northern West Bank, said that some 150 settlers, under military protection, attempted to break in the school campus, but their attempt was fended off by the villagers.

The settlers also stormed the village entrance and deliberately obstructed the arrival of students to their schools, located on the main road connecting Ramallah city to Nablus city.

Attacks on education by Israeli military forces and Israeli settlers in the Palestine constitute grave violations of children’s rights to education and development. These attacks are particularly prevalent in the most vulnerable areas of the West Bank – Area C, H2 and Jerusalem.

Over 700,000 Israelis live in Jewish-only colonial settlements across occupied East Jerusalem and the West Bank in violation of international law.

Source: Palestinian News & Info Agency

Israeli forces detain 19 Palestinians, confiscate funds in West Bank raids

Israeli forces Tuesday overnight detained 19 Palestinians and confiscated funds in multiple raids across the West Bank, according to local and security sources.

They said that Israeli forces barged their way into Deir Abu Masha’al village, northwest of Ramallah, where they rounded up three Palestinians, including an injured young man, after breaking into their houses.

They also rounded up a 16-year-old teen and forcibly entered several houses in the nearby village of Deir Nidham, which has been under blockade and a target of frequent raids and assaults for over two weeks.

The soldiers have erected barriers at the village entrances, stopping vehicles and thoroughly inspecting passengers.

The sources added that another was detained from his house in Kafr Ni’ma town, west of the city. The detainee was identified as a student enrolled in Birzeit University (BU).

In Jerusalem district, Israeli police rounded up two others; a BU student from Wadi al-Joz neighborhood and young man from al-Issawiya neighborhood.

Heavily-armed police and intelligence officers barged their way into Sur Baher neighborhood, where they showed up at the houses of the families of at least three prisoners, went inside and searched them, turning them upside down.

They handed them military orders to seize funds purportedly received from “hostile entities” –in reference to the Palestinian Authority or factions—as reported by the Wadi Hilweh Information Center.

By the time the raid was over, police confiscated some 11,500 shekels (some $3,700).

In Bethlehem district, Israeli military vehicles stormed Jabal al-Mawalih neighborhood, where the soldiers detained another.

They also raided in al-Walaja village, west of the southern West Bank city, resulting in the detention of another.

The sources added that a similar raid was carried out in Marah Rabah village, south of the city, where the soldiers forcibly entered and searched the houses of three brothers, turning them topsy-turvy. No detentions were reported though.

In Hebron district, the soldiers forced their way into Sa‘ir town, east of the city, where they rounded up two others.

They also detained three others; two of them were identified as residents of Ash-Shuyukh and Tarqumiyah towns, northeast and northwest of the city.

In the northern West Bank, the soldiers showed up at a house in Kafr ‘Abbush town, southeast of Tulkarm, where they detained another.

They conducted predawn raids in Tulkarm city as well as in Far‘un and Kafr al-Labad towns, northwest and east of the city, resulting in the detention of three others.

In Nablus district, another was detained as Israeli troops targeted the villagers of al-Lubban Ash-Sharqiya, south of the city, who fended off a settler attack against a local school, as confirmed by Ghassan Daghlas, who monitors Israeli colonial settlement activities in the northern West Bank.

Israeli forces frequently raid Palestinian houses almost on a daily basis across the West Bank on the pretext of searching for “wanted” Palestinians, triggering clashes with residents.

These raids, which take place also in areas under the full control of the Palestinian Authority, are conducted with no need for a search warrant, whenever and wherever the military chooses in keeping with its sweeping arbitrary powers.

Under Israeli military law army commanders have full executive, legislative and judicial authority over 3 million Palestinians living in the West Bank. Palestinians have no say in how this authority is exercised.

Source: Palestinian News & Info Agency

Ministry of Higher Education condemn Israeli occupation storming of Birzeit University

The Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research condemned the Israeli occupation storming of Birzeit University at dawn Tuesday.

The Ministry decried in a press statement the Israeli military raid into the university campus, resulting in the sabotaging of the campus contents, attacking its guards, injuring a student with a rubber pullet, and arresting another from his home in Kafr Ni’ma town, west of Ramallah.

The Ministry stressed that “these attacks constitute a severe violation of all international laws and conventions that criminalize any violation of the sanctity of universities and educational institutions.”

It also emphasized on the fact that “these attacks will never break our will; Rather, we will be more adherent to the education and learning process.”

In this regard, the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research has renewed its call to the Union of International Universities, Union of Arab Universities, and all international and human rights institutions to expose these violations and attacks against educational institutions.

Meanwhile, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates condemned the raid as an integral part of the incessant Israeli aggression against the Palestinian people and a gross violation of international norms and laws.

It called upon the international community and competent United Nations organizations, particularly the UNESCO, to speak out against Israeli assaults on educational institutions and take all necessary measures, under international law, to ensure protection of the Palestinian people along with its educational institutions.

Source: Palestinian News & Info Agency

Israeli forces storm university campus north of Ramallah

Israeli forces Tuesday dawn stormed the campus of Birzeit University, north of the West Bank city of Ramallah, according to local sources.

They said that Israeli forces cordoned off the university campus, located in Birzeit town, blocking all of its entrances before breaking into the campus.

The university administration said in a press release that the soldiers assaulted the university guards during the raid and tampered with the university and students’ possessions.

It condemned the raid as a “blatant attack on the norms and covenants that prohibit attacks on academic and health facilities.”

The raid triggered confrontations in the vicinity of the campus, where the soldiers opened fire to disperse local protestors.

Attacks on education by Israeli military forces and Israeli settlers in the Palestine constitute grave violations of right to education and development. These attacks are particularly prevalent in the most vulnerable areas of the West Bank – Area C, H2 and Jerusalem.

Source: Palestinian News & Info Agency

Israeli abusive policing in al-Lydd during May hostilities – Human Rights Watch

Israeli law enforcement agencies used excessive force to disperse peaceful protests by Palestinians in Lod (al-Lydd) during civil unrest in the city in May 2021, Human Rights Watch said today.

At times the police appeared to act half-heartedly and unevenly to violence against Palestinian citizens of Israel committed by Jewish ultra-nationalists. Public statements by senior Israeli officials appeared to encourage discriminatory responses by authorities and the judiciary. The police response in Lod took place amid systematic discrimination that the Israeli government practices against Palestinian citizens of Israel in many other aspects of their lives.

“Israeli authorities responded to the May events in Lod by forcibly dispersing Palestinians protesting peacefully, while using inflammatory rhetoric and failing to act even-handedly as Jewish ultra-nationalists attacked Palestinians,” said Omar Shakir, Israel and Palestine director at Human Rights Watch. “This apparent discriminatory response underscores the reality that the Israeli state apparatus privileges Jewish Israelis at the expense of Palestinians, wherever they live and irrespective of their legal status.” The Commission of Inquiry on Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territory established by the United Nations Human Rights Council in May should investigate these apparently discriminatory practices and whether the inflammatory comments by senior Israeli officials incited violence.

Human Rights Watch in July and October interviewed 10 Lod residents in person, including a current and a former city councilor, relatives of victims, and two Jewish witnesses. Human Rights Watch also conducted analysis and geo-localization of several video clips filmed between May 10 and 14 and published on social media. The evidence indicated that the authorities responded to the events in an apparently discriminatory manner.

Human Rights Watch also reviewed reports by Israeli and international media to establish as precise a timeline as possible and interviewed an additional witness, who wishes to remain anonymous, to many of the acts of violence and the police response, as well as analysts from two Israeli human rights organizations who examined the events in Lod.

Lod, a mixed Jewish and Palestinian city in central Israel, has experienced the rising influence of an ultra-nationalist group, the Garin Torani, which has sought to promote the city’s Jewish identity amid longstanding discrimination against the country’s Palestinian citizens. In 2013, an alleged Garin Torani sympathizer, Yair Revivo of the Likud Party, was elected mayor and has served continuously since then.

Unrest in Lod and in other cities in Israel and the West Bank took place in May against the backdrop of discriminatory efforts to force Palestinians from their homes in occupied East Jerusalem, the use of excessive force by Israeli security forces against protesters and worshippers at the al-Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem, and the eruption on May 10 of hostilities between Israel and Palestinian armed groups in Gaza that lasted until May 21. During those hostilities, Israeli authorities and Palestinian groups committed violations of the laws of war and war crimes, as documented by Human Rights Watch.

Israeli authorities forcibly dispersed many of the street protests that Palestinians carried out inside Israel and the West Bank during this period.

On the evening of May 10, Palestinians began peacefully protesting outside Lod’s al-Omari mosque against the threatened takeover of Palestinian homes in East Jerusalem. While the police had authorized the demonstration, witnesses said security forces fired teargas and threw stun grenades at the crowd after a young man replaced an Israeli flag with a Palestinian flag on public property. Palestinian demonstrators later set garbage bins, cars, and tires on fire, and confrontations with Jewish residents broke out elsewhere in the city.

In the four days that followed, groups of Palestinian and Jewish rioters separately targeted Jewish and Palestinian properties and places of worship. In addition to the killing of a Jew and a Palestinian, scores were injured, a Muslim cemetery was vandalized, and dozens of cars burned. The government issued an emergency declaration on May 12 aiming to curb the violence, including by prohibiting non-residents from entering Lod.

In some instances, documented by Human Rights Watch, law enforcement deployed to secure Lod stood by or failed to act in a timely manner to protect Palestinian residents of Lod from violence by Jewish ultra-nationalists located near them or in their line of sight.

Witnesses said they included members of ultra-nationalist Jewish groups who came from outside Lod. In one case, the Israeli newspaper Haaretz reported that municipal authorities provided overnight accommodations to members of these groups.

On October 26, Human Rights Watch wrote to Mayor Revivo, the Israeli police commissioner, and the Public Security and Justice ministries about our interim findings. The police commissioner oversees all police commands in the country. None have responded.

Israeli authorities and courts handled in starkly different ways the murders of a Palestinian man and of a Jewish Israeli respectively killed by civilians in complex circumstances during the Lod violence.

In the murder of Musa Hassuna, a Palestinian, the authorities released all Jewish suspects on bail less than 48 hours after the killing, after they pleaded self-defense. The authorities closed the investigation against them less than six months later without charges. In the murder of Yigal Yehoshua, who is Jewish, eight Palestinian suspects have been detained for months, awaiting prosecution on a number of charges, including “murder as an act of terrorism.” While the victims were killed in different circumstances, one in the midst of a skirmish and the other as he drove home, both cases are muddled and rely on limited and seemingly inconclusive evidence. Yet, one led to indictments while the other did not.

Amnesty International and Israeli human rights groups said that the authorities responded to disturbances in a discriminatory manner in other so-called “mixed-cities” inside Israel, including Jaffa and Ramle. This report focuses on the events in Lod.

On May 12, scores of Jewish ultra-nationalists who do not live in Lod entered the city, some of them armed, in violation of the government’s emergency declaration issued hours earlier barring non-residents from entering, witnesses told Human Rights Watch. An Israeli journalist reporting from Lod and the sitting city councilor said that municipal authorities hosted the outsiders overnight in a building owned by the city near a Palestinian cemetery. Mayor Revivo denied having been informed of this move or approving it. Overnight, these groups threw stones at Palestinian houses and shops, and at the al-Omari mosque. Video clips of some incidents show police positioned close to Jewish rioters as they throw stones but doing nothing.

Following the May unrest, over about two weeks, security forces detained 2,142 people across Israel and East Jerusalem in a “deterrence” operation that authorities named “Law and Order.” According to Amnesty International, approximately 90 percent of those detained were Palestinian citizens of Israel and residents of East Jerusalem. In a September report, AFP wrote that the Israeli police had confirmed the arrest of 154 people in connection to “disturbances” in Lod. Out of those, 120 were Palestinians.

Palestinian citizens of Israel face systematic discrimination in many other facets of life, including with regard to legal status, land policies, and access to resources and services, as Human Rights Watch has documented. This systematic discrimination reflects the Israeli government’s overarching policy to privilege Jewish Israelis at the expense of Palestinians.

Human Rights Watch has found that Israeli authorities are committing the crimes against humanity of apartheid and persecution, based on an Israeli government policy to maintain the domination by Jewish Israelis over Palestinians wherever they live, and grave abuses against Palestinians living in the Occupied Palestinian Territory.

The crime of apartheid is committed when these elements come together.

International human rights law requires authorities to provide everyone, without distinction as to race, color, or national or ethnic origin, to equality before the law. The authorities have a duty to protect everyone’s right to life, without discrimination, which requires taking reasonable measure to prevent attacks that threaten life, and to investigate and prosecute those responsible.

International human rights law also requires security forces to protect the right to peaceful assembly, regardless of the demonstrators’ political views or identity, without using excessive force. At the same time, law enforcement needs to respond to violent acts in a proportionate manner that minimizes the use of force and protects people and property, without discrimination.

Israeli authorities should investigate how authorities responded to unrest in Lod and across Israel.

The UN Commission of Inquiry established by the Human Rights Council in May is the first to look at violations committed inside Israel’s 1967 borders. Commissioners should investigate the Israeli government’s actions in Lod and treatment of Palestinians across Israel and the occupied territories, Human Rights Watch said.

“In Lod, Israeli police and authorities appear to have treated citizens differently based on whether they are Jewish or Palestinian,” Shakir said. “The UN Commission of Inquiry should seize the unprecedented opportunity to tackle the discrimination and other abuses Palestinians in Israel face solely on account of their identity.” T.R.

Source: Palestinian News & Info Agency

Palestine records 343 new Covid-19 cases, nine deaths

Palestine today recorded 343 new Covid-19 cases and nine deaths, according to Health Minister Mai Alkaila.

She announced that 343 Palestinians tested positive for the highly contagious virus and nine others died of it in the occupied territories.

As part of the 343 new cases, 215 cases were registered in the West Bank and 128 others in the Gaza Strip.

She identified the death cases as two residents of the Gaza Strip and seven others of the West Bank district of Hebron.

She added that 224 Covid-19 patients recovered; 184 recovery cases in the West Bank and 40 others in the Gaza Strip.

She pointed that 57 Covid-19 patients are getting treatment in intensive care units and 97 others are currently receiving treatment at hospitals, including 16 who are on ventilators.

She said that the recovery rate in Palestine has so far reached 98.2 percent and the active cases account for 0.8 percent. The death toll stood at 1 percent of total infections.

Source: Palestinian News & Info Agency