Cabinet meets after reshuffle

The Cabinet of Prime Minister Bisher Khasawneh met on Tuesday after a Royal Decree approved a reshuffle of the government.

At the outset of the session, Khasawneh congratulated the new ministers who joined the government, expressing his confidence that they will be up to the task.

He also thanked outgoing ministers, noting they all did a good job in the service of the country and its leadership as they worked under “exceptional circumstances” and challenges, namely the Covid-19 pandemic and the repercussions of the Russian-Ukrainian crisis on the prices of goods and global supply chains.

The Prime Minister said the government is keen to pursue implementation of the comprehensive modernization scheme, led by His Majesty King Abdullah II and supported by His Highness Crown Prince Al Hussein bin Abdullah II, in its three tracks: the political modernization system, economic modernization vision and the public sector modernization roadmap.

The government, he said, embarked on the implementation phases of the economic and administrative tracks six months ago, and also finalized the legislative package and constitutional amendments for the next constitutional requirement, parliamentary elections, which will be held next year, and for the first time will be based on the outcomes of the new election and political parties laws and relevant constitutional amendments.

The Premier said a lot of work needs to accomplish, especially laying the ground work for the next stages of the comprehensive modernization enterprise, which requires strenuous efforts with more focus and harmony between state institutions as it does not tolerate slowness, distraction, duplication, inconsistency or conflict.

He noted that the relationship with both the Parliament’s chambers, the Lower House and Senate, is governed by flexible separation, balance and cooperation within constitutional controls, adding that the parliament’s ordinary session will be held soon, where the government has a legislative agenda.

Khasawneh said he pinned high hopes on his ministerial team to establish a “solid program” to build for the next stages of the modernization process, which is irreversible as His Majesty the King reiterated in so many occasions.

Also during today’s session, the cabinet renamed the ministerial economic team and ministerial committees after the reshuffle, and also named incoming Minister of Government Communications as official spokesman of the government.

Source: Jordan News Agency

Justice minister, EU ambassador talk legal cooperation

Minister of Justice, Dr. Ahmed Ziadat, on Tuesday discussed with Head of Delegation of the European Union to Jordan, Pierre-Christophe Chatzisavas , and his accompanying delegation, ways to enhance joint cooperation and coordination.

The two sides discussed progress of Support to Rule of Law Project through the budget funded by the European Union for 2023-2026, according to a ministry statement.

Ziadat congratulated Pierre-Christophe on his appointment as new EU ambassador to Jordan, wishing him success in his new tenure.

The minister also praised the “deep-rooted” Jordan-EU relations, valuing the EU’s role in supporting the Kingdom’s justice sector.

For his part, Pierre-Christophe stressed the depth of joint cooperation relations between Jordan’s Ministry of Justice and the EU, which aims to support the rule of law in the Kingdom.

Source: Jordan News Agency

Army Chief, Chair of NATO Military Committee discuss ties

Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Maj. Gen. Yousef Huneiti on Tuesday welcomed at the General Command Headquarters of the Jordan Armed Forces- Arab Army (JAF) Chair of the NATO Military Committee Adm. Rob Bauer and an accompanying delegation.

They discussed various aspects of cooperation and joint coordination in military operational, training and logistical fields to achieve the aspired-for goals to serve the armed forces of the two sides.

The army chief highlighted the importance of coordination with NATO to tackle various challenges, including food security, as the two sides discussed current and future common goals “according to the nature of developments taking place in the region at various levels.”

The NATO official commended JAF efforts and noted Jordan’s key role in maintaining regional security and stability.

Source: Jordan News Agency

The Cabinet approves the issuance of the Air Defense Institute system

The Council of Ministers decided to approve the issuance of the Air Defense Institute system, based on the provisions of the Defense University Law for Military Studies No. (4) of 2016, and the provisions of the Constitution, taking into account the observations of the Legal Department in the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers.

In today’s session, the Council of Ministers approved the recommendation of the Ministerial Council for Energy (23083 of 2023) regarding the gas gathering and compression project in the Nasiriyah oil field.

Source: National Iraqi News Agency

The so-called military commander of Anbar Province in ISIS terrorist gangs arrested

The Directorate of Military Intelligence Directorate announced; The so-called military commander of ISIS terrorist gangs was arrested in the so-called Anbar Province.

The Directorate stated in a statement, “Based on accurate intelligence information, an elaborate ambush was set up in Rutba district, which resulted in the arrest of one of the leaders of ISIS terrorist gangs, the so-called military commander in Anbar Province, against whom an arrest warrant was issued in accordance with the provisions of Article Four of the Anti-Terrorism Law.”

Source: National Iraqi News Agency

Police arrest a person accused of stealing 55 million dinars from a banking office in Hilla

The police arrested a person on charges of stealing an amount of 55 million dinars from a banking office in Hilla, the center of Babylon Governorate.

Babylon Police Information Director, Brigadier General Adel Al-Husseini, said: “The police transferred the accused to the competent authorities for investigation, and the seized items were kept.”

Source: National Iraqi News Agency

Protests resume on Gaza border with Israel, injuries caused by Israeli occupation’s suppression

Eleven people were today injured by a live bullet, another hit by a gas bomb in the head, and others suffered suffocation after the Israeli occupation forces targeted protests that resumed at the Gaza borders with Israel.

WAFA correspondent said that the occupation soldiers stationed on the border fence opened fire and shot tear gas canisters at dozens of people who demonstrated near the fence east of Gaza City in the north and east of Rafah in the south of the Gaza Strip, which led to the injury of 11 people with live bullets and a boy with a tear gas canister, while others suffocated from inhaling tear gas.

Meanwhile, Israeli drones attacked several locations in the Gaza Strip causing damage but no injuries.

The protests continue for the 11th day in a row in various locations in the eastern Gaza Strip against the tight Israeli siege imposed on the Gaza Strip for the last 17 years and against the occupation’s continuous crimes against the Palestinian people, holy places, and prisoners.

Source: Palestine News & Information Agency

Foreign Minister Malki receives a copy of the credentials of the Saudi ambassador to Palestine

The Minister of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates Riyad Malki today received at the Ministry’s headquarters in Ramallah the new Saudi ambassador Nayef al-Sudairi and his accompanying delegation and received a copy of his credentials as a non-resident ambassador plenipotentiary and extraordinary, and Consul General in Jerusalem.

Malki welcomed al-Sudairi in Palestine, praising the deep-rooted historical and brotherly relations that bind their two countries, appreciating at the same time the sincere positions of Saudi Arabia in supporting the just and legitimate national rights of the Palestinian people in all forums, especially the efforts made by Saudi Arabia on the sidelines of the 78th session of the United Nations General Assembly held in New York, and its pioneering role in bringing peace and stability to the region and serving the issues of the Arab and Islamic nations under the leadership of King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud and his Crown Prince, Prime Minister, Prince Mohammed bin Salman.

Malki considered this visit an important historical milestone for strengthening and developing bilateral relations between the two countries and opening more horizons for joint cooperation in all fields.

For his part, al-Sudairi expressed his happiness in representing his country in the State of Palestine and in his presence in Palestine, saluting the steadfastness and sacrifices of the Palestinian people.

At the end of the meeting, Malki wished al-Sudairi success in his new duties, stressing the readiness of his ministry in all its sectors to provide all assistance necessary to facilitate his official duties with the State of Palestine.

Source: Palestine News & Information Agency

Weather: No change in temperature or weather conditions

Generally clear conditions are expected in Palestine today with no change in temperature remaining slightly above the seasonal average, according to the Palestine Meteorological Department.

Winds are northwesterly light to moderate, and sea waves are low.

The temperature in the capital, Jerusalem, and Bethlehem is expected to reach a high of 29°C and a low of 18°C, and in Ramallah and Hebron a high of 28°C and a low of 17°C. In Jericho, the Dead Sea, and the Jordan Valley, the temperature is expected to reach a high of 39C and a low of 25°C, while it is expected to reach a high of 31°C and a low of 22°C in Gaza and the coastal areas.

No change in temperature or weather conditions is expected for tomorrow, Wednesday.

However, a rise in temperature is expected on Thursday to become two degrees Celsius above the seasonal average, said the PMD.

Temperature is expected to drop, remaining slightly above the seasonal average.

Source: Palestine News & Information Agency